Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 173: ,re-examine

In the second round, so far, there have been six questions!

"In the field, there are still a few questions that have not been answered, you have to come on!" The host said with a smile.

"Why don't you push the king?"

"Are the kings really pretending to be forced? Actually, they really can't do anything?"

Some people doubted.

"This Ye Chen... hasn't moved yet! Does he not, or is he waiting?" Lu Ming was also watching.

"Fatty Lai, this is what you're talking about in this elite trial. You have to give the judges first! Now, I'm motionless again!"

"Wife, isn't this just the beginning? It's too early!" Fatty Lai was also a little irritable at the moment, couldn't help saying.

In fact, there is no bottom in his heart.

The seventh question has come out!

"Advanced equation calculation!"

The host read the topic!

This time the pause is longer!

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Ten seconds! Still no one answered!

There is even no sign of rushing to answer!

"This time, no one should have robbed it? Then let me come!" Ye Chen smiled!

Afterwards, his hand directly pressed on the answering machine!


This hurried voice quickly attracted all eyes in the field!

The camera quickly turned to him!

"8938.34444." Ye Chen said.

"Correct!" the host said excitedly.

"Forcing the king to finally show off!" Someone said excitedly.

"The calculation of the game is the brain speed, not the hand speed! Before the king was forced to disdain and compete with you!"

"Yes! That would be too cheap!" Everyone talked!

"Question eight!"



"Wocao! One second!"

"No! Less than a second! When the question came out, he had already pressed the answerer!

And those players are still dumbfounded!

Question 9!


"Question Ten!..."


"Question 11!..."


"Question 20!"



"Sorry! The question bank has been completely answered! Now, there are no more questions!" the host said.


"The question bank was answered? What does this Nima mean?"

Everyone is still in that kind of shock! No reaction at all!

"If the question bank is answered, there is no question! This time the design limit of the question is 20 questions! Under normal circumstances, according to this difficulty, the ninth question is almost the limit of mental arithmetic! And The current highest record holder is also the ninth question! The calculation time limit is five minutes!

In other words, if you can't answer within five minutes, it means that this round is over!

However, this person does not have this restriction at all! Just answer all the questions! However, he has not reached his limit, which is equivalent to testing your boxing power! As a result, you blow the dynamometer directly with one punch! "Someone explained.


"Hahaha... to force the king is to force the king!"

"A shot is extraordinary!"

"The previous question was too simple, I didn't even bother to answer it!"

"Hahaha... served!"

And in the field, this time!

The observation group of the Wa Kingdom and the observation group of the Bangzi Kingdom were whispering there at the moment!

"We applied to appeal to the examination committee and re-distribute the question, because we suspect that this student was involved in the illegal answering of the question!

Because, in the previous answer records, no matter whether it was a match between our country and the big stick country, this situation has not happened so far, so we doubt the authenticity of this matter! "The two observers said.

"Teacher judge, what do you think!"




The three judges and teachers all nodded in agreement!

"Wocao! What does this mean? If you are better than you, should you be suspected?"

"Dogday, too bully!"

"I have never seen anything like this!"

Netizens are not happy anymore!

But it's useless! Finally, the verification process is started!

Ye Chen was taken over!

Afterwards, all the high-tech equipment brought by the observation team was brought out! Obviously, these people came prepared!

However, after they tested the leaf dust, they did not find any electronic equipment!

Even so, I still don't want to give up!

"We appeal and reset the exam questions!" said the two observers.

The three judges agree!

The examination committee agrees!

Three minutes later, a brand new test question from the United States arrived again!

The host glanced at Ye Chen sympathetically, and then began to recite the question!

However, Ye Chen replied like a stream, like a broken bamboo!

Twenty questions!

Less than two minutes, all done, all correct!

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Bangziguo Pu Chang looked unbelief!

"You should be fortunate, this is on stage, if you are off stage, you have no chance to speak! You trash yourself, do you think everyone is trash like you?" Ye Chen said.

"Damn! Domineering!"

"Forcing the king!"

"Slap fiercely!" netizens shouted!

Even though the two observers were dissatisfied, they had nothing to say in the face of this!

"Sorry, I apologize for our recklessness just now!" The two observers apologized to Ye Chen.

"To those who deliberately stabbed! I only slap my face! I apologize, I don't accept it!" Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, the two of them turned pale!

However, there is no way!

They knew that Ye Chen's first impression score had already scored zero! It is estimated that this product is a broken jar!

"Only slap in the face! Don't accept an apology! Haha... awesome!"

"Yes! Why accept an apology! This guy is clearly looking for faults! Even if he is better than them, he is cheating? He also said that there is a problem with Huaxia's integrity. Hearing this, I can't wait to slap him!"

The second round! Ye Chen won first place with absolute advantage!

Because it is a semi-final, the result is subject to the semi-final!

Full marks!

This is also the first full score ever!

The first student to pass the question bank!

The total scores of other people, no one scored as many together!

Decisive victory, no suspense!

"Today, I have seen the test ability of Chinese students!" Smith said.

"However, examination ability does not reflect everything. This can be seen from the Nobel Prize winning situation."

"I also agree, their test-taking skills are really amazing!" Bruce couldn't help but say.

After hearing this, netizens were even more angry!

"This is typical discrimination!"

"You tell us, where does this technique come from?"

"They are looking for faults on purpose!"

Different from China! A lot of attention is paid to the global elite trials!

The video of Ye Chen's answering the question bank was quickly circulated to the international social networking site "must tear up", causing a lot of controversy!

"Is this student so awesome?" someone exclaimed.

"If you were a student who knew Huaxia, you wouldn't say that!"

"That's right! Chinese students cheating is a common practice, and there are many tricks and ways to prevent it!"

"Although it is impossible to detect cheating devices, there is no guarantee that he did not cheat!"

"Wait, he will show the fox's tail sooner or later! How can I explain him? How should Huaxia explain?"

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