Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 156: ,memory

Ye Chen couldn't help clapping for this performance.

Yes, when he first listened to music, he also felt wonderful!

As if the gate of memory was opened, a certain memory of the body was restored!

He has an urge to act hard.

"There seems to be something missing in "Soul Wonderland"? Ye Chen muttered to himself!

But then it suddenly dawned!

"Less fairy air! Yes, lack fairy air! Although it has the effect of washing the soul, it is not as good as the name, and it really makes the soul in a fairyland! Perhaps, he has never seen a fairyland!" Ye Chen muttered to himself.

Then came a few more pieces of music. After each piece of music, there was a roar of applause.

Ye Chen also felt that he had become a lot clearer, but this feeling was only obvious when he listened to "Soul Wonderland" for the first time. Later, the feeling became lighter and lighter!

However, as the soul was shaken and the memory was opened, he felt a scene suddenly appeared in his mind!

There are dragons and phoenix flying in the sky, and colorful clouds are lingering!

A goddess scattered flowers, golden lotus blooms!

Ye Chen sat in the middle, and in front of him was a guqin.

Afterwards, Ye Chen couldn't help but caress, and as his fingers changed, colorful clouds in the sky fluttered, the fragrance of flowers curled up, the fairies dance lightly, thousands of trees and thousands of flowers bloomed in an instant, and the heavens and the earth shine for their lives. Two words flooded into his mind.

It seems that all of these things really happened, and they are still vivid!

"Is it true that I have been opened to the memories of the past? These have actually happened?" Ye Chen muttered to himself, doubting in his heart.

At this moment, he felt a passion in his chest, but he had nowhere to vent.

The past was like a veil, and he wanted to grasp it with his hands, but it was like water and mist, unpredictable.

"Am I really reincarnated?"

A series of things that happened to him recently made him doubt!

Not wanting so much. When he was awake again, thunderous applause broke out in the field again. Some people even stood up and clapped incessantly in their hands, while those in the orchestra on the rostrum bowed to the audience.

"That is Cyrus! The most famous composer, the most talented music conductor! After Mozart and Beethoven, another great musician who will circulate in the history of music!" Wang Chenglin applauded while facing. Ye Chen said excitedly.

Ye Chen couldn't help but nod, not for anything else, just because his music could shake the gate of memory, opening the frozen corner, it was enough to explain the charm of this music.

At the end of the concert, all the audience stood up and cheered for the people on stage!

Wang Chenglin, Zhang Qiang and others also looked excited and kept applauding!

Regardless of whether they have heard Western music before, whether they have known the Super Orchestra before, they are here today to witness the charm of Western music, and they will definitely become their fans in the future!

When they walked out of the concert hall, everyone was still talking about it. Obviously, the incident had a great impact on them.

"Music should be like this, use music to awaken the souls of others, wash the souls of others, bring a musical feast to others, and bring a kind of beautiful enjoyment! Maybe I should become a musician too!" Wang Chenglin said.

"This is not my purpose for letting you listen to music." Mu Qingqing said to Wang Chenglin.

Her original intention was to let them relax their nerves so that they can continue to take the exam. If they all transfer to music, what else will they take?

"Hey! I'll just talk about it!" Wang Chenglin said with a smile.

However, afterwards, he actually saw Ye Chen walking towards a musical instrument store!

"Why are you going?" Wang Chenglin grabbed him and asked.

"I want to take a look." Ye Chen said.

"Looking at it? It's still taking an exam! Don't be distracted! Besides, I tell you, even if you really want to be a musician now, it's too late!

Do you know how old Cyrus was famous? He was already famous all over the world when he was your age!

If you want to be a composer, you want to be a famous musician, in your next life, you see, your ability is calculation and memory, that is, some rational things that don't stand up with emotion. Since there is no hope!

What are you doing to see the musical instrument? Looking for excitement? "Wang Chenglin said.

"Yeah, your main task now is to win the Global Elite Trial Championship first, and let the others go first!" Others also persuaded Ye Chen!

Ye Chen stubbornly shook his head!

"You go back! After reading it, I will go back to the hotel by myself!" Ye Chen said.

"If this is the case, then we won't accompany you. Be careful on your own way." Wang Chenglin said.

"Relax, with our combat power, three or five people can't get close!"

"We are not afraid that others will beat you, but we are afraid that you will beat others, and then we will have to trouble us to fish you in the prison!"

"..." Ye Chen was also speechless when he heard this, and it was enough to meet such a bunch of bad friends.

"Do you want to accompany you?" Li Zixuan said to Ye Chen.

"I'm a big boy, and I can go out alone. Besides, don't you have to go back to practice piano at night? Don't waste time." Ye Chen said to Li Zixuan.

"Well, in that case, be careful."


After all the students left, Ye Chen walked towards the musical instrument store.

The musical instrument store has a wide range of things, including Western classical musical instruments, ancient Chinese musical instruments, from rock to cello, violin, piano, etc., but the price of each instrument is not low!

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen came out again!

The contents are too expensive!

A piano costs one or two million!

But at this moment, he ran into Zhuang Mingyue!

After half an hour!

Zhuang Mingyue called Jiang Yuqing!

"Mr. Jiang, I just met Ye Chen. He wants to buy a musical instrument, but... I don't have any money, so I just decided to lend him a little, a little too much, seven or eight million!" Zhuang Mingyue said.

"Good! Good job! Don't say seven or eight million, or seven or eight billion, I am happy too!" Jiang Yuqing said.

Then he sighed and said guiltily: "He has grown up so much. I have never cared about his studies, let alone he bought anything. Other parents took their children to cram schools, tutoring classes, and music. Art, painting, but I didn't do all of these! I...I didn't do it well!

Since he wants to learn now, I can't ask for it, I will call Xiao He now and ask her to send you money! But, remember, don't arouse his suspicion, let alone arouse his disgust. "Jiang Yuqing exclaimed.

"I told him just now. Although I lend him the money, I have to charge interest. If possible, we can sign a long-term labor contract with him. We will pay 200,000 or even 300,000 yuan per year. Remuneration, so it makes sense." Zhuang Mingyue said.

"Okay, you do this."

"Oh, by the way, pay attention to it again and see what kind of music he wants to learn! On my side, help him contact the teacher!"

"Okay! Mr. Jiang." Hanging up, Zhuang Mingyue couldn't help shaking her head!

Wisdom, capable, and arrogant President Jiang, as soon as he mentioned the little son, he instantly became a slightly nagging mother Jiang!

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