Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 158: ,this is mine

With the arrival of Luo Ming, everyone will involuntarily wait and see!

Some people even want to go up and say hello to him!

After all, this is the first place, and the future is limitless. If you can meet here or even take a photo together, in the future, maybe it will be a capital to show off!

It's a pity that Luo Ming's eyes ignored the people on both sides, but walked toward Ye Chen again!

The first two times were tied with him for first place, which made him very dissatisfied!

However, Ye Chen ignored him!

Instead, his eyes fell on the beautiful teacher next to Luo Ming.

"Don't be an eyesore, compared with beautiful women, your attraction to me is much worse!" Ye Chen said.

Even, can't help but comment on that teacher!

"This is my private tutor! Part-time nanny!" Luo Ming said with a smile when he saw Ye Chen doing this without being angry.

"How about it? Is it particularly attractive to come out with such a beautiful woman?" Luo Ming said with a smug expression, as if showing off a smug toy!

"There is a face! There is a face!" Ye Chen stared fiercely, while copingly said.

"I found that your leading teacher is also very interesting! Why don't you go tell her, let her put on this outfit too, it must be even more popular than this!" Luo Ming smiled at Ye Chen made an idea.


"Of course! Looking at her ass, I can't help but...hehe!"

"Do you want to touch two?" Ye Chen continued to ask.

And behind him, he didn't see at all, Mu Qingqing was already close!

"Of course, don't tell me that you don't want to! Then you would be too beastly! Hehe..." Luo Ming raised his eyebrows at Ye Chen, with a look that you shouldn't give me a serious expression!

But, soon, a pair of bare hands stretched out, and then, in the whole hall, I remembered Luo Ming's howling like a pig!

At this moment, he was held by Mu Qingqing's ears in his hand, and he almost was not lifted up directly!

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Who dares to attack this master!" Luo Ming yelled!

It's okay to say that this guy is not called, but the ear is even harder when I call it!

"Dare to attack me! Look at me for a turnaround!"

With that, Luo Ming, who originally looked like a thin boy, suddenly twisted his body and hugged Mu Qingqing backhand directly!

"Damn! This scumbag!" Ye Chen looked at this guy's agile skills, but couldn't guess it. This guy was willing to be caught, but it was intentional!

Now, even taking the opportunity to give Mu Qingqing a hug!

"I wipe it! What a sinister!" Ye Chen contemptuously!

Mu Qingqing was also stunned when he saw Luo Ming who suddenly resisted!

Unexpectedly, Luo Ming, who was still at his mercy just now, suddenly turned into a little evil dragon!

Those open arms, it looks like they were premeditated!

In the count!

Seeing to be hugged by such a guy!

Huarong suddenly faded!

It's a pity that he just opened his arms and was about to pick up his back, but found that he couldn't move anyway!

And on his neck, he was firmly grasped by Ye Chen, like an iron tongs!

"Hey, let me say! You kid want to hug and slap, ask your teacher to practice! This is mine!" Then, Ye Chen lifted it with one hand and threw it out!

Hearing this, Mu Qingqing glared at him, but didn't say much!

Luo Ming's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise!

Unexpectedly, it was stopped by Ye Chen at a critical moment!

A faint smile!

"Hehe...then you have to be optimistic! It's not good to be stolen!" Luo Ming said with a cold joke flashing in his eyes.

Mu Qingqing woke up from what happened just now!

I'm careless!

Originally encountered a Ye Chen, it was already abnormal!

Unexpectedly, this sunny boy who looks harmless to humans and animals is also a hidden guy!

The third exam begins! 64 advanced to 32!

"Are you ready? Maybe you will be hanged!" Luo Ming said.

The topic is difficult!

More than one level higher than the previous difficulty!

Except for Ye Chen and Luo Ming, everyone else was nervous and panicked!

Obviously, the difficulty of setting the question this time exceeded their imagination!

After an hour, the exam is over!

Twenty minutes after the exam, all the results will come out!

As expected!

Wang Chenglin, Li Zixuan and others all failed to advance!

I have reached the tenth place, and I have not found their shadow!

This makes everyone a bit disappointed!

"Is it still impossible to break the curse this time?" Next to him, Wang Chenglin's teacher said unwillingly.

"I'm not afraid, isn't there still Ye Chen?" A teacher said beside him.

"Well! Now, I can only rely on him!"

Afterwards, they all stared at the screen nervously!

Two, three and four are all out!

There is one last one!

If it's someone else!

at last!


the first! Double first again?

Not only the people present, but also the teachers and students were all stunned!

In the three consecutive exams, all tied for first place, all with full marks!

This is simply unprecedented!

Unlike everyone's shock, Luo Ming was greatly angry!

"Teacher, I request to increase the difficulty of the exam! The first is the first. Where can there be such a person?" Luo Ming complained to the teacher of the examination committee.

Thirty-two in the afternoon exam to advance to sixteen!

The examination team directly convened an ad hoc meeting to consider the topic!

Finally, decided to add additional questions!

Two difficult additional questions!

In other words, the total score is not one hundred points, but one hundred and fifty points!

Luo Ming glanced at Ye Chen and then entered the examination room!

This time, he didn't want to reappear the previous few things!


The exam is over!

The results of the exam will come out soon!

For those who failed in the promotion, the people in front of them are no longer concerned about what their achievements are. They are most concerned about the Ssangyong Hegemony!

I want to see the results this time!

"Look! It's coming out!"

"This time, Yan Ran ran to third place?"

"Is anyone coming up from behind?" Some students looked at the list and said with some uncertainty.

However, when the second place came out, everyone was even more dumbfounded!


A huge photo appeared!

Second place! It turned out to be Luo Ming!

Luo Ming, who was originally full of confidence, was stunned when he saw this result!

Others are...somewhat dazed!

Luo Ming, who was willing to give up the position of the four great talents, went down to fight, but was overtaken this time!

Is the number one really...


Another huge photo fell!

Like a big mountain, pressing on everyone's head, like standing on top of a pyramid, overlooking everything!

It turned out to be Ye Chen!

And when everyone saw Ye Chen's score! Even more dumbfounded!


"This Nima! What's the situation!"

"It turned out to be a perfect score! 150 points!"

"Is this still a human?" Everyone was shocked!

And even more angry and unacceptable is Luo Ming!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Luo Ming shook his head, he didn't want to believe it!

He is very clear about the difficulty of the last two questions! That already involves the advanced level of professional mathematics! The level involved is too high!

And they are impossible to contact now! Even in universities, many students majoring in mathematics may not have the opportunity to get in touch with these things, and if they want to make these things, they can only deduce them by themselves!

However, there are too many things involved and the formula is too complicated!

Not to mention them, even if a PhD in mathematics does not have a calculator, it will take a long time to deduce these things!

What's more, they have nothing now!

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