Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 163: , Abstention?

Hu Qing looked dissatisfied, looking at these students, no matter what, nothing to watch!

"This show is definitely going to be pornographic! No one watched the live broadcast! Even, because the "Star Wars" was not broadcast, those fans were dissatisfied with us! That would be even more troublesome!" Hu Qing said again.

Then, Hu Qing said to the man next to him: "Lao Zhao! I didn't deliberately pour cold water on this show, no matter how much effort you put in, no one will pay attention to it. In the end, you will definitely be thankful! Nobody up and down!"

"But, as I said this time, Mingzhu will do all he can to co-organize this game. If it is not broadcast live, the above will be blamed..."

"I have borrowed all the Pearl Towers, why don't you call for full assistance? We have already put so much effort and we have done our best. There is really no need to put this golden gear in! You have to understand, this is all money!" Hu Qing said to Zhao Gang.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Gang was silent for a moment!

"Why don't you take up prime time and free up time for the next show? How much is one for it?"

"Lao Zhao, why don't you get rid of it! This show is definitely a dead show! We really don't have the resources to waste it! I'll tell the station later and refund the promotional fee! Hey... mentioned that I'm embarrassed for a small amount of publicity fees! With that small amount of money, why don't we add an advertisement in three minutes, they can get it?" Hu Qing said with a mocking look.

Afterwards, he patted Zhao Gang on the shoulder, took the people, and left directly!


"Ye Chen! Honestly, how is the technology? Can it work?" Ling Jing on the phone asked Ye Chen.

"What's the matter! Since his debut, it hasn't been a defeat!" Ye Chen said shamelessly.

If Bao Wensheng is here, he must be the first to expose him!

"Come here now, how about being a substitute for us?"

"Substitute? Isn't it just a spare tire? Don't do it! The price is too low! Can't afford to lose this person!" Ye Chen refused directly.

Drop in price? This is a national e-sports competition! Can you be a substitute and still dislike the price?

Ling Jing is speechless!

However, it is better to persuade you!

"We have a team member who can't take it anymore. It's estimated that I won't make it to the end! You have a great chance to compete. If you can compete, you will win the championship. Then, when the money is divided, you will have a share!" Ling Ling Jing said.

"Huh?" Ye Chen's spirit came when he mentioned money!

Now he still owes Zhuang Mingyue seven or eight million yuan!

"How much is the bonus?"

"Five million!" Ling Jing said.

"Okay! That's it! But I tell you, when the time comes, when the bonus is divided, it must be distributed according to the credit!"

"Relax, if you are not capable and want us to give alms, we will not give it!" Ling Jing said.


Half an hour later, Ye Chen appeared at Baiyuemen!

This used to be a big theater!

Now, it is full of people!

And outside the Baiyuemen, there is a huge screen! On the screen, the highlights of the competition are constantly playing, and many people outside the Baiyuemen will stop and watch. It is really the game of Kings who has too wide an audience!

"GK, the gun god! Beautiful! Three bursts, taking away the enemy's output directly!"

"This tank! One master, five opponents, three were charged! The timing is great!"

"This Wukong's operation is too sharp! As expected to be the number one assassin in the universe! This operation is too sharp!"

The people outside looked at this screen and kept commenting there!

Obviously, some amazing and sharp operations can make people hold back and make friends!

Ye Chen raised his head and glanced, if it had been before, perhaps he would be like the person next to him, and couldn't help but clap his hands in applause! But now... he really can't do such things against his will!

At the door I saw Ling Jing who came to pick him up!

"Hurry up! The game will start again in a while!" Ling Jing said.

"Let's say it on the phone! The five million is divided according to the amount of credit. If I contribute a lot, you are not allowed to shame me!"

"If you really have that ability, it doesn't matter if we give it all to you!" Ling Jing said!

If it weren't for the game now, they really don't have a substitute, and they would definitely not find Ye Chen!

This game emphasizes teamwork and the tacit understanding between team members!

And this tacit understanding is obtained through thousands of training!

Ye Chen, this kid has never played with them once! It's strange if it's a tacit understanding!

Even after Ling Jing finished the call, she felt that her brain was convulsed!

They waited a long time for this game and trained for a long time, so they paid a lot for this!

However, seeing the critical moment now, the team member fell ill and was unable to continue the game, and the person he was looking for was someone who had never fought together before, and what was even more incredible was that he was still an amateur!

Ling Jing didn't know how to change it to explain to the players!

"Hey! Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!" Ling Jing muttered to herself.

However, after entering, she was surprised!

When she brought Ye Chen to those people, the other team members just smiled faintly and said hello without asking too much!


This was beyond Ling Jing's expectation, but then she knew it!

My own players have completely given up!


"Boss! Let's... abstain!" Wan Kun said to Ling Jing.

"If we fight again next year, we still have a chance!" Chai Qing next to him also said to Ling Jing.

"Let's...give up!" The tall Wen Shaoyong, who was about to deal with Ye Chen at the beginning, also looked depressed.

"Abstaining?" Ling Jing looked at her teammates with anger and incredible flashes on her face!

"We have no chance to win! If we don't give up! I'm afraid they will be killed by them!" Wan Kun said again.

"I'm sorry, this time I blamed me for not keeping up!" Gao Lingyuan said apologetically on his face.

Now, his face is full of cold sweat! Lie on a stretcher and will be carried away soon! He can't hold it anymore!

Before the competition, I knew I had acute appendicitis! Thinking of holding on to the end of the game, but still not able to do so!

Because, another player has retired due to hemorrhoids! Now, because of acute appendicitis, their team can only fall apart!

After all, it is not as good as those game clubs, which have a dedicated team, each character has its own substitute, they only have six people!

Now there are two missing, the sky is falling!

"But I have found a substitute! We still have a chance!"

"Boss! Do you think any substitute can solve the problem?" Wen Shaoyong said in a low voice to Ling Jing.

Ling Jing looked at her team members and didn't know what to say!

With such a morale, even if you play in a battle, what good results can you have?

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