Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 157: , We should go to bed

"Director Mu, why don't we call the police. I haven't come back yet, and I can't contact him on the phone. He...has he encountered any danger?" Teacher Liang said worriedly.

"Even if it is dangerous, it is also dangerous for others." Mu Qingqing said casually.

Teacher Liang was taken aback, wondering what this meant?

"Why did he become a threat to others when he came back late?" She felt that Chief Mu didn't care enough about Ye Chen!

Mu Qingqing doesn't want to say more!

It was her shame to be defeated by this fellow Ye Cheng, and she still couldn't let go of it. How could she be willing to mention it with others?

Although I don't know why Ye Chen has such a high combat power, it is certain that such a skill is completely a nightmare to those ordinary bastards. If you meet him, it is purely looking for death.

Besides, the security of Pearl is counted in the whole world, and the probability of accident is extremely low. Coupled with that cunning character, it is strange to suffer!

"You go back to sleep first, he must be fine." Mu Qingqing said.

Teacher Liang somewhat disagreed with Mu Qingqing's words, these words...too irresponsible!

But there is no way, it is not easy to refute face to face!

"Forget it, let's talk if he doesn't come back in the middle of the night!" Teacher Liang thought.


These musical instruments are worth seven or eight million!

"It's really poverty that limits my imagination!" Ye Chen sighed!

Looking at the musical instruments that he had eaten, Ye Chen felt very distressed!

I thought I was a petty bourgeoisie before! Now it seems, fart!

Far from it! I owed a debt in the blink of an eye!

"You have to find a way to earn money quickly and pay the debt back!" Ye Chen thought.

It is always uncomfortable to owe people money!

By the time he finished eating those instruments and getting everything done, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

There are a dozen missed calls on the phone.

They are all from Teacher Liang and Li Zixuan!

It seems that I haven't gone back, making them anxious!

Ye Chen quickly took a taxi back!

After I walked to the hotel, I wanted to sneak back to my room, send the teacher a safety message, and then treat it as if nothing happened the next day!

After all, it’s not a good thing to come back so late and have been worried by the teacher for so long!

It's a pity that the idea is good, but when it's actually implemented, it's not what you want!

Just walked to the door and was about to go in, but heard a cold voice!

"It's pretty hilarious! I'm back now!"

"...I was immersed in the music, and for a while, it was a little difficult to extricate myself, so I came back late!"

"You think I will believe you! Come to my room!" Mu Qingqing said with suppressed anger.

Ye Chen's expression drooped when he heard this!

It seems that this meal will not run away today!

I had to turn around and go to Mu Qingqing's room!

"Where did you go today? Why did you come back now? Why didn't you answer the phone before?" Mu Qingqing interrogated Ye Chen angrily.

"I just said that I am immersed in music and can't extricate myself, so I'm late to come back." Ye Chen insisted.

"Still perfunctory, it seems that I really can't control you!

Came here on the first day to fight with people, and came back at midnight the next day! Not telling the truth yet!

Just call your parents and ask them to pick you up. Something happened in the middle of the province, and we couldn't bear the responsibility. "Mu Qingqing said.

"What you said is a bit too much. As the saying goes, it's not a disaster for my family. How come my parents are implicated again?"

"Hey, you are still in a hurry! Do you know that you are only coming back now, making us so anxious! If it weren't for you, could we worry so much? We haven't slept yet, haven't you seen it?" Qingqing yelled at Ye Chen.

"..." Ye Chen didn't speak, and the truth was still a loss for this matter!

"Students travel, safety first!..." Then, Mu Qingqing scolded Ye Chen again!

After about 10 minutes, when Ye Chen hadn't spoken, he finally stopped!

Looking at the arrogant Ye Chen, he became honest again, and couldn't help feeling a little...satisfied in his heart! Finally grabbed into his own hands again! I have not boiled in vain for these two hours!

But his face was still cold, looking at Ye Chen: "Why don't you speak?"

"Huh? Ah? Talk, what to say?" Ye Chen was taken aback!

But then, it seems to have realized!

"Oh, it's late at night, we should go to bed."

Hearing this, Mu Qingqing, who had just calmed down, was like a cat stepping on its tail, jumped up instantly and shouted at Ye Chen: "What did you say? Say it again, who wants to sleep with you?"

Ye Chen, who had been careless, was stunned when he heard these words, his face was dumbfounded!

Then he looked at Mu Qingqing: "Teacher, what do you think?

When did I say I want to sleep with you, what I said is, now that the time is up, we should both sleep, each sleeps its own, why do you keep thinking about it?

I tell you, if you dare to force me! Two-year imprisonment is indispensable! "

"Shut up! Look for a fight!" Mu Qingqing slapped up subconsciously, but finally stopped.

Because of a face with a beating face, she was waiting expectantly for her to hit.

"The night is long, boring, Teacher Mu, do you want to have some interactive games with me? Or, you do it first, you see where you want me to move, I will return it later!" Ye Chen said with a smirk.

Hearing Ye Chen's words like a rogue, Mu Qingqing's face flushed red, gritted his teeth with hatred!

Now I only hate myself, the cultivation base is too low to get rid of the **** in front of me!

"Get out!" Mu Qingqing pointed at the door and shouted at Ye Chen!

"Or, I'll give you another beauty package worth eighty-eight thousand dollars!"


"If you are too expensive, I can give you a discount! Sixty-six thousand, what's the matter?" Ye Chen said again.

"Get out!" Mu Qingqing was furious!

"Um, all right! Call me when you have the money ready!" Ye Chen said.

Then, open the door and go out!

"Huh! Teacher Liang, you... why are you here?"

"Uh, that... me! I... I didn't hear anything! I didn't see anything! You go on!"

I originally heard the movement and wanted to see Ye Chen, but in the end... I heard this!

Now, seeing Mu Qingqing's icy eyes pierced over, she hurriedly ran away, lest she ran late and was killed!


"Take the exam today!" Zhang Qiang and others said to Ye Chen, Wang Chenglin, Li Mu and others.

Even so, they also know that there is little hope of staying this time!

In the last exam, all three of them barely made it into the sixty!

This time the exam is about to eliminate half!

The chance is even slimmer!

"No matter what? We will do our best!" Wang Chenglin shook his fist and said seriously.

"The first two times have not been able to get rid of you! I don't know, can this time? I hope their questions can be distinguished!"

A beautiful teacher in a gray short skirt and small suit appeared, and beside her, there was Luo Ming who looked harmless!

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