Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 179: , Dare to count

I saw that Ye Chen used Chinese medicine to see a doctor on the spot!

Everyone still questioned! Even more worried than fighting against martial arts, after all, fighting can still be defeated by physical strength, but this Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment is not easy to fool!

I didn't expect Ye Chen to be... even more powerful!

Seeing the three judges will soon be persuaded!

Park Chang can't sit still!

"In your culture, there are so many deceptive feudal superstitions, so many fortune-telling and divination, and even, because of these killing a lot of people, how can you explain these? Should we accept it?"

The audience got angry when they heard this!

"Just this stuff!"

"I think this guy is even worse, why didn't Ye Chen beat him with him just now!"

"I look forward to forcing the king to find a chance to get him!"

On the field, Ye Chen smiled coldly!

"All countries in the world have their own divination techniques! This is the foreknowledge made by the ancestors of all the unknowable! And our Huaxia, because the culture is longer and more splendid, so the divination methods are better and more diverse!

Besides, how do you know that this is a lie? "

"Is not it?"

"I'll learn a little bit, dare you let me do the calculations for you?"

"Hahaha... ridiculous! You count! You count it! Show me!" Pu Chang said with a sneer at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stretched out his arm and began to pinch his fingers!

"Damn! Really? Really?"

"Forcing the king to be Ye Banxian'er, right?"

"Looking at this guy's expression, why do I think he didn't hold any good farts?"

On the field, Ye Chen smiled!

"Okay! It's just that I accidentally counted things that shouldn't be counted, dare you let me say it."

"Humph! Fooling around! Tell me if you have the ability!" Pu Chang sneered at Ye Chen.

"As a celebrity in the education industry of Bangzi Country, when you came, you received 300,000 US dollars from businessman Li Taizhu. You promised to clear up the relationship for her daughter and enter Bangzi University through special recruitment channels!"

"Nonsense! Sheer nonsense! I want to sue you for slander!" Pu Chang's face was pale, and he roared at Ye Chen!

"Is it nonsense? It's not you who have the final say. You have to trouble the prosecutor to check it!"

"Oh, by the way, we have one that can be verified on site! You like to carry the case in your pocket! So that you can fool the little girl at any time. Now, there is already a Chinese girl who has been fooled by you. After you agree to a game for a while , Meet at the Pearl River! As a senior official of the Ministry of Education of the Stick Country, I am really ashamed of your behavior!"

"Nonsense! Slander! I want to sue you!" Pu Chang shouted!

"Then you dare to light up your pocket?" Ye Chen sneered!

Others also looked over!

Park Chang's face is pale!

The body was trembling, and I couldn't say a word!

Pointing to Ye Chen: "I want to sue you! I want to sue you!"

Ye Chen ignored him at all!

He walked to Klin and said, "You have two children, a boy and a girl, but the girl seems to have some... a bad heart. Right?"

"Yes! That's right!"

"Can you use your Chinese medicine and see my daughter's..."

"Mr. Smith, it's your turn! Oh! What did I do! Laboratory? It's quiet at night? Even with five stirring rods..."

"OK! OK! Dear Ye Chen! I believe in Huaxia's divination, and I absolutely accept China's divination culture!" Ye Chen smiled.

Then turned to Bruce again!

"Professor Cruise! It's your turn. Do you want to do it or not? After all, you don't have a girlfriend yet, and you don't want me to count. Your feelings are going? Oh, yes, you like flowers." Ye Chen was right. Smith said with a smile.

"Mom! What is blooming? This old grandfather is not a flower, how does he bloom?"

"Kids, don't ask so much!"

Cruise's face changed when he heard the word girlfriend at home! When I heard the word "flowering", my hands shuddered even more!

The original serious face was immediately filled with smiles!

"No, I believe you! Your Chinese medicine and martial arts have completely convinced me, I don't think I need to pass these to prove it!" Bruce said.

Ye Chen's persuasion process is over!

This round of competition has reached the point of scoring and voting.

Meng Hao 90 points! 91 points! 93!

Final score: 91.3

Meng Jun: 90 points and 90 points! 94 points!

Final score: 91.3

Say one by one, there is not much difference between everyone, or in other words, there is no distinction!

The purpose of setting up this round of competition is to let the judges and teachers to investigate and select suitable students!

Ye Chen!

Finally, the host read the last one, that is, Ye Chen's name. Everyone couldn't help holding their breath!

The persuasion technique of this product is really... unexpected!

Ye Chen! 100 points! 100 points! 100 points!

All three are 100 points!




"Facts speak louder than words!"

"If you don't accept it! I'll hit you to accept it!"

"Who said that the bull's head is forced to not drink water, and the king tells us that the bull's head is forced to drink water!"

"According to the rules of the exam, because there are subjective factors in it! So in this link, I want to give 100 points! You need to give your own reasons! Three! Please give your reasons!" Said the three.

Smith: "This classmate is different from the boring preaching of the previous classmates! His persuasion process is smarter and novel!

At first glance, I want to quarrel with you, but it is this kind of offensive and sharp remarks that can test the other party's bottom line and explore the obstacles in the other party's heart, so as to be able to clear it out! This is a more clever persuasive technique! "

Cruise: "The most brilliant thing about him is interaction! First, he throws a bait, enticing you to take the bait and confront him, and then follow exactly what he designed!

In the end, I have to serve! Because, as Smith said, you have completely exposed all the obstacles in your heart, and he will blast at a fixed point. When your obstacles have been removed, you have completely overcome! "

Klin: "Facts are better than eloquence! His language is clever! And the persuasion skills other than language are more clever! He says martial arts is great! If you refuse to accept? If you refuse to accept it, you will be defeated! I believe Mr. Inoue has a deeper understanding. Experience!

The other is Chinese medicine!

Like the previous debaters, although they can also make a point! However, it is only a theory and cannot give people real evidence!

But this one is different! Just come up and give someone a diagnosis! Moreover, it can give accurate diagnosis results! What could be more convincing than this! Other students should also learn from this classmate!

In addition, I think that as the most proud thing of my country, you have not mastered it at all. This in itself is very suspicious! And this student is just the opposite! He used practical actions to tell us, telling everyone that Huaxia's culture is long-lasting and outstanding! It is worth learning from all mankind! "

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