Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 184: , Testimonials

Lu Ming and others looked at the comments on the barrage, dumbfounding!

But it is more certain that Ye Chen is the soul of this game!

"Congratulations to Ye Chen! I think everyone will want to know how Ye Chen feels now after watching such a wonderful game. Now, we have a few questions to ask Ye Chen!" After the host read the results, Once again led the topic to Ye Chen!

"Student Ye Chen, how do you evaluate your performance in this competition?"

"I feel like I am driving during the race!"

"Are you saying that you are very careful, or that you are very stable?"

"I want to say that I drive a road roller, and I always crush others if I am not careful!"


"Attention everyone! Force the king to pretend to be forced!" Humans said on the barrage.

"Then how do you feel now?" the host asked again.

"Hey! Climbing to the top alone, Invincible is really lonely! I want to go home early." Ye Chen sighed.


"Why do I think this stuff is so owed!"

"Excuse me, has the king restarted the pretend mode again?"

"When was the pretense mode of this product turned off?"

"When I was in Qingyun Province, they all said how awesome these people are! How awesome! After they came, this friend of Meng Hao also said that I was not qualified to stand on the same court with him!

At that time, I thought, is this person so good? Really looking forward to it! If you can beat them, you will definitely have a sense of accomplishment!

As a result, everyone saw it! I gave him the opportunity and he could answer wrong!

Hey! Simply vulnerable! What sense of achievement can this have? "Ye Chen shook his head!


Audience: "..."

"I'll rub it! This thing is really unreasonable!"

"Then Meng Hao's face is almost red and charcoal! I guess this guy wants to find a place to pierce it down!"

"No, I have to compare his arrogant expression when he first came on the court with the present, so that it will be interesting!"

"Do you know that you are a genius?" the host asked again.

"do not know!"

"Because they always call me an evildoer or a monster! I don't think these words are elegant enough! Oh, yes, although I am very talented, in the future, please don't use the word genius to call me! I am allergic!" Ye Chen said again.

When Meng Hao and other four talents heard these words, everyone seemed to have the sole of their shoes pumped again!

Everyone is completely speechless!

This one is... owed!

"Do you have anything else you want to say?" The host quickly changed the subject!

She was afraid that if Ye Chen's mouth was allowed to go on like this, Meng Hao and others would... psychological breakdown!

Hearing this, Ye Chen groaned slightly, the laughter on his face disappeared, and instead he was serious and solemn!

He took the microphone, looked at the camera and said, "Being able to stand here, what I want to say is thanks!"

"The first thing to thank is my parents! Their lives are already hard! I met such a disobedient child again! When I was a child, I was a problem child! Frequent fights and fights! Absence of class for no reason! Often called parents by teachers !

However, no matter how hard it is, my parents have never given up on me! Don't dislike me!

Dad, mom! The son knew it was wrong! Shouldn't worry you! Don't worry! I will not do it again! Mom and Dad! thank you all! Thank you for raising me! Educated me! "

After speaking, face the camera!

Three bows!

Jingyang County!

Looking at the camera, Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi, tears fell!

Ye Zixiang kept wiping his eyes with his hands!

"Mom doesn't suffer! Mom doesn't work hard! It's just suffering, kid, you follow us and suffer!"

"Dad is not tired! Not tired at all! Hey..."

"Secondly, I want to thank my teachers! All my teachers!

Every teacher, no matter they beat or scold me, I believe that they are for my good!

Among the teachers, I especially want to thank my teacher Li Weihong!

I am the last to last for so many years. The school has repeatedly advised you to drop me out! You persevere, you firmly believe! Every student has unlimited possibilities...Thank you! "

"Furthermore, there are my leading teachers this time, Mr. Liang and Mr. Mu Qingqing! And Mr. Li Yitong who was willing to make me enter the exam in Qingyun Province! Wait...too much! Without you, there would be no Me!" Ye Chen bowed seriously!

"Thanks to everyone who provided me with help and convenience!"

"Oh, there is one more person to thank!

That's Fatty Lai in Jingyang County! "

"Fatty! Mentioned you! Mentioned you!" Hui Ping said excitedly.

Fatty Lai around him straightened his eyes, he didn't expect Ye Chen to give him such a big surprise!

"This Fatty Lai is the bookstore owner of our Jingyang County! When I was in school, I used to buy books from him. I guess this product looks more handsome to me, so I always like to give me discounts! Fatty Lai bookstore books Very complete! I heard that this product also has an online bookstore, which is available on Jianbao.com! Everyone can buy books there if they need it!"

"Finally, thanks to the people behind me, especially Meng Hao! I have been doing the wall background for me for so long, I really wronged you!"

Hearing this, Meng Hao gritted his teeth angrily! Others can't wait to throw Ye Chen out!

This goods is so owed!

It's really just three words without saying anything!

Pearl TV station backstage!

"Director Hu, our ratings have dropped to 0.8, and it's still declining!"

"Emperor TV Station!"

"4.1! Still growing!"

"Cao!" Hu Qing slammed the file on the table heavily!

regret! What a great regret!

At this time, the leader's phone call came over!

"Hu Qing! What are you doing? Isn't such a good program scheduled to be broadcast on our TV station? What's the matter with you? Who told you to broadcast it randomly?

Who gives you the rights? Who gave your approval?

Now, write me a check immediately! I need an explanation! "

On the contrary!

Imperial TV Station!

A joy!

The country is blooming!

International is not bad at all! Because of the promotion of super band! Now, this ratings has ranked first in Asia!

"This Ye Chen...really...too topical! It's too eye-catching!" Lu Ming couldn't help sighing.

Ye Chen's speech is over!

Soon it's time to choose a tutor!

Ye Chen has achieved an absolute advantage!

Naturally have the first choice!

However, it is not waiting for him to choose!

The three judges and teachers on the opposite side have already taken the lead!

"Dust! I think you have great potential, keen insight, super memory, and computing power that no one can match!

The most important thing is that you have the courage to challenge authority! This is the most important in scientific research!

People who dare not challenge authority will never become authority! I have been expecting that among my students, there are students who dare to resist me and question me, but unfortunately I have not found it, but you! Let me see hope! I think you are most suitable to enter our laboratory! "

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