Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 197: , Life is better than death

In half an hour!

Team after team walked in!

"Captain, except for some guns! No suspicious things were found!"

Ma Xiaolin frowned!

A smile appeared on Zhang Wen's face!

"Illegal holding a gun! I understand! I admit it! It's a big deal I will go in for a few years!" Zhang Wen arrogantly said.

Subsequently, Zhang Wen looked at Ye Chen!

"Boy! You have a seed! I'm planted this time!

what did you just say? Are you going to school? Are you worried about your parents? Hahaha... just right, I will arrange for someone to take good care of them!

Hahaha...I wish your parents could live a long life!

It looks like you are angry! But... what can you do with me? What can you do with me? In front of the police officer! Do you dare to move me? Do you dare to kill me? You dare? "

A cold light flashed on Ye Chen's face!

Then he laughed!

Showing white teeth!

It looks a little... crappy!

"You said, when it comes to biting people, your police dog is great! Or their Great Dane is great!"

"What do you mean?" Ma Xiaolin said with a vigilant expression on hearing Ye Chen's words.

"These two are just our police dogs! They are our right-hand man and our comrade-in-arms! Don't hit their crooked ideas! Besides, they only listen to us!"

Ye Chen ignored it and smiled at the corner of his mouth!


"Which good dog is loyal and willing to do harm to the people and tear up this garbage for me!"

When everyone heard this, they were all taken aback!

Zhang Wen and others couldn't help laughing!

"Hahaha...you really count on dogs! Come and let them bite me! Bite me! Hahaha!"

But, underneath, he can't laugh anymore!

Wow, wow!

The Great Dane, who had just entered the cage, rushed out at this moment!


Those Great Dane as big as a calf, all crazy, rushed towards Zhang Wen!

Ho Ho Ho!

Growled in his mouth, approaching Zhang Wen!

At the same time, the two police dogs that were usually obedient, rioted at this moment!

All of a sudden, he broke free of the restraints of the two police officers, and also let out a low growl, approaching Zhang Wen!

"Ah! Get out! Get out! My arms! Help! Help! My legs!"


Zhang Wen's clothes were torn open!

The Great Dane who approached first bit his blood basin with a big bite, and Zhang Wen's left arm was directly torn off!


Zhang Wen, who had just been arrogant, became a dog’s Chinese food at this moment, and was torn alive!

The screams were harsh and full of fear!

Then, the right leg!

Left arm!

The Great Dane is huge, and it is rumored that it can play against wolves!

Now, they are all crazy, biting at Zhang Wen's body, less than a minute!

This guy was completely torn into half a dead person!

If it weren't for Ye Chen just said that he could only bite his limbs! This guy has already been cracked!

"Help...! Help...! Shoot...! Shoot me! Kill me!"

At this moment, Zhang Wen became a piece of flesh covered in blood!

Extremely miserable!

The sound is faint!

Can't survive, can't die!

"Stop! Stop it! Ye Chen, stop them! This guy still has no clues about major crimes! You can't let him die!"

If it weren't for being too close, for fear of accidental injury, they would have shot the dog to death!

"Stop!" Ye Chen yelled softly!

The four dogs, including the two police dogs, all uttered a submissive low growl and stood beside Ye Chen!

Everyone was greatly relieved!

However, those who had a meeting with Zhang Wen almost were not scared to death when they heard what Ye Chen said next!

"How about you guys? Did you explain to Captain Horse? If not, let these four loyal dogs walk the way for the sky!"

Hearing this, those people were taken aback!

However, he was scared and knelt down on the spot!

"I confess!"

"I explain!"

"I am wicked! I have been involved in at least ten cases!"

"I want to explain too! Don't want me! Don't bite me!"

Seeing Zhang Wen who was half-dead and not as dead as he was lying on the ground, they were terrified, really terrified!

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