Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 177: , Nothing new

The game continues!

The third round!


"Please use your own words to allow a few foreigners to accept and believe in Huaxia culture!" the host said.

When I heard this topic, the Internet exploded again!

"Isn't this deliberately looking for death? These guys are obviously hostile to China! Now, with such a subjective question, isn't it deliberately looking for fault!

Such a subjective question!

How to convince?

Besides, the judges and observers had just been very hostile to Ye Chen, and Ye Chen had just fought back fiercely!

It would be strange if it could be persuaded!

This in itself is a very unreasonable situation!

"Don't be pessimistic, who is this? This is forcing the king! We must believe that pretending to be the king is professional!"

There are also people who are blindly confident in Ye Chen and believe that they can achieve good results in this round of competition!


The first person is on the court!

Meng Hao, one of the four great talents!

A few of them have been suffocated long ago!

Since participating in the competition, there has not been a chance to show up!

The limelight was all taken away by this kid, they all became the background wall, they all became foils, foiling the difference of this brat, and the extraordinary extraordinaryness of this brat!

Now, it's finally their turn to play!

Never give up such an opportunity again!

"We have five thousand years of history in China, and it is also the four ancient civilizations! Now, all ancient civilizations, except for the civilization of China, remain independent and fresh, other civilizations have long been annihilated in the long river of history, this book It proves that the Chinese civilization has a strong vitality!..." Meng Hao argued from multiple aspects and talked freely!

And in the conversation, it is even more quoting from the classics, showing the profound knowledge! That fluent English made the three judges nod their heads!

Economics professor Bruce nodded frequently

Obviously, he has long admired Meng Hao!

When Meng Hao's words are over, both the judges and observers can't help but nod!

The audience can't help but applaud vigorously!

They were completely covered up by Ye Chen's light just now, and now they remembered that everyone on the stage is a genius!

Then, other students took turns on the field, speaking to the judges and professors!

Because, after the speech is finished, the scores are all played on the spot. Obviously, the more you get to the end, the more you lose. Because there are so many materials and arguments, it is inevitable to pick up the teeth!

Finally, all the eleven contestants are finished!

Although everyone is five minutes, eleven people are enough to make all the teachers sleepy!

In addition, at the end, everything that can be said has been said, it is difficult to have any new ideas!

Not to mention the judges, even the audiences can't listen at all, one by one is sleepy!

"Finally it's the turn to push the king! I feel he is going to hang this time!"

"The time and place are right and the people are right. He doesn't touch any of them. This time, if you want to turn over, I'm afraid it is a bit hanged!"

Everyone looked at Ye Chen and sweated for him!

"China for five thousand years!"

As soon as Ye Chen said a word, netizens were disappointed!

"This is terrible."

"Sure enough, it is inevitable that the king will fall into the cliché!"

"It's really hard to introduce new ideas!"

But, soon, these people shut up!

Because Ye Chen didn't let them down!

"China for five thousand years! Brilliant 4,999! When our culture is splendid and leading the world, the United States is nothing but a barren land! When we wear silk and use porcelain, we are not tired of eating fine and fine food, you But I’m still drinking blood! Whether it’s politics, economy, culture or technology! Compared to the current U.S., it’s surpassed!... The entire Asia, culture is centered on China! My Chinese culture is the teacher of Asia! For such an ancient and rich culture, you choose to turn a blind eye to it. It is not us! It is your own fault!" Ye Chen's tone was strong and aggressive!

"Wocao, is this guy arguing or making sense? How do I feel that this is the rhythm of arguing?"

"He didn't want to take advantage of the question, he wanted to go crazy, right?"

"From his eyes, I seem to see madness!"

"At this moment, for health, stay away from the king!"

"What is this player talking about?"

"Do you understand the art of conversation? Lobbying can't arouse other people's disgust in order to achieve his own goals. What is he doing like this?"

"Do you agree with what you said to me?" Ye Chen asked condescendingly at the five people.

A few people were taken aback, and they didn't expect Ye Chen to speak so aggressively, so they even asked them if they agreed?

It's strange to agree!

"This kind of view of you is probably the true thinking of your Huaxia people, right?"

"Isn't it a fact?" Ye Chen said.

"Absurd!" said Stick Country Park Chang.

"Nonsense!" Waguni Inoue said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen sneered!

"They are all qualified to speak, and you two are least qualified! A hundred years ago, Bangziguo and Waguo even copied most of the text from Huaxia! Now they say they don't accept it, do they not want to accept it, or dare not to accept it?"

"Our Yamato nation is a nation that is good at learning! We have absorbed and learned the essence of your culture, and even surpassed it completely, and you are still immersed in the previous glory. May I ask, what else do I need to learn and accept you? s things?"

"Yes! The same goes for our big stick nation!"

"Moreover, our culture not only absorbs and integrates the essence of ancient Chinese culture, but also develops on the original basis and becomes our own culture! Compared with you, we are even better! European and American countries, only You need to understand us, and accepting us is enough to appreciate everything! As for the declining Chinese culture, you don't need to learn it!" said the observer of the Japanese nation.

"Besides, now you are all trapped in the quagmire of self-denial, unable to extricate yourself! Even you yourself doubt and deny, but still want us to accept it, isn't it a bit... unrealistic?" said the stick observer Park Chang.

"It seems that the two of them have already answered your question for us?" The three judges looked at each other with a smile, looked at Ye Chen and said.

Upon hearing this, the audience became angry and couldn't help clenching their fists!

However, it was silent in the end!

They don't know what to do!

Seeing the performance of the audience, Park Chang and Inoue Goose were even more proud!

"To give a simple example, the martial arts you are proud of! It turns out to be a bunch of pseudo-masters cheating! The Chinese medicine you are proud of is just like an ancient trick!

But our taekwondo and karate have become Olympic events!

Our medical skill level is not known how many levels higher than yours. Tell me, what can we look for in addition to looking for superiority in front of you? "

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