Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 172: , Zero points

Jingyang County!

The principals of Gao Lin and Jingyang No. 3 High School of the Education Bureau, Ye Zixiang, Feng Guizhi, and his fellow villagers, can't laugh out anyway!

"I was the one who delayed him! We were the one who delayed him! Xiaochen is so powerful! I can definitely learn it!" Feng Guizhi said ashamed.

"Guizhi, you don’t have to blame yourself! How can there be such a condition here? Look at Xiaochen, still not ashamed at all! If you don’t learn, you don’t learn! What is shame about this! We are in such an environment that we can interact with them Standing on the same stage, he has proven his excellence!" Someone beside him comforted.

But in the audience, a woman looked at the stage, her stubborn figure with pride and unwillingness to bow her head, but her heart was very sad!


"Twelve candidates, have introduced themselves! Please rate the judges!" said the host.

Meng Hao! very! Nine points! very!

Luo Ming! very! very! Nine points!


"Ye Chen! Abstain! Abstain! Abstain!"

When the host saw this scene, there was an incredible flash on his face! He had never encountered such a situation before!

Even if the score is a little lower, it won't be too much! However, now he abstained directly. Abstaining means no points! It is equal to zero points!

The audience and those who watched TV were also stunned! I feel a little unacceptable!

"I think he should be a typical representative of Huaxia Education, the product of a typical test-taking exam! I didn't believe it before!

Now I believe it! If it's about exams, he might get the first place, and even our elites won't even make it, but other skills are really bad! I really couldn't find a zero score option, so I chose to abstain! "Mr. Smith said.

"A person who doesn't understand art is a person who doesn't understand beauty! It is difficult for such a person to achieve great results!" Bruce said.

"The same views as the first two! I think, from his body, perhaps, China's education should be reflected! Why do so many people have always passed exams, but in the end they cannot fail to make great achievements in many fields such as technology!" Klin said the same.

The audience can't stand the words of the three teachers!

Especially those king fans can't stand it!

"Asshole! What do you say! Don't you just know how to play the piano? Don't you just know how to play music? Are you guys?"

"These bastards! Do you know how much hardship he has to pay to get to this point? He even used such an elite figure as a negative teaching material on the spot?"

"Do you know how backward the education in the small county is? Do you know how fierce the competition is? If he can't even pass the exam, he doesn't even have the qualifications to stand here!"

Many people are aggrieved!

"Forcing the king! Don't cry!"

"We believe in you!"

"You are the king! You can't lose the king's etiquette!"

Fans of the king sent comments for comfort!

Feng Guizhi and Ye Zixiang couldn't help but wipe their tears! They feel that it is their responsibility that children do not have those!

The host handed the microphone to Ye Chen!

"Student Ye Chen, for the 0-point evaluation and evaluation of the teachers, do you have anything to explain here?" the host said.

"I don't blame them!" Ye Chen said lightly.

The host nodded, she wanted to say that this child is strong! Facing such an encounter can be calm, it is precious!

However, the words under Ye Chen caused her to swallow this idea!

"Because... I will use practical actions to slap them in the face!" Ye Chen said again.

Hearing this, the netizens were startled for a moment, then boiled!

"Forcing the king to be mighty!"

"Forcing the king!"

"We look forward to forcing the king to rise!"

When the host heard this, he was also stunned!

He thought that Ye Chen would refute, but he didn't expect that he would be so straightforward!

The expressions of the three judges were immediately pulled down!

Alongside, Ling Zhichao saw this scene from below, a sneer flashed across his face!

And Meng Hao looked at Ye Chen with a smile on his face!

The impression score was scored zero!

He even threatened to fight back and hit his face!

"His words are impolite! It is detrimental to China's image!" said a teacher.

"We don't think there is a problem! The words of the three judges teachers just now are equally aggressive, hurting our students' self-esteem, causing backlash and rebuttal. We think this is normal!" A teacher from the examination committee argued for Ye Chen.

After that, the three teachers didn't say anything, each of them looked at Ye Chen with bad eyes, obviously waiting to clean him up!

"This kid! Evil! Courageous!" Lu Ming couldn't help but nod his head.

The kind of strong self-confidence that almost despised everything just now is rare!

And at the same time!

Screenshot of their game! And Ye Chen's almost arrogant self-confidence spread out!

In the elite competition, five minutes after the start, the contestants and the judges exchanged views!

"I will slap you in the face!"

The person who was watching "Star Team Fight" got the news! It's totally fun to click in and take a look!

"Wocao. Isn't the game all harmonious? What just happened? Is this a rehearsal beforehand?"

"This buddy named Ye Chen is so awesome! Just talk to the judges!"

"Too violent"

"Let me take a look too!"

Those who are watching TV, turn on their mobile phones, watch the star battles on TV, and watch elite games on mobile phones!

first round!

Most of the others scored nine points! The worst is also eight points!

Ye Chen! Zero points! Bottom!

second round!

Calculate the game!

Game start!

There is a responder in front of everyone!

first question!

The host is finished!


Was snatched by Luo Ming from the Ninth Middle School of the Imperial Capital!

Others can only stare!

"The answer is 879521!" Luo Ming replied.


"Wocao! Is it so powerful? I didn't see what the problem was just now? How did he know the answer!"

"Look! The others are all rushing to answer! But the king didn't even move!"

"No! Forcing the king to be as stunned as we are?" Everyone was puzzled!

The second question!

This time, it is more difficult than the last time!

One more place!


Meng Hao from Mingzhu No. 9 Middle School grabbed it!

"The answer is 128983795"



"Are these people so perverted?"

"How did this work out?"

"Are there any rehearsals? If these questions and answers are okay, then I have a problem with my IQ!"

"Forcing the king to still be motionless!"

Next, there are three more questions!

Everyone has answered!

Only Ye Chen stood still there!

Question 6!

"Square root multiplication and division operations!"

The first question!

The host is finished!

This time there was a rare pause!

One second, two seconds! Three seconds! No one answered!

Because, as long as you press this answerer, you will start answering questions within one second, and if you make a mistake, you will lose points! If there is no answer, no one dares to start!

In four seconds!


Luo Ming from the Ninth Middle School of the Imperial Capital!

"19890.444" infinite loop! "



There was fierce applause from the audience!

The judges and teachers could not help but applaud!

Obviously, I can't help but admire their wonderful performance!

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