Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 169: , All want to see him being abused

Jiang Yuqing told me about the broadcast of the program on their TV station!

"Tomorrow night? So anxious? Besides, it's still prime time? This is not easy to operate!"

"Sister, please help me to coordinate. All the expenses incurred during our business negotiations are considered mine!"

"I look down on my sister, isn't it? This is the merit of promoting education. How am I ashamed to open my mouth and ask for it! Let the people prepare, I will tell the people in the station, let them coordinate, let's go "Buy out" the contract!"

"Sister, then I thank you!"

"Don't come to this set. When we are struggling in the future, you big wealth god, send me two carts of rice, don't let us starve to death!" Lu Ming said with a smile.

"Don't worry, anyone who is hungry will not be hungry for you!"


The president of the China Affairs Committee of the Global Elite Selection is angry at this moment!

"Does the dignified Pearl TV station lack the ratings of this day? Is it lack of schedule for this day? I am unwilling to lend a hand to such a thing...Really!"

"President, or, let's appeal to the minister! After all, this is an event that the whole world is participating in. It is not an exaggeration to be called the Olympics in education, but now, it is..." Secretary Ning Wenhai said.

"Hey! Forget it! Pearl has already given us a lot of help, and we can't find them uncomfortable! Besides, asking them to live broadcast our program in prime time is a bit...excessive!" President Bai Jingxian Said with a wry smile.

After all, this is the era of market economy, so we still have to focus on the market!

At this moment, the phone in the president's office rang! After answering the call, Bai Jingxian's face flashed shock!

"What? You said they are willing to let us live on Imperial TV? All expenses are covered! And, the intellectual property income of the contest is 37%? You will take them to the meeting room immediately, and I will pass immediately!" Bai Jingxian said excitedly .

"President! What's wrong?"

"The savior is here! The God of Wealth is here! Go! Hurry up and take a look!"

Half an hour later, Bai Jingxian's face was full of smiles!

"Secretary Zhuang, you President Jiang is really a man of righteousness!" Bai Jingxian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"We, Mr. Jiang, are concerned about our education in China. This time I heard that we encountered some difficulties in the elite trials, so we did something within our power! Regarding this contract, if you think there are any problems, you can modify it again. !"

"No problem, no problem at all! You have given us the best benefit, where can we ask for too much!"


Pearl TV!

"Emperor TV Station is willing to broadcast live at the prime time? Hehe...I'm really afraid of losing money!" Director Hu Qing said with a sneer.

"The main reason is that the price of the Huaxing Group this time is high enough! In addition, God Capital TV, under the suppression of CCTV, it is difficult to improve. Therefore, it is reasonable to be willing to undertake this program! Don't think about it, this time with wisdom The shrewd Huaxing Group, I'm afraid it will lose money!" said a subordinate next to it.

"People will care about the money, but the name! Rich and willful!" Hu Qing said.

Huaxing Group is China’s investment leader!

Their every move will have a profound impact on other companies, and even affect the turbulence of the stock market!

This move is no exception, and even has begun to be interpreted by others!

However, no matter how they read it, they cannot find a reasonable explanation!

Because, from an investment point of view, this is a trade that is sure to lose without making a profit!

"Maybe, I really care about the name!" someone said.

"The funds are too small! If it is other projects, I am afraid that no one will care, but because of Zhuang Mingyue, it is paid more attention!"

After all, she is the spokesperson of business queen Jiang Yuqing!


May 25th! Friday!

eight pm! The top of the Pearl Tower!

The Global Elite Trial is officially started!

The Global Elite Trials began, and the Pearl Tower was brilliantly lit and looked beautiful!

Eight elites who stepped up through the fight, enter the arena with the four great talents!

And in the judges seat, there are three major judges!

Yelu University, the father of superconductivity, Nobel Laureate Professor Smith! Professor of Economics at Stanford University, Professor Cruise of the White House Economics Advisor! Professor of the School of International Relations at Harvard University, former president of the think tank, Mr. Klin, known as the shadow of the president!

And beside the rostrum, there are members of two observation groups! The Stick Country Observer Group, the Wa Country Observer Group! Because it is an international event, we must try our best to ensure fairness and justice, and they are the supervisors!

This event will be broadcast live by Imperial TV!

"What's the ratings?" Lu Ming asked his subordinates.

"Director, the ratings are a bit... weird!" the subordinate said to Lu Ming.

Hearing this, Lu Ming frowned.

"Why? Is it bad? According to the usual practice in previous years, there should be an audience rating of 0.5, right?" Lu Ming asked.

Regardless of the program, the prime time ratings of their Imperial Capital TV station alone must have 0.5%.

"Director, it's not too low! It's...too high! Too high?" Lu Ming walked over and quickly looked at the statistics.

"Why is 0.9% so much?" Lu Ming asked in surprise.

A hot TV series they introduced last year, which was vigorously promoted in the early stage, and only got 0.7 ratings when it started broadcasting. But now, the show starts at 0.9?

She was worried before, but now it's the opposite! Does everyone love to learn so much?

"Look at what kind of crowd and audience." When Lu Ming saw this data, he was immediately intrigued!

Because Imperial TV broadcasts the network and TV signals almost simultaneously, and the network live broadcast can participate in the interaction!

Soon everyone was dumbfounded!

The word that appears the most in the comments is the king!

Soon everyone will know! This king is one of the contestants, Ye Chen!

"Ye Chen? Is that the student who won the first place in the five rounds of qualifying?" Lu Ming asked.

Because they need to be broadcast live, so I have a little understanding of this exam!

"Yeah! That's him! Many people on the Internet are coming to him!"

However, after they carefully read the comments, they all looked strange!

Are you all expecting him to lose?

"I'm particularly looking forward to someone cutting him! I want to see this guy being abused!"

"Hahaha! At that time, this guy must have a wonderful expression!"

"Who can put an end to being forced, I will give you a package of spicy sticks!"

"The comments above are all black fans?" asked an unknown passerby!

"We are pink! Pink pink! But we just want to watch him get beaten wildly!"

"Yes! Beat the more ruthless, the deeper our love!"

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