Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 167: Blitz

"What's going on? Why is there another big move?" The hungry Dadao shouted with flushed face!

He just vowed to say that Ye Chen was going to die, but the reality slapped him fiercely! It made him feel a little silly!

In the video, Ye Chen's witch doctor released a big move at a critical moment!

Because of the four people, at this moment, all the skills have been superimposed to the fifth layer, so, almost in an instant, Ye Chen, who was about to be completely killed, suddenly recovered half of his blood!

However, the enemy is completely maimed! And the most crispy assassins and shooters, at this moment, are directly sent back to their hometown!

"Wocao, Jedi counterattack! This is really a Jedi counterattack!"

"How did you explain the big sword! Didn't you say that you will definitely die? Why did you complete another lore?"

"Dog big knife! Run the train with mouth full! Can you explain it?"

"Accident, this time is definitely an accident. In the situation just now, he was able to release this big at the last minute, absolutely stepping on **** luck!" Dadao said to the video screen.

"I still don't change what I said before. It was pure luck for him to get to this point! For example, if the cooling was not finished at the last minute, not only will he die, but all his teammates will also die! Watch it, follow With the players' research on his tactics! Their set will become increasingly unworkable!" Dadao said again to the screen.

However, he said this as if he was deliberately giving Ye Chen a face!

The situation that his so-called opponent gradually adapted to the warrior team's tactics and completely ended them did not appear at all!

Three kills! Four kills! Five kills!

Ten minutes later, the battle ended again in a flash!

And the opponent's score is still: 0!

Shaved his head again!

"The opponent didn't play well this time! If you can play well and act decisively, you won't be like this! I believe that everyone below will perform better!" Dadao said again.

"I'm here, just watch you get beaten in the face by him quietly!" Someone said with a sneer.

King of hegemony! Tenth game!

If you can win this round, you will get the first ten-game winning streak in history. At that time, you can directly compete in the King of Champions!

"Don't think about it! This time, the Warriors team is bound to lose! The only difference is where he loses?" Dadao once again predicted there with confidence.

"Shenlong Team!

My friend is among them! We have been on the phone before, and their strategy is very clear: first kill the king of pretense!

And once his hero dies, the remaining people are nothing to worry about! "Someone said.

Game start.

"I see it, as long as the other party's guard is tight, this king of hang-ups has no chance!

At present, the other three people are chasing him! This happened just in the first minute of the game. It's...unlucky! If my guess is right, immediately, his first death is coming!

Haha! really! Caught up! The enemy hero has completely locked him! He can't run! on! Damn him! "Dadao shouted again!

And as his voice fell, the three enemy heroes in the video all attacked and killed Ye Chen's shooter!


"Oh! It turned out to be a group of dizziness! But, it doesn't matter, he himself..."

However, what he said just now, he swallowed immediately!

That is Ye Chen's accomplice!

The three of them played together for the first time. The three enemy heroes were all taken away by Ye Chen in a burst!

"Broad knife, why don't you shut up! Your face is almost swollen from being beaten!"

"I feel that this guy is talking about cross talk!"

"No! It's not about cross talk, this stuff is specially sent to the Warriors team to come and fight!"

Those who watched Da Dadao's video originally had the same knowledge and opinions as this guy, but after several slaps, they finally made them realize!

The king of pretending they saw at the moment was not the king of pretending to be in the ordinary sense!

This guy has magical qualities!

Eight minutes!

The three towers in the middle road were completely demolished, and the opponent was completely crushed and beaten!

There is no possibility of getting up!

"The game can be lost, the king of hang up must die!"

The enemy leader issued such a kill order!

Even if we take the method of suicide attack and use people to pile up, we must make the king of hang up pay the price of blood!

Within the next two minutes, the other party fully implemented this strategic intention!

Unfortunately, this sacrifice is really meaningless!

Use yourself as a bait to fully control the battle rhythm!

The opponent's formation was easily broken, even completely trapped in the encirclement of the Warriors team!

"Perhaps this kind of disorderly style of play can completely disrupt the battle deployment of the Warriors team, but it can..."

However, the words of Dadao are not finished, the Warriors team has already beheaded the enemy's first hero!

Then, there was a mad beating at the enemy hero!

Three kills!

Four kills!

Five kills!

Lore across the board!

The crystal is broken!


Ten consecutive victories!

The camera zooms in on the screen, and it freezes on the face of the Warriors!

The first battle this afternoon has completely started the name of the Warriors team!

Ten consecutive victories!


Moreover, in such a short time! Win with such an absolute crushing attitude!

"Blitz! This is a veritable blitz! The warrior squad can always catch fleeting fighter jets and cause the most damage to the enemy! The king of on-hook loading is simply a big killer!"

"I think today is a significant day for many players!

Because, a talented player, created a very lethal tactic! They are like cavalry in the cold weapon age, arrogant and fast! And lethal!

Blitz! Today is his first show! But I think this is not the end!

Let us look forward to their more cool performances! "

The official anchor, making a strong tone at this moment, make a conclusion for this performance!

"They are not kings, but they are better than kings! Show off their powerful combat power with that dazzling performance! Like a hurricane, on the battlefield, it is devastating, and like a bolt of lightning! These personnel were killed in the blink of an eye Invisible!"

The whole arena is full of voices!

And those who watch the game through the client, at this moment, are even more excited!

The king of hegemony backstage!

"The statistics have just come out. The sales of heroes and skins used by the King of Hanging Machines have increased tenfold in the past hour!"

"Star effect! This is the real star effect!"

And now, the interview continues!

The live footage was not cut off!

After the host sent off, the camera followed them again and came to the stage!

The game on stage will continue!

The two kings will continue to compete!

However, after Ye Chen went down, half of the people in the hall followed and left unjustly!

"Wocao! I want to watch the interview too! We want to interview too! Turn back!"

"If you don't turn back, I will uninstall this game immediately!" The client yelled!

The king of hegemony backstage!

"Director! The phone number of our customer service department is almost blown up! The player said, if you don't turn back, you will be human!"

"..." The director was speechless!

Soon, at this time, the camera just saw Ye Chen being surrounded by people, asking questions!

Beside them, a large swath of beauties!

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