Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 192: , Rush for students

When Ye Chen walked in with the principal, the entire office was full of people!

In addition to the leaders of the Education Bureau, there are also Teacher Li Weihong and several other substitute teachers, including Teacher Liang!

"Ye Chen, let me introduce to you! This is..." Principal Zhang hadn't finished.

The teacher next to him has stood up with a smile!

"Hello, classmate Ye Chen! This is Li Yang from the Admissions Office of Imperial University! You can call Teacher Li! This is my business card!

The main purpose of our visit this time is to let you join our Royal Capital University! You should know the strength of our Imperial Capital University, the first in the country! As long as you enter our school! You can choose your major, your tutor, and the school will give you a full scholarship!

One year later, our Imperial Capital University has joint training programs with major key laboratories and teachers from major universities around the world. You can choose any! "Teacher Li Yang from Imperial Capital University said a lot to Ye Chen in one breath.

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked!

In the past, Imperial Capital University, it was aloft, overlooking all beings!

Thousands of students squeezed their heads just to get their approval!

But, now... he took the initiative to show his favor from far away!

This is simply... incredible!

In previous years, there was only one person in Qingyun Province who received this kind of treatment, and that was the champion of Qingyun Province!

However, now that this happened to their students, I couldn't believe it!

Moreover, such favorable conditions are given! It makes people feel incredible!

"Teacher Li, what you said is a bit too much! If you are number one! Where do you put our Jinghua University?" Another teacher stood up next to him!

"Ye Chen, hello, this is Zhang Ming! The teacher of the Admissions Office of Jinghua University! This teacher just said the number one, it is not comprehensive!"

"Why not comprehensive! This time the world university rankings, China, we are the first!" Teacher Li Yang emphasized again!

"That ranking is a non-governmental organization, not authoritative! World-renowned authoritative journals, natural and science journals, our elite university, crushing your Imperial University! The number of patent applications in the world, our school is also the first! Comprehensive level of scientific research, China first Well deserved!"

"The chief comes from our Imperial Capital University!" Teacher Li Yang said proudly.

"We have more academicians of the two academies than you! More scientific research results than you!"


The two teachers are tit-for-tat, no one wants to let it go! Even, for the first and second, keep enumerating!

"Two teachers, let's drink some water!" Principal Zhang said with a smile to the two people.

To be honest, he and other teachers were also frightened by this formation!

The two teachers listened to Principal Zhang's words and ceased the war temporarily!

They are old enemies!

In previous years, there would be many battles for the provincial champion and the single-disciplinary champion. Naturally, there will be no exceptions. Now, it is only because of Ye Chen that the battle has advanced!

"Student Ye Chen! The conditions set by the Imperial University just now, our Jinghua University, also gave it!

In addition! As you know, as a world-class university, our Jinghua University usually has many celebrities, industry leaders come to give lectures, and even politicians from various countries will come. We can reserve seats for you in advance, as long as you want, every time Give you the qualifications to contact these top figures in the world! "Jinghua's Zhang Ming said.

"Our Imperial Capital University can do too!"

"Our Jinghua University can provide you with accommodation in Building One! Let you have direct contact with all kinds of geniuses!"

The person next to me was startled!

Who doesn't know, Jinghua University and the No. 1 dormitory building of Imperial University are the reception buildings for elites from all countries!

Staying here...that means getting in touch with elites from all over the world at any time!

The level of the whole person is different!

"Our Imperial Capital University is all ready now! If Ye Chen agrees! Ten minutes later, I can vacate several dormitory buildings for him and let him pick whatever you want!"

At the side, President Zhang, Gao Lin and others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They couldn't expect...The admissions offices of the two schools would spend so much effort to recruit Ye Chen to enroll!

They knew that after reading Ye Chen's information, those old men and old ladies in the school had already gone to the admissions office many times!

Good teachers are hard to find, but for teachers, good disciples are even harder to find!

Ye Chen is definitely a good seedling!

"Call him over at all costs!"

"This year, the other champions can be ignored temporarily, but Ye Chen must be in our school!"

When the director of the admissions office came, he had already given a dead order!

"Ye Chen, what difficulties do you have, tell us, we can solve it for you, we will definitely help you solve it, and if we can't solve it, we must solve it if we find a way!" Teacher Li Yang said.

"It's a great honor, and very happy, to be recognized by the two highest universities, but now, I really don't think about it. I want to make a decision after taking the college entrance examination!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"What? Are you going to take the college entrance examination? You will leave school in three days. The exam is about to be taken. You have been playing before... Will this..." Principal Zhang said with some worry, and the other teachers were also taken aback!

For Ye Chen's decision, I sweated!

Don't take this great opportunity. What do you have to take the college entrance examination for?

"The life without taking the college entrance examination is not a perfect life! I understand what Ye Chen thinks! No matter what Ye Chen's test result is, we are willing to accept it!" Li Yang said.

"The same is true for our Jinghua University! Moreover, the conditions given are not discounted at all!" Next to him, Zhang Ming also said.

Other teachers: "..."

If it weren't for Ye Chen, they probably wouldn't know it in their entire lives, the world-famous Jinghua University and the Imperial Capital University have such a nice side!


Two hours later!

Before leaving, the two teachers were still trying their best to lobby!

"Ye Chen, please think about it. Imperial Capital University is really your wisest choice!"

"Student Ye Chen, this is my business card! As long as you want to go to our Jinghua University, even if it is a college entrance examination, you can abandon the exam at any time. Our door is always open for you!" Zhang Ming said.

Principal Zhang, Gao Lin and those teachers are completely stupid! Stunned! Senseless!

This condition is more...tolerant than just now!

And seeing Ye Chen's performance... everyone was even more speechless!

Calm! Too calm!

Indifferent to the conditions proposed by the two teachers!

Soon, the fact that Emperor Capital University and Jinghua University had pinched up in person to grab Ye Chen quickly spread through the school!

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