Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 190: Endorsement

Fatty Lai saw Ye Chen and rushed towards Ye Chen!

Ye Chen was so scared that he stretched out his arm quickly and stopped him three steps away!

"Seeing your business is good!"

"It's more than good! It's so good that it explodes!" Fatty Lai bowed his hand to Ye Chen!

"Brother! Righteousness! I only wanted to borrow your name. I didn't expect you to advertise for me on such a big stage! Now, I am going to send this product abroad! Just yesterday! , The turnover is more than two hundred thousand!" Fatty Lai said happily.

"Brother, you go home first, and wait until my brother is free, then go to the door to thank you!"

Feng Guizhi and Ye Zixiang had already been waiting downstairs!

When Ye Chen came back, the smile on his face was even brighter!

"Parents! I'm back!"

Feng Guizhi hurriedly pushed Ye Zixiang up!

Looking at Ye Chen, he looked up and down carefully!

"I'm thin! I'm thin! This exam must have suffered less!"

"No! Didn't you see it on TV? These people don't have a one-to-one general! Nothing to work hard!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Mom! Have you made so many delicious foods?"

"Hurry up and eat while it's hot!" Ye Zixiang handed the chopsticks to Ye Chen with a kind face!

Later, he and Feng Guizhi began to sort out Ye Chen's awards and certificates!

Watching it over and over again, the smile on his face has never been broken, and his expression is full of pride!

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside

"You eat first, mom will open the door!" Feng Guizhi walked towards the door.

The door opened, and two men stood at the door!

One fat man with shiny hair in a suit and leather shoes, the other with wicked eyebrows, wearing a flowered shirt, with a big dragon tattooed on half of his exposed arm, looks a bit... scary!

"Who are you looking for?"

"Auntie, hello, we are here to find your son!"

Then, two people walked in!

Ye Chen didn't recognize them all!

The fat man in the suit was considered polite, but the guy in the flowered shirt sat down on the sofa and raised his legs, with an expression on his face!

"Xiaoye, we are from Zhijian Beverage Company! We came to you this time to give you money and let you endorse our Zhijian products!"

"Wise see drink?" Ye Chen frowned.

"Our drinks are high-end drinks, the main function is to improve intelligence!

Our slogan is:

Drink wisdom to see, you can see intellectual growth! Mom no longer has to worry about my IQ not going online! "


Who gave this name, who wanted the ad word!

Ye Chen almost burst out laughing!

But then he said seriously: "Sorry, I won't accept this advertisement, please go back!"

"Huh?" The fat man hadn't spoken yet, the man in the flower shirt sitting on the sofa, his face was pulled down first, his expression was very unhappy!

"Don't rush to refuse!" said the fat man.

After that, he took out 30,000 yuan from the bag and put it on the table!

"This is the endorsement fee! If the sales volume increases significantly, we can still add it!" the fat manager said to Ye Chen.

"Please come back," Ye Chen said again.

"Cao!" The man in the floral shirt sitting on the sofa was angry and cursed!

Ye Chen's eyes were cold!

"You think about it again! After all, with these 30,000, your parents don’t have to work so hard, and even your tuition fees! Besides, our boss has never been so generous before. He is a pity for talent, so he gave There are so many of you, don't toast or eat fine wine!" The manager said to Ye Chen.

"Xiao Chen has never drunk this drink. Didn't we lie?" Ye Zixiang couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but said.

"You lame, shut up! You turn on the TV, those who are endorsements..." Hearing Ye Zixiang's words, the man in the flower shirt stood up and shouted at Ye Zixiang!

A cold light flashed in Ye Chen's eyes!

"Mom, you and Dad go to the house." Ye Chen said to Feng Guizhi.

The man in the flower shirt seemed to have lost his last patience!

"Manager Wang, let me say no! You have to try! Human nature is bullying and fearing hardship! If I say, just grab it and get it away! Come back after the filming! If you don't obey, you will fight to death! I see him Does it cooperate?" the man in the flowered shirt said angrily.

"How do you talk! We are serious businessmen! How can we do that kind of rogue thing!" The manager yelled at the man, and then said to Ye Chen: "As long as you sign the contract and shoot the advertisement, At that time, money will definitely be yours!"

After Feng Guizhi and Ye Zixiang entered the house!

Ye Chen stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

To the flower shirt, asked coldly:

"What did you just say about my dad?"

"Hey! Who do you blow the beard and stare at me! Do you want to play?

Give you a face, right? I just scolded him for being lame..."


Ye Chen stood up suddenly!

The chopsticks in your hand are like two steel thorns!

Suddenly plunged into that person's mouth!

Instantly penetrate that person's mouth!


A scream is about to sound!

However, the throat just rolled!

Ye Chen directly hit his stomach with a heavy punch!

The voice of that guy was swallowed again!

Then, like a dead dog, he was carried by Ye Chen! The body was shaking with pain, and the eyes were full of panic!


A dull voice came, and the guy was thrown out!

And that manager!

At this moment, I was trembling in shock!

They are the local snakes in Qingzhou City!

In the entire Qingzhou City, there are great forces, but it is unexpected that this small Jingyang County was planted!

"You...you..." The manager pointed at Ye Chen!




His finger was broken on the spot, and now, no sound of the same being beaten can be heard!

After that, Ye Chen grabbed this guy's neck directly, opened the door with him, and threw it out!

"Second brother!" One person walked down from the parked Mercedes-Benz car and was shocked when he saw this scene, and hurried forward!

"Go! Go! This kid is a hard stubble!" said the fat manager with a cold sweat on his face.

"Xiao Chen, did you fight again?"

"It's okay! The two guys just now are just ordinary punks. They just want to force me to make some unconscionable advertisements! Now, it has been resolved!"

But even if it has been beaten away!

But there are still new people coming!

They are all looking for Ye Chen to advertise!

Fatty Lai and his wife have gone too!

I was dumbfounded after seeing this formation!

Especially Lai Fatty's wife, when she saw a national chain bookstore, she bid one million! Want to buy out Ye Chen's advertising agency fees! And when they asked Ye Chen and Fatty Lai to breach their contract, and they were willing to pay three times the price to pay Ye Chen's breach of contract fees, they were even more stunned!

For the first time, she found out that her husband was so visionary and smart!

"That's! Don't look at who I am!" Fatty Lai said humblingly when he returned home.

"But, to say, Ye Chen is still kind! Even if others paid such a large price, or even willing to pay breach of contract fees, he did not breach the contract with himself!"

"By the way, didn't you mean that your "Jianbao.com" launched the water dog recommendation? It also showed up on "Star Wars". How effective is the recommendation?"

"Hey, don't mention it, all are lost! I thought it would have a big effect! As a result, all went to watch this kid go to the game, and the ratings plummeted! Where is the recommendation effect? ​​Now, those merchants are all in and out Baowang is talking about it! We made a lot of money this time!" Hui Ping said happily to Fatty Lai.

Their current sales performance, books are ranked first! Hot search is also number one!

"As far as your eyes are shallow, I knew he was not a mortal at the time! To look and look, to be strong and powerful, much better than those handsome stars! Not to mention sixty-six thousand, even more, I will do Bite your teeth and buy it!" Fatty Lai said coaxingly.

"My husband is great! He's still my husband, he looks good!"

Hearing this, Fatty Lai smiled complacently, then looked at his wife's white chest, and said with a smirk.

"I don't just look at the long, long..."

"Bear-like! It's not dark yet! Um~~~ Go and close the curtains." Fatty Lai touched his chest and closed the curtains. Afterwards, he threw on his wife, her clothes just stripped off. "

"Parents! I'm back. I brought all my classmates. They want to buy our workbook! Huh? In broad daylight, what are you two doing with the curtains?

bad thing! Classmates, hurry up! My house is a thief! Let's go together. Don't let the thief run away..."

Fatty Lai had just taken off his clothes and loaded the gun, when he heard his son's yelling, he was frightened!

"Bear cub, get out and wait outside!"

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