Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 170: ,Start

Seeing this comment, everyone was dumbfounded!

How much he is hated! Why are you sitting in front of the TV in a line just waiting to see him being abused?

"This is the first time I have seen such a person!"

"There are such fans?" Everyone was speechless!

"Now our ratings rank fifth! The first is that the "Star Wars" of Pearl TV has gathered many stars! Moreover, they are all traffic niches, so the program is booming! I heard that Mistar was injured during the recording of the program. "A subordinate said.

"Oh, I saw the news. And, by coincidence, the attending physician is my friend!

At that time, halfway through the recording of the show, the entire set was in chaos, and I heard that the mistar was injured!

Many people at the scene rushed up, and the fans waiting outside were even more crazy, and they were all distressed!

All taxis followed! When we arrived at the hospital, seeing such a big battle, the hospital quickly activated an emergency plan! Send my friend out of the operating room to take care of his treatment!

My friend asked the unrelated personnel to leave and the mistar to open the wound.

After the agent opened the wound, my friend couldn't help but said: Fortunately, it was delivered in time! Otherwise, the wound will...live forever! "

"Puff! What? Fortunately, it was delivered in time, otherwise the wound will grow?"

"Isn't it? It's just scratching a bit of the skin as big as a fingernail! They are all the same to death!

At that time, the mistar was still a little bit silly, and said to my friend: "I'm so tired. I want to take the opportunity to rest for a while. Please keep it secret for me!

My friend said angrily at the time: "I have so many patients in need of treatment, I don't bother to interfere with your business!" This is what you know as the true version of Mistar's injury! It's such a big thing, those fans are stunned to guard all night outside, and some fans even cry distressed! Really... don't understand! "

"Don't worry about your kid talking here, but don't talk nonsense elsewhere! Be careful that they come up with a bitter trick and sue you for slander!" Lu Ming said to the subordinate.

"Hey..." The man scratched his head.

Pearl TV!

Director Hu Qing also saw the ratings data! A cold snort!

"It's just for a while. When the show starts, they will soon be attracted."

The others nodded. But it's a competition project, and it's still a competition between students. The most important thing is that this is still a live broadcast, the most original presentation, there must be many accidents!

At that time, when that time comes, the Imperial TV Station may be backed by it!

"Let me introduce it to everyone!

These four are our four great talents in China! They are Meng Hao from Mingzhu International Middle School! Jun Meng from the Ninth Middle School of the Imperial Capital! Qiu Jun from Jinghua High School! Tian Xin from the High School Affiliated to Mingzhu University!

Each of them is a rare genius, and everyone has won numerous awards! On the international stage, there are achievements that people are proud of! It is precisely because of this that, the Elite Trial Competition Examination Committee, chartered them to directly advance to the final!

Many judges also recognized their strength! This time, I hope their results can be the icing on the cake and get more glory! "

The host introduced them emphatically. Obviously, for this game, the four of them will become the protagonists of today! And as the introduction fell, applause rang out from the court. Obviously, they had a lot of fans!

"The rest of you are all students who have been selected and struggling from all over the world! They are all outstanding, all the geniuses in the eyes of their classmates, and the elites in the eyes of teachers. This time, they will gather together and will Compete for the final six qualifications! The competition is still cruel! Can you compete with the four talents? Let us wait and see!"

"First of all, the first one is Ye Chen from Jingyang No. 3 Middle School in Qingyun Province!"

On TV, the camera casts on Ye Chen!

"It's Xiaochen! It's Xiaochen! My son! This is my son!" a woman in Jingyang County said excitedly, pointing to the TV screen.

Next to him, Ye Zixiang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked at the screen and smirked, but in those eyes, tears were clearly flashing! This is their son, the son they have raised for eighteen years!

"We are out of Jingyang County!" Li Dazhu said next to him.

"I heard that the people who competed with him this time are all geniuses since childhood, and their family conditions are excellent! But look at Xiaochen, stand with them, face the camera, face the teacher, face everything Audience, not at all shocked!" Zhang Dakui said.

Gao Lin and others are also proud of their faces. This is their student and their pride. It is his ability to stand in the most prosperous city in China, appear on the TV station of the Imperial Capital, and compete with the children in the city. Glory is also the greatest reward for their work!

"Hey! That's it! All the first place in the qualifiers?" "Looking at how they are all arrogant, I have changed my mind now! What are the four great talents, what international champions! What geniuses from other places! Me Once the king is forced out, who will fight for the battle!"

"Forcing the king, we want you to torture them first, and then watch them resurrect and beat you together!"

Many people commented on the show.

Looking at these comments, Lu Ming and others felt a little... messy!

"This Ye Chen is really a demon! Is it so contradictory? It makes people love and hate?"

Changlu Ming chuckles from the Imperial TV Station!

She was going to leave, but seeing such an interesting thing, she couldn't help but stop!

The scene of the global elite trials!

In addition to three judges and two observation groups, there are 256 spectators!

These viewers do not have the right to choose and decide, all rights belong to the judges!

Game start!

The four great talents stand in the forefront position!

Meng Hao glanced at Ye Chen!

"Boy, I want to watch you get kicked down here!"

"Luo Ming, the more you live, the more you go back! In the face of such a person, you are all pressed down! It seems that during this period of time, you were tortured by your fairy tutor! You don't even know your mind. That's it!" Next to him, Meng Jun of the No. 9 Imperial Capital High School said to Luo Ming.

They knew each other, and they had competed with Luo Ming many times before, and their results were comparable! Now it's hard to see Luo Ming deflated in the hands of a student

How could they let go of this opportunity to laugh at!

"I'm getting more and more alive? Humph! You'll know in a while! Tell you in advance!

This is an evil dragon! If you still treat him as a bug, be careful that none of the bones swallowed by him are left! "Luo Ming said to everyone.

"Huh! It's just to make excuses for your incompetence. No matter how you argue, you can't cover up the fact that you were run over by a student from the countryside twice!" Meng Hao said with a sneer looking at Luo Ming.

In the picture, several people are smiling, even with humble smiles on their faces, and they all look harmless and live in harmony, but when they hear their conversation, they will find that, These guys are typical actors!

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