Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 191: , How much is a pile?

Chen Wang's home!

"You kid, yes! Not bad! Didn't shame our spirits!" Chen Wang admired Ye Chen!

"By the way, has your carving technique improved recently? Have you finished carving the walnuts I gave you?"

"Well! They are all here!" Then Ye Chen took out the nuclear carvings!

In fact, these things were carved before he came!

Although the engraving time is a bit anxious, the artistic value is not compromised at all!

"Almost the last step is not completed?" Ye Chen said.

"I'll take a look!" Chen Wang said.

Then, blow it out in one breath!

The impurities covered on it have all been blown away!

It is like a city of history that has been covered in dust by the years. Now, it is suddenly discovered, rejuvenating again!

After the impurities blew, it turned out to be a tower, and beside the tower, there was a flowing Pearl River, and there were ships moving on the river!

On the square by the river, there are still several people taking pictures!

This... This is completely a portrayal of modern life!

I have never tried this before, and never have such works come out!

Now... this is tantamount to creating a precedent for modernism!

"The times are advancing. If we keep portraying ancient things, there will be some suspicion that it will not change from the past. Therefore, I boldly carve the current scenery. I thought it would go smoothly, but there are still some details that have not been handled! Many scenery They all need ancient methods and new applications, so in some places, it seems a little...not perfect!" Ye Chen said.

"Perfect! Perfect! Too perfect!" Chen Wang took the Pearl Riverside Nuclear Carving in his hand, his eyes were full of appreciation, and he loved watching it over and over again and couldn't put it down!

"I knew that you would endow those walnuts with such a great value. I should have carefully selected them for you!" Chen Wang said regretfully.

At the beginning, the walnuts given to Ye Chen were originally intended for him to use for training, but he did not expect that Ye Chen would directly carve them into finished products, and they were still such high-value finished products!

"Master, look at these things... are they valuable?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's valuable, it's too valuable! If something like this is not valuable, then there will be nothing valuable in this world!" Chen Wang said hurriedly.

"How much can this pile sell?" Ye Chen asked Chen Wang.

Hearing this, Chen Wang gritted his teeth angrily!

"What? A bunch? When is this selling walnuts? Still selling in a bunch?"

"Xiao Chen, this is all calculated by piece!" Chen Wang said.

"How much can this one sell for?" Ye Chen asked.

"The one in my hand alone, according to market standards, is already an excellent work, and it starts at 500,000 yuan! If you meet someone who is destined, one million or more is possible!" Chen Wang said.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen smiled!

"Is it so profitable?" Ye Chen said.

"Here, there are eight walnuts in total! If they are all sold, how many millions can they sell?" Ye Chen was a little confused!

It feels weird!

"To be honest, your carving technique is very weird! But it is very beautiful! In today's world, there should be none that can surpass you! Besides, you are so young, which in itself has great value!

Hearing this, Ye Chen was also a little startled!

"Why didn't I find that these nuclear carvings are valuable?" Ye Chen said silently.

The main reason is that he learns these things too easily and too easily. It takes almost no effort. Now, telling him these things are very valuable, which surprised him a little!

"What else are these engraved?" Chen Wang asked Ye Chen.

"These are some scenes of the Pearl! Some are scenes of the Pearl River, and some are the scenes of the Pearl River when you stand on the Pearl Taoyuan Hotel!" Ye Chen said.

"You mean, these nuclear sculptures of yours are a complete set!"

"Well, it can be counted as a series." Ye Chen said.

Chen Wang concealed his shock!

To Ye Chen said: "How are you going to do it?"

"I need money now! I want to sell these things! Master, there must be a way on your side! Help me out! This one is for you!"

"You really don't keep any of them? You know, these things are all..."

He wanted to say that these were all heirloom-level things, but seeing Ye Chen's indifferent expression, he honestly swallowed all those words!

"You wait first! It's estimated to be a few days later!"

"It's okay! I can afford it!" Ye Chen said.

When Mingzhu bought musical instruments, he owed Zhuang Mingyue seven or eight million yuan. Although he did not collect debts, it was not his style to owe it all the time.

the following few days!

Ye Chen wanted to take a good rest!

After all, I haven't been tossing during this period of time!

However, time is not allowed, because the college entrance examination is about to come!

This is a lot of luck, how could Ye Chen let it drift by!

"Why are you still coming to school?" Gao Jianwen couldn't help asking when he saw Ye Chen.

"Isn't this going to the college entrance examination soon? I'll come to sharpen my gun too! After all, I haven't studied for a long time! I'm afraid that when the time comes, if I miss my hand, I won't get a full score!"

Hearing this, Gao Jianwen next to him wanted to slap it over!

"Although you boy has rejected the recruitment of those three professors, according to the country's regulations on the elite selection competition, you should be eligible to choose schools all over the country?"

"Well, there is this rule! But, I feel that if I pass the exam by my own ability, I feel more at ease, otherwise, I always feel that I am pitiful, and then give alms!"

Gao Jianwen is speechless!

"I don't dislike it! But no one gave me alms!"

"What are these?" Ye Chen said, pointing to a piece of red paper on the wall at the door of the class.

"That's a volunteer wall! Everyone writes their favorite school on it to motivate themselves." Gao Jianwen said.

"You don't have any, right? Will you make up your favorite university in a while?"

"Just forget it, I haven't decided which one to choose yet!" Ye Chen said.

While Ye Chen was talking, the principal stood at the door of the class with a smile on his face and waved to Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen! Come out!"

Seeing this expression, let alone Ye Chen, even those students, can't help it at this moment...some goose bumps!

This smile... how can you be such a thief!

Ten minutes later!

When a teacher came to class, his face could not help being excited!

"Emperor Capital is here! The Imperial Capital University and Jinghua University are all here! They are all coming for Ye Chen!

"What are you doing here?"

"Pull Yechen to school! Grab the source of students!" the teacher said excitedly.

"Grab?" Gao Jianwen and others heard this word... they were stunned!

"Yes! Just grab! I can't wait to pack Ye Chen away now!" The teacher said.

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