Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 198: ,parting

"What did you do to them?" Ma Xiaolin pointed to the four dogs and asked Ye Chen.

"I didn't do anything! You see, these loyal dogs, respond to my call! If it weren't for me, they couldn't help tearing up all these people!"

When Ye Chen said these words, Zhang Wen's subordinates were so scared that they couldn't stand back!

Scared! They are really scared!

Looking at Zhang Wen's **** limbs, I couldn't help but shiver!

"Resistance is strict, confession is lenient! Otherwise, these loyal dogs will go to you!" Ye Chen said with a sneer.

That night!

Ye Chen slept directly in Ma Xiaolin's duty room!

And Ma Xiaolin didn't sleep all night!

These people were taken to the police station, no, to be precise, after being taken to the police car, they began to proactively confess the crime!

Even scrambling to explain!

Based on these confessions, Ma Xiaolin then applied to his superiors to assemble the city's police force to urgently arrest this gang!

The scope of the arrest is wide, more than dozens of counties!

There are so many cases involved, nearly three hundred!

Including 18 unresolved vicious murders!

Everyone is working overtime and dare not slack in the slightest!

The next day, Ye Chen made a transcript under Ma Xiaolin's arrangement and went home directly!

One week later!

China’s first official newspaper, Hua Xia Bao, published a feature article: Qingzhou City launched the first special campaign to crack down on gangsters!

Subsequently, overwhelming reports came one after another!

"Ma Xiaolin, the black hero!"

"Pull out the malignant tumor for many years! Uncovered a dusty murder case-Qingzhou strikes the black record!"

"Qing Zhou fights black, return the people's life!"

"This gang, we have been watching for a long time! We haven't found any real evidence! This time we finally caught it!"

Ma Xiaolin became the hero of Qingyun Province!

Accept awards on TV!

"Is the matter the other day related to you?" Li Zixuan's voice came through the phone!

"It's a little bit. Why are you asking about this?" Ye Chen asked back.

"Don't expose your abilities! Otherwise you will be targeted!"

"Huh?" Ye Chen frowned.

"Where are you now?" Ye Chen asked again.

"I'm leaving soon!"

"I'll see you off! No, I...I'm almost on the plane!"

"When are you coming back?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone!

"Hope, you can fly higher in the future! Go further!"

After speaking, the other end of the phone hung up!

Ye Chen looked at the phone, his whole person was a little dazed!

The parting without parting made him feel a little sad!

He thought that everyone would go their separate ways after the college entrance examination, but he didn't expect it to be so fast!

Over the phone!

On a special plane!

Li Zixuan walked out of the narrow secret room!

The emotion on his face was put away, and it became expressionless again!

"Let us check this too."

Li Zixuan glanced at him, her eyes cold, not moved at all!

"Miss, you should know that you are destined to become a **** and be worshipped by others! You and these mortals are not destined to be in the same world! You will never have the opportunity to meet again. Instead of worrying about it, you should forget about it!"

Li Zixuan looked at the clouds outside the window!

"I don't want to hear your voice again! If you dare to tell me like this, I believe I will be able to throw you out of here in the future!"

The man's face changed and he paled instantly!


"Here is 6 million! Your eight nuclear carvings were bought by one person!" Chen Wang handed a card to Ye Chen and said to him.

"You really have you! I split the set of nine into two, and sold eight of them. I alone have the best scenery in my hand. You left me the most important one! I'm afraid I will wait until later. , The value of this one in my hand will be higher than the sum of those eight!"

"Then...Master, how about you, do you want to sell the one in your hands, or donate it?" Ye Chen said.

"Don't think about it! This is my heirloom! I gave it to my grandson!" Chen Wang said.

Then, Chen Wang changed the topic!

"You are also 18 years old, an adult! If nothing happens, the college entrance examination is over, you will go out to college! This way, there will be a broader world waiting for you! I hope you can mix like We are like Jingyang County, like a fish in water!" Chen Wang said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's face flashed sadly!

"After I leave, my parents bother you to take care of you! If there is anything, please call me in time!"

"Don't worry, your master and I are in Jingyang County, so I have a place, and I have some face!" Chen Wang said.

"By the way, a few days ago, Xiaohong came over. She said that she wanted to go out and make a break, and she didn't have time to say goodbye to you, so I asked me to tell you!

Also, let me give you this thing! "

"What?" Ye Chen asked.

Chen Wang then took out a note from the table!

Seeing the note, a trace of sadness flashed across Ye Chen's face!

After that, he took out his cell phone and wanted to call Xiaohong!

It's a pity that it can't get through!

It's an empty number!

Ye Chen's gaze fell on the note again!

On the clean note, five words are clearly written: Wen 0325!

"What does this mean?" Chen Wang frowned!

From the time he received the note to now, he hadn't figured out what the code word was!

Are young people so vigilant now? Pass a note and use a secret code!

Ye Chen sighed!

Text 0325!

Chinese textbook, volume three, page 25!

"To the Oak"

If i love you

Not like a climbing trumpet creeper,

Show off yourself with your high branches;


I must be a kapok near you,

The image of a tree stands side by side with you.

Ye Chen said this poem lightly, feeling lost in his heart. Then I went to look at the tables and chairs where I used to sit together, as if there was a cute little girl who was naughty at herself!


The difficult college entrance examination is over!

Then came the hard torment. After nearly half a month of torment, it was the day when the college entrance examination results were unveiled!

"As the first place in the National Elite Trials! How many points do you predict you can test this time?"

"Why do you have more than 700 points, right?" Ye Chen said.

"Huh? More than 700 points?" the reporter asked Ye Chen.

"What you are talking about... is the result without bonus points?"

"Yeah! Don't remember! If it counts as a bonus, with so many tests, what's to show off?" Ye Chen said.

Upon hearing this, the reporter felt that his mind was a little... confused!

Counting the extra points, the test scores more than 700 points, is it not worth showing off?

"Student Ye Chen! They all said you will definitely get the first place in the exam? What do you think?"

"I think what they said... is right!" Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen’s interview video came out soon!

The candidates almost didn't vomit blood after seeing the video!

"He feels so good about himself! First in the elite trials, he may not be able to get good results in the college entrance examination!"

"The two are completely different examination systems!" said an examinee from Yuzhou Province.

He is the person who is most hopeful of winning the provincial champion in Yuzhou Province, and is also the most likely person of the five northern provinces!

But now, after seeing Ye Chen's interview video, I can't help but ridicule and ridicule!

"It's just grandstanding, just trying to attract attention!"

"There is indeed such a suspicion! I watched his video! In the elite trials, his performance is indeed excellent! However, this college entrance examination is our home court, he wants to show the limelight! It can only rely on this method!" Dayu The provincial college entrance examination champion candidate said the same.

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