Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 183: Music feast

The three judges closed their eyes very cooperatively!

The two observers, naturally, would not close, they wanted to watch Ye Chen perform, and the most important thing was that they had to shoulder the task of supervision!

I don't want Ye Chen to cheat!

then! The audience is quiet!

The spotlight hit Ye Chen's body!

He took a deep breath!

Then, the mouth moved!

Seeing this, I can't help but want to laugh!

This one is really allegro!

But then, a shocking scene appeared!

The sound of the violin rang in the hall!

Correct! It's the violin!

Everyone heard it right!

This is the beginning of Super Orchestra "Soul Wonderland", the violin concerto!

The sound of the piano is melodious, like a clear spring, flowing slowly!

It was supposed to be ironing and calming!

However, everyone couldn't calm down anyway!


Everyone exploded!

It was completely blown up!

The people in front of the TV broke out!

"Wocao! What is that?"

"What did I see!"

"He is actually playing the soul wonderland of an orchestra with one mouth!"

"What is going on? What is going on here?"

"B-box? Is this B-box?"

"How can you make such an ensemble sound with your mouth?"

"God! What kind of monster did you create?"

"Mom! Come on! Look! Enchanted! There is an enchanted!"

"No! This is a god! This is a god!"



Both Park Chang and Inoue Goose were shocked and couldn't help but make noises!



The three judges scolded the two!

They have been completely caught by this music at this moment!

"Soul Wonderland"!

This is undoubtedly the performance of "Soul Wonderland"!

how is this possible? This is an orchestra, a concert hall can have this effect!

But now...

However, they can no longer think about it!

Just want to enjoy it first!

They don't want to miss this hard-won musical feast!

In fact, it is more than them!

Everyone could hardly help closing their eyes!




I thought it was a paragraph, but I didn't expect it to be the whole story!

Violin, cello, tuba, trumpet, flute, piccolo, snare drum, snare drum, piano, xylophone, row clock!

Both! Have it all!

The same does not fall!

What's more, the sound effects are comparable to the performance of the super band in person!

Music sounds in your ears, ironing your body and mind!

Everyone seemed to feel that their souls had soared into a fairyland, with flowers all over the fields, waterfalls and springs, cranes flying, and the fairy atmosphere.

The soul of the whole person was cleansed in this fairy air, the dust was washed away, and the whole body was extremely light!

Music feast!

This is a veritable musical feast!

Five minutes show time!

No one called to stop! No one wants to stop!

Same for ten minutes!

Everyone seemed to be immersed in it!

Fifteen minutes later!

One song is over!

Ye Chen's voice stopped!

However, everyone is still immersed in the music just now!

Even the host is still there! Seems unwilling to wake up!

The barrage of constant comments, at this moment, all suddenly quieted down!

Another two minutes passed!

The talents gradually wake up!



All of them stood up involuntarily, as did the three judges!

Then came thunderous applause!

The faces of everyone are full of excitement!

I accidentally enjoyed a musical feast!

How can I not get excited!

"Fantastic! Amazing!"

"You... how did you do it? Can you let us take a closer look?" Smith said to Ye Chen cautiously.

"Please believe that we have no malice! There is absolutely no malice at all! We are just... just curious, want to see this magical scene!"

"Okay! Come on!" Ye Chen waved to the three!

Afterwards, all three of them got together! The lens is also completely zoomed in!

Afterwards, Ye Chen's mouth moved again!

At the same time, the abdomen is constantly agitating, like a bellows!

And with his movements, the beautiful melody just sounded again!

Moreover, with Ye Chen's different mouth shapes and different abdominal agitation frequencies, the sound is also ever-changing!

Everyone who saw it was shocked to the point of no more!

"This is an ancient skill in my Chinese culture! It's called ventriloquist!" Ye Chen said.

"Ventilator? We always thought it was B-box! How could it be ventriloquist?"

"They don't know, I think my Huaxia audience should know! What is ventriloquist!" Ye Chen said.

The audience was taken aback, but then all nodded!

Who doesn't know about ventriloquism? I learned an ancient essay called "Votometry" in junior high school, so that everyone has a deep understanding of this technique!

It's just that most people think that it's just a misrepresentation, and even exaggeration, but now, after seeing Ye Chen's performance, they are completely convinced!

Foreign netizens and viewers also quickly learned about ventriloquism through searching!

"This is Huaxia's ventriloquism?"

"It's amazing! It feels more complicated than Bbox, and even more powerful!"

"Will he have a concert? I want to go! I must go! I feel that it is more exciting than going to the super band!"

And at the same time!

Super Orchestra Lounge!

"Unbelievable! I didn't even hear any mistakes?"

"Except for a few beats in the third paragraph, there is nothing wrong with everything else!"

"And what shocked me even more was this third paragraph. He made a deliberate mistake! No! To be precise, he was adapting it! After adapting this paragraph, it was even more... ethereal!

More in line with the charm of Wonderland! "

"Genius, this is a peerless genius! I take back what I said before! Such people, I think, we can become friends! We can promote each other! If possible, we are willing to absorb him to become a member of our super band!"

How powerful is the super band!

Just a moment!

Oriental genius, personal concert hall!

Adapted from Super Orchestra Soul Wonderland!

The magical ventriloquism quickly spread to the western world through the Twitter of members of the super band!


"My God! Bruce! You are so lucky to have witnessed such a genius with your own eyes!"

"Such a musical genius, performing for the three of you! I really envy your good luck! I knew this before, and I had to take time for whatever I said at the beginning!"

There are constant news updates on Twitter!

From the music industry to influence more!

It's almost like the same hurricane!

Moderator: "Now, all the candidates have finished their performances! Ask the three judges and teachers to give their own comments!"

Smith: "To be honest! I don't like your character! I don't like your way of speaking! But I have to admit that you are the person who fits the evaluation of elite genius the most! God gave us a genius, which is already a gift from God. , I shouldn't ask for too much!"

Bruce: "Just now, many colleagues and friends sent messages. Even the former president told me to give you full marks. Otherwise, go back and find me to settle the accounts! Do you think I have other options?"


The scene suddenly laughed!

"Your performance completely exceeded my imagination. I have no reason to deduct points for you!"

"Two observers, do you have any comments?" the host asked.

"No comments!"

"No comments!"

They are afraid of being beaten!

With the unanimous vote, Ye Chen won the first place again!

"Now! Declare the total score!

Ye Chen scored 90 points! In addition to the first round of impression points! The remaining scores are all full marks! Happy Grand Slam! The host announced loudly!

There was thunderous applause!

"The second place is..."

Audience: "Go to **** second place! Ghosts care!"

"It's time to pee! I've been holding back this bubble for a long time! Let me fix it first!"

"I'm thirsty! Get some water to drink!"

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