Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 168: , Buy it

The most indispensable thing in the gaming circle is beautiful women!

"Mr. King of Hanging Machine, you and your team have won ten consecutive victories this time. What are your feelings now?"

"Annoying! It's boring! After ten rounds, there is no one-to-one general. It's really...boring!" Ye Chen waved his hand.

"..." This guy's expression is too owed!

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang, I think you were a substitute at the beginning. You came here purely for fire fighting! Is this your first time?"

"Well, yes! As you have seen before, there are very few heroes in my account!"

"The first time you played, you played so well! You are a genius!"

"Others say so!"


This stuff can be loaded!

I look forward to this guy being killed!

"Mr. Pretending King, you will fight the Twelve Heavenly Kings tomorrow, can you still maintain the state you are today?"

"What is the state today? What state?"

"It's the state of having zero mistakes in the audience, always shaved and bald!" said the beauty anchor.

"That's for sure! Shaving someone's head in the game is a virtue! Being shaved is a kind of happiness!"

"Happy your sister! This guy is owed! I especially want to see the face when this guy was killed!" The person watching the video said with a smile.

"To be honest, I was originally a fan of him, but, I don't know why, why do I want to watch him be abused and killed so much! What kind of psychology is this? Who can tell me?" Some fans said puzzled.

"Mr. King of Humanoid Hook Up! Your name is too long! Why did you name it so long in the first place?"

"Because of the short name, all registered!" Ye Chen said silently.

"Excuse me, can we call you by short name?" said the beauty.

"Of course!" Ye Chen nodded! "You find me an abbreviated name!"

"That's really an honor! I call you...how about it?"

"Hanging?" Ye Chen frowned!

"Why don't you force it?"

"Huh? Puff!" Those interviewers couldn't help laughing!

Ye Chen's face is even darker!

"Why don't you be forced?"

"..." Ye Chen was speechless!

Looking at the beauty, she said, "Little beauty, this is a provocation! Don't dare to call me that! Be careful, I'll take your blood!"

Everyone was taken aback! This guy is playing a hooligan!

However, after that, I saw that all the beauties next to me were all around!

"People are forced!"

"Hang on!"

"People are hanging out!"

Ling Jing and others are completely speechless!

Looking at these crazy beauties rubbing Ye Chen!

Can't help but despise!

"Ye Chen just said that this is all trying the law with his own body, and his heart wants Ye Chen to take their blood!"

"You can call the king! Or force the king!" Ye Chen looked at these beauties who knowingly committed crimes, in line with the principle of not blaming the public, touched his nose and corrected!

"Mr. Wang! Are you considering becoming a professional player in the future? After all, you are so talented!"

"Professional player?" Ye Chen shook his head quickly!


"Didn't I just say? It's boring! Too boring! Playing games always win! There is no one who can kill myself! I have tried my best to release the water, but no one can do it! Hey! Too boring!"

Everyone saw this expression and couldn't help but want to beat him!

"I am here this time, mainly to participate in the global elite trials! That competition is a little bit interesting!" Ye Chen said.

After speaking, Ye Chen left! This is the end of the interview!

However, those who saw Ye Chen's interview felt dumbfounded!

This guy said he was participating in the global elite trials?

Blow it?

This is an international event!

They are all selected from all over the country! Now, we have reached the quarterfinals!

The final is coming soon! He actually said he was in this competition?

"Why don't I believe so!"

"I don't believe it either! Just this exaggerated expression, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Xueba!"

But soon, they found Ye Chen's name from the name of the examination committee!

"Wocao, there really is him! Ye Chen! It turns out that Wang's real name is Ye Chen!"

"I'm going! This product has four rounds of perfect score! Number one!"

"This Nima... Does this mean that this guy is a schoolmaster!"

"Where is Xueba!"

"It's a thousand-year-old eighth-level learning tyrant! It's scary!"

"Will there be a live broadcast of this final? I want to see his face when he is defeated! It must be wonderful! Haha!"

"Me too! I have only one wish now, and that is to watch this kid get crushed!"


"Mr. Jiang! There was a problem with the broadcast of this global elite competition! Pearl thought that such a program would not have too much attention! Therefore, they arranged the schedule for the program and gave it away. "Star Battle."" Zhuang Mingyue reported to Jiang Yuqinghui.

"It's really profit first! It's all in the eyes of money! If such a program is well broadcast, how positive is it for the promotion of education, don't they know? They even said that they cut it!" Jiang Yuqing angrily scolded .

Afterwards, asked again.

"Do they have other plans?"

"No! The TV station has even refunded the fee to the examination committee!" Zhuang Mingyue said.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuqing couldn't help but snorted coldly.

However, then she said to Zhuang Mingyue:

"Go check the two TV stations, Imperial Capital, Jiangnan, and Jiangnan, and see which one is more suitable! I'll give them a call! In addition, contact the examination team, our Huaxing Group is ready to buy all the property rights of this competition! "

My son’s first stage performance was taken down before he was on stage?

Don't even think about it!

"This...good! Understand!" Zhuang Mingyue groaned and agreed!

"President Jiang, how much do you think is appropriate?"

"Take out ten million! In the future, all copyright revenues generated by this competition will be divided into three to seven with the owner of the property rights according to the market price!" Jiang Yuqing said.

Ten million? Zhuang Mingyue was shocked!

If you consider it from the perspective of doing business, it is obvious that the price is too high and it is extremely uneconomical!

Although it is a global elite trial!

However, there are such competitions every year, and the viewership is not particularly strong!

This can be seen from the number of video clicks in previous years!

Now, Jiang always pays such a high price...

"Take it as compensation for his previous participation in school group activities." Jiang Yuqing said apologetically in his voice.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yuqing got on the phone of the director of the Imperial TV station!

"Why do you busy guy think of me?" A laugh came on the other end of the phone.

"Old sister, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you want to call you?" Jiang Yuqing said.

"Baby his dad! You pinch me quickly to see if I am dreaming, my girl, speaking today, the tone is not right! I am afraid I am dreaming!"

"Old sister, what you said made me sad!"

"Let's talk, what's the matter, just use your original tone, don't do this, otherwise, I'm always afraid of being sold by you accidentally!" Lu Ming on the phone said with a smile.

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