Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 178: ,No time

Paying attention to Huaxia culture means finding superiority in Huaxia?

Ye Chen laughed!

Then, leave the seat!

Hooked a finger at Inoue Goose!

"I am a Chinese martial arts fan. I usually fight with both hands! I heard that you are a black belt 6-dan master in karate, dare you give me both hands? Of course, if you don’t feel confident, you can bring the Pu Chang next to you. together!"

"You? Humph!" Inoue's face flashed with disdain!

"I am a black belt in karate. I fight with you. Even if I win, I won't win! It doesn't make sense!"

"This is part of my debate. If you don't come, I might ask someone else to come on stage! However, if you change to another person, then you will inevitably say that we will act together on fire, so it is better for you to come on stage! "Ye Chen said.

Then, said to the three judges.

"Please grant my request! I always like to speak in fact!"

"You have to think about it! What if I accidentally hurt you?" A sneer flashed from the corner of Inoue's mouth!

He couldn't understand Ye Chen a long time ago, and he didn't expect this product to be delivered by himself!

"If you can hurt me, it means that I have failed in this debate! You will not be held accountable!"

"Okay! Then I will practise with you! Let you know, your Chinese martial arts is just getting worse!" Inoue just stood up, obviously, he can't wait!

"Inoue-kun! Be lighter in a while! Don't beat anyone up!" Pu Chang reminded Inoue with a smile!

However, anyone can tell that this guy has bad intentions and wants Inoue to build a heavy hand!

"Huh! I will teach him to be a man!"

The audience is nervous!

"What is this? Do you want to do it?"

"Why did you say that Wendou turned into Wudou?"

"The opponent is a karate black belt 6th grade, a top expert! Will he... be beaten if he challenges like this?"

Afterwards, the two walked to the center of the stage!

"You're an amateur! I'll give you a chance to let you go first!" Inoue Kosuke stood in his hand, as a master.

"Okay! Then I'm not welcome!" Ye Chen said.

Then, a tiptoe!

Rush forward!


Fast as a raptor!

One kick hit Inoue's sturdy body!


Inoue just built a 160-jin body and flew out!

"My Cao!"

"I go!"

"This Nima!"

The audience was shocked! The judges are also dumbfounded!

Good master!

"Inoue-kun! Are you...are you okay?" Park Chang hurriedly shouted to Inoue Gangjian.

Cough cough cough!

Inoue Gangjian who flew out covered his chest, coughing constantly, and it took a while to catch his breath!

"Are you Chinese martial arts?" Inoue Gangjian shouted at Ye Chen!

"This is the signature action of martial arts master Bruce Lee! Don't you know? Bruce Lee is my Chinese master! His martial arts is naturally my Chinese martial arts!"

"Your Chinese martial arts, isn't it Shaolin Boxing, Bagua Palm or something?"

"That's you ignorant and ignorant! We have a huge variety of Chinese martial arts, and there are many genres. How can you cover it with a few words!" Ye Chen sneered!

"Come again!" Inoue slapped the ground, then stood up!

The audience nearby saw this scene and couldn't help but nod!

As expected to be a karate black belt six-stage master, he is resistant to fighting!


Inoue Gangjian kicked Ye Chen in the air!

The legs are sharp and swift, which is the signature of karate!

If you are hit by this one, I am afraid you will lose your combat effectiveness on the spot at least!

But Ye Chen just smiled coldly!

Don't even bother to hide!

Just punch out!

Yes, just hit the flying leg!

Seeing this scene, a sneer flashed across Inoue's face!

"Idiot! Looking for death!"

However, just after he finished speaking, a strong force came from his feet!


Inoue screamed, and then flew out again! He fell heavily to the ground!




"What a black belt in karate, and there is a face that our Chinese martial arts is embroidered with fists! I think he is!"

"Three judges, look, my Chinese martial arts, but I show off my legs with fist? But I have no fighting power?"

The three judges glanced at each other and nodded!

"We have a long history of Chinese martial arts, and there are many genres! Whether it is a stick or a widow, you can say that you have learned our essence after a part of it! It is really laughable and generous! Here, I advise everyone, if you want to learn martial arts, look for it. Chinese Kung Fu!"


This product is starting to advertise!

"Your Chinese medicine doctor, how should you explain it?" Smith said to Ye Chen.

"Traditional Chinese medicine is even more a great medicine! Before the birth of Western medicine, the entire China, and even the entire Asia, relied on Chinese medicine! I also learned a little! Would you like me to see it for you?" Ye Chen said .

"Need to be checked?" Bruce asked.

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, smelling and inquiring! There is no need for examination!"

"Then you show us, if you say that convinces us, we will agree!" Klin said.

"You have diabetes and moderate fatty liver, you should pay attention to it in the future!" Ye Chen cut the pulse and said with a glance at Smith.

Smith didn't care, but after hearing what Ye Chen said, he was shocked!

That's all right, and it's not bad. When I came here, I just had a physical examination, and the physical examination report is still in the phone!

"Is there a way to treat this?" Smith asked Ye Chen expectantly.

"You first say that my diagnosis was correct?"

"Yes! That's right! You take a look at me, touch my wrist, and put on the check I did all morning! It's amazing! I want to know if there is any treatment now!"

"Of course! Diet therapy!"

"How to treat?" Smith grabbed Ye Chen and asked eagerly.

"Sorry, I'm not free now! Next one!"

Later, Ye Chen diagnosed Bruce next to him again!

"Well, you have kidney stones! And nephritis! Be careful in the future!"

Bruce was also startled!

"how do you know?"

"Is the diagnosis correct?"

"Yes, yes! That's right! Not bad at all! I have nothing else wrong, just this one!"

"Oh, that's right! I'm here to compete, not to practice medicine! Next one!" Ye Chen said.

"You have chronic gastritis, enteritis! Well, it should be decades old! Right?"


"Don't interrupt, am I right?"

"Yes! You are right! Because of work, I often eat irregularly, but there is..."

"Stop! I don't have time to see you doctor now!"

Afterwards, Ye Chen looked at the three judges!

"How is it? Do you trust Chinese medicine now?"

"Believe! Believe! Believe!"

"This...can you help us see a doctor?"



"No time!"

"..." Three judges!

"..." The audience and the host!

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