Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 155: Super band

Time to unveil the list!

Like last time, the test results are also displayed in echelon!

However, this time there are fewer people!

Only sixty-four people!

Li Mu and Wang Chenglin can be promoted! Sixty away!

Li Zixuan is a little better! Fifty-fifth!

Then there was no more name for Qingyun Province!

"It seems that I am going to be eliminated this time!" Zhang Qiang said with a wry smile.

The other student who didn't see his name also looked sad.

Ye Chen patted them on the shoulders: "In the future, there are many opportunities, there is no need to hang on a tree!"

Tenth place, ninth place! The second, third, and fourth places all came out soon!

Some are excited, some laugh, and some cry sadly!

This is competition, cruelty is inevitable!

However, afterwards, everyone once again set their sights on the list!

They want to see, who is the number one this time?


A huge photo, like a big mountain, fell to the top of the trapezoidal formation!

It's Luo Ming!

Everyone was not surprised at all!

However, when everyone turned around and wanted to leave, another mountain fell!

In the mountains of Jingyang, Qingyun Province! Ye Chen!

"Double first again?"

"It's all full marks!"

Everyone looked in a daze! Especially those who are eliminated, at this moment are even more...

Is it so easy to get full marks?

"Huh? You are the same as mine?" Luo Ming looked at the results, feeling a little unacceptable!

"The total score is so much, I can't test too much." Ye Chen said helplessly, spreading his hands.

Hearing this, Luo Ming was expressionless and a little unhappy!

He looked forward to the challenge, but he could not accept the draw!

I had always wanted to find someone who could challenge him, but what he really wanted was a foil, not someone standing by!

Now, Ye Chen is level with himself twice, making him feel that his territory has been violated!

Ye Chen and him are just like guests. They come here once in a while to talk and chat. He is naturally happy, but if the guests do not leave the house for a long time, then he will be unhappy!

He raised his head and said to Ye Chen: "I hope that the next test paper will allow us to distinguish between high and low!"

Then, following the beautiful teacher with long hair and **** in a gray short skirt and small suit who was already waiting next to him, turned and left!

Ye Chen didn't notice Luo Ming's emotional changes at all, or in other words, he didn't even bother about it!

His eyes have been fixed on Luo Ming's beautiful teacher with long hair and big breasts!

It was not until the teacher left, completely invisible, that he looked back!

Looking at Mu Qingqing, she couldn't help but shook her head: "It's all teachers, how can the difference be so big! Look at her! How cool she wears! She is comfortable on her own, and we are also pleasing to the eyes! Teacher Mu, can we see good people? Si Qi, learn something? If there is nothing suitable, I can..."

Before he finished speaking, Teacher Liang next to him couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but stare at him!

Ye Chen smiled, and shut up honestly!

Wang Chenglin and others couldn't help but nod in agreement to Ye Chen's words!

Obviously, these guys just peeped at them!


When Ye Chen and others returned to the hotel, they saw a few people who had been eliminated in the morning!

They are not in a hurry to go back!

Because, in accordance with the practice of previous years, tomorrow’s exam will be sixty-four and thirty-two!

It should be... annihilated!

Then everyone can go together...

"During the day, for two consecutive exams, everyone is nervous and must be tired! It just so happens that there is a symphony orchestra concert tonight, let's relax."

Mu Qingqing didn't freeze her face anymore, and said calmly.

"Which orchestra?"

"Super Band!" Mu Qingqing said.

"What? Super Orchestra!" After hearing this, Wang Chenglin next to him was ecstatic in his heart, and he couldn't believe it!

"Is this orchestra famous?" Ye Chen asked puzzledly, he really didn't know!

"Famous! Don't be too famous! The Super Orchestra is the most famous symphony orchestra in the world today!"

"Many people are proud to hear their music. In Western countries, they are even more noticed! Every time they appear, they are empty streets! I have heard their CDs and it is shocking! I didn't expect to have the opportunity to be here this time. Listen live!"

"It was a surprise!" Wang Chenglin shouted.

The others couldn't help but nod, their faces full of expectation! Obviously this super band, they have already known it!

"The concert performance time is 8 o'clock this evening, I have already bought the tickets for you! Of course, if some people don't want to go, they don't need to go." When she said this, Mu Qingqing stared at Ye Chen. At a glance!

Obviously, some of the people she was talking about are now specific!

Ye Chen deliberately pretended to be confused!

"Mr. Mu, if you don’t want to go, give me the ticket. I can take it out and sell it. Listen to what they say. This super band seems to be very famous. If you sell the tickets, maybe you can return it. Enough for our travel expenses."

For Ye Chen's shamelessness for not getting in, Mu Qingqing could only coldly snort helplessly!

Teacher Liang next to him, watching the two of them quarrel, couldn't help but shook his head, and sighed in his heart: "Really an enemy!"

The other students watched the two flirting and scolding, and Quandang couldn't see it! No one dared to interrupt at will!

Aren’t Li Mu and Zhang Qiang just living examples, shouldn’t they learn their lesson?

On the Pearl River, Oriental Music Hall!

The entrance to the hall was already full, but it was orderly, tight and orderly! Everyone is looking forward to it and enters with a voucher. Obviously, those who can listen to this concert have a certain status and strength. Most men are gentlemen and humble, and most women are intellectual and elegant! There will be no such messy scene as the aunt in the supermarket snapped up promotional items!

Ye Chen and others also vouch for admission!

However, the seats are not particularly good, but at least they can be heard clearly!

When the concert began, the hall was instantly quiet!

Then, all the members of the Super band entered, and then thunderous applause rang out in the hall!

Some people even wept with excitement!

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Ye Chen couldn't help but question when he saw this scene.

"That's because you don't know their charm, their music has the power to wash the soul! After listening to it, I feel that the soul of the whole person will be sublimated!"

"Is it so magical?" Ye Chen said to Wang Chenglin in disbelief.

"You will know it after a while! I promise you will become crazy too!" Wang Chenglin said.

Soon the concert will begin!

The first song!

Soul wonderland!

"This is the latest work by Selous, the lyrics and composer of the Super Orchestra!

The entire European and American markets have received great repercussions and success. Some people say that after listening to Soul Wonderland, they quit drugs, alcoholism, and gambling, and their whole body has been sublimated, like a clear spring. Wash the dirt of the soul. "Wang Chenglin said to Ye Chenjie.

Music sounds!

Wang Chenglin shut up! The whole hall is also quiet!

I have to say that the acoustics of this Oriental Music Hall are good!

Even if Ye Chen sat in the corner, they were hardly affected!

Close your eyes, as if you are in the world of music!

Many people become intoxicated when they hear this music!

Twenty minutes later!

At the end of the song, the whole scene was quiet for a moment, followed by thunderous applause!

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