Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 162: Blind

Ling Jing is going to teach Ye Chen how to be a man through the game!

The first game begins! The two are in the same camp!

The sniper chosen by Ye Chen!

"I'm going to jungle! Go down!" Ling Jing said to Ye Chen.

"Why is it so troublesome, just do it! Push directly in the middle!" Ye Chen said.

Then, holding the gun, he started rushing to the middle!

"Second goods! How can I do it in the middle from the beginning!"

But, one minute later!


A voice rang in the game!

"Let you rush? Are you dead now?" Ling Jing said in her heart!

However, afterwards, I saw that it was the opposite person who died!

"Luck so good? When you came up, you actually met a dead man on the opposite side?" Ling Jing said.

This kind of situation is very common, and there are always some hanging up and disconnecting or asking for death!

But then!

Double kill!

One tower!

"Wocao!" Ling Jing couldn't help but swear!

Three kills!

"This Nima...is there a second pen on the opposite side?" Ling Jing was not calm!

Hurry up and look at Ye Chen!

When Ling Jing saw Ye Chen's operation, she was completely dumbfounded!

See the enemy coming over!


Raising your hand is a shot!



This is so blind!


Another shot!

Blind sniper again!

Moreover, they all hit!

"This..." Ling Jing was a little unbelievable!

Even professional players rarely have this level!

Blind sniper, too difficult!

Before the laser line of this hero's sniper rifle is stabilized, the bullets shot out will be biased and the probability of hitting is very low!

But this guy...

Just shoot and hit!

One time is luck, but two or three times are the same. How can this be explained?

"Natural hero, man and gun in one?"

Ling Jing could only explain this to herself in her own heart!

After one round, Ye Chen was all alone in the show operation!

Ling Jing lie down and win!

This made her unexpected!

"I can't see, there are two brushes! Say, how long did you practice before?" Ling Jing asked.

"Playing for the first time!" Ye Chen said without blushing.

"Playing for the first time? Ghosts believe!"

Then he said, "Dare you give me a match?" Ling Jing asked.

"I'm afraid you will lose your cry!"

"Cut! Let's see who is crying!" Ling Jing said unconvinced.

Twenty minutes later!

Ling Jing dropped the phone on the bed!

"Stop playing! Stop playing! It's boring! Ma De! It's purely for abuse!" Ling Jing said angrily!

Lose all three! I can't get close to him at all!

This guy not only can blindly snipe, but his position is even more weird! The slippery autumn, you can't get in at all!

"At your level, if you adjust it a little, you can become an excellent output! How about? Would you like to join our Warriors team! This time you study hard, next season's game, I can give you a chance to play!" Ling Jing said.

"Not interested!" Ye Chen said.

"The award is very generous." Ling Jing tempted to Ye Chen.

"No time! I want the first person in the international elite trials, how can I play this with you?" Ye Chen refused again.

"Cut! Just you! Still in the elite trials? I think you have almost the same first place in the hooligan trials?"

"Slap!" Ye Chen patted her **** all at once.

"What are you talking about? Are you looking for a fight?"

Ling Jing was embarrassed and hurt with this slap on the wound on her ass! Tears are coming out!

"Be careful next time you speak!"

"..." Ling Jing angrily waited to rush to catch him!

This **** doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all!

The next morning!

Ye Chen bid farewell to Wang Chenglin and others!

"It's boring, it's boring at all! Gao Jianwen is not here, and now you are gone, I am the only one left in the whole competition. There is no challenge for this exam. I really want this trip to end soon." Ye Chen said to Li Zixuan. .

Li Zixuan smiled sweetly, like an elegant orchid.

"If you let them hear what you say. I'm afraid I can't help but beat you again."

"It's too cold in the heights. There is a lonely family, really lonely as snow!" Ye Chen couldn't help sighing.

A smile flashed across Li Zixuan's mouth.

"Then go home as soon as you finish the exam, it won't be a few days anyway."

"I will." Ye Chen said.

Mu Qingqing, Teacher Liang, and Ye Chen are left!

Both people stayed here to serve Ye Chen.

If it was someone else, the two of them might feel a little stressed. After all, it is facing the elites of the country, especially the students of Mingzhu and the Imperial Capital!

So good that people dare not face it! I don't even know how to respond and how to develop strategies.

However, the person who played in the battle was Ye Chen, so they didn't have to think about it at all!

Just wait by the side!

Because there is always an illusion, as long as Ye Chen appears, there must be no problem.

Even Mu Qingqing feels this way now.

Although I hated Ye Chen to die before, but now I have to admit that Ye Chen is currently the strongest in terms of strength!

"Need we do something?" Mu Qingqing said to Ye Chen.

"I am empty, I am lonely! Talk with me, chat with me, and relieve my boredom with me." Ye Chen said.

"What do you think of me?"

"Is this... an escort?" Ye Chen asked.


Mu Qingqing's face was instantly cold, and a cold light broke out in his eyes.

Can't wait to kill Ye Chen.

But, in the end, he didn't do anything and turned around and left!

Teacher Liang looked at them and couldn't help but shook his head.

"You can treat other people well, why can't you speak well to Teacher Mu?"

"She doesn't pay back the money she owes! I'm just asking for some interest! Besides, don't you think it is more interesting to tease Teacher Mu and watch him jump like thunder?"

"Interesting?" Teacher Liang shook his head without feeling.

To be honest, with Teacher Mu, she feels stressed!

Now Ye Chen actually said it was funny, she felt a little speechless.

Are genius thoughts so weird?

At noon, the examination committee called the students to the examination room again!

Compared with before, the examination room is much empty!

However, this time there are many more people carrying long guns and short cannons!

At this moment, the camera is facing Ye Chen and others, recording!

Among these people, a man with Mediterranean hair and long hair looked at Ye Chen and the others, his expression a little ugly!

"Just these people? Are they going to conduct an elite trial? At the top of the Pearl Tower? Do you want to broadcast them live?" Hu Qing was very disappointed!

"What ratings can such a program have? How many people can pay attention? What is an elite trial, but it is only an exam! Such a program is not worthy of attention at all! It is not worth occupying the prime time of Pearl TV to broadcast! "

What is the live broadcast of the exam! To broadcast this kind of program, it is better to go to the live broadcast to transfer game matches held at the same time!

Not to mention the "Star Wars" composed of all traffic stars!

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