Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 620: Ancient wood marriage

Mo said he didn't have time, even if he had time, it was not easy to refine the pill pattern. It is definitely not him. "

Dan Bald looked dazed and could not accept it. When Ye Chen came over last time, he said that he would refine the pill by himself, and said that he could refine the pill pattern, even if he saw it now, but Dan Bald still could not Believe!

He is a person known as the authority of alchemy masters. He has studied alchemy for a lifetime. Up to now, the elixir he has refined has only one pill pattern. This is still a good time, but Ye Chen is less than twenty years old. Boy, I guess I haven't been in contact with the pill for a long time, and he even refined three, five, and even seven pill patterns at every turn.

How could he accept such a result.

If this is the case, then his self-confident talent for alchemy is a joke now.

Seeing that the three island masters, who had been doing alchemy with a calm and calm manner, had become a little dazed now, Pei Hu couldn't help feeling in his heart. It seemed that he was not alone who was hit this time.

"Island Lord, from now on, what should we do about the Lord's supply of elixir? Is it to supply the elixir according to the previously agreed plan, or to provide him with elixir according to his request?" The fox asked Dan Bald, the lord of Mishima.

"When he heard Pei Hu's words, Dan Bale was startled, but then he was upset, upset that he was too obvious.

"Since he has a master refining pill, then we don't need to provide him with pill, and if he asks for the elixir himself, we are just saving trouble." Dan bald said to Pei Hu.

"After that..."

"Just prepare for him according to the elixir he asked for." Dan Bald said.

He is the great master of the pill. Many people rush to send him these elixir. According to market conditions, they are generally paid five times the amount of the pill.

Therefore, although the elixir is scarce, after so many years of accumulation, there is some wealth!

"After going this time, keep an eye on it and see what kind of expert, the refined pill," said Mishima Master.

Most of the refined medicines have pill patterns, which is not a level that ordinary alchemists can reach.

He has encountered a bottleneck in alchemy now, and it is difficult to improve it. He feels that he might use the people behind Ye Chen to improve his alchemy level.


In the imperial capital, because Mu Qingqing and Gu Tianxing were about to marry, many families were shaken!

This is a strong alliance. No one knows what effect the marriage will have, but one thing is certain. It is even more difficult for other families to get ahead.

However, not long ago, just a few days before the engagement, Mu Jiamu Qingqing, in front of many people, openly held hands with another man, and the man he held hands with turned out to be the Ye family who was already deserted!

That man's only son!

What is even more shocking is that the man not only put a hat on Gu Tianxing in front of everyone, but also abolished an amulet that Gu Tianxing carried with him, and even Gu Tianxing was abolished by others. In the end, it was the old Hu school that Secretary He personally took the initiative to save Gu Tianxing. If Hu did not take action, I really can’t imagine what will happen in the end?

I heard that several of Mingzhu have been scrapped by him.

Many people discussed there.

"Huh! It's just death! At this time, if you don't clamp your tail, you dare to be so rampant. It seems that God is really going to destroy the Ye family." Someone sneered.

"I don't know what the Mu Family's attitude is. Although many people have seen it, the Mu Family has never given a specific explanation. Could it be that this is the case?"

"Just forget it? It's too simple to think. Gu Tianxing's father is now in charge of the Gu family. Because of Mu Qingqing, his son was beaten and the amulet was broken. Someone must take care of this matter."

Many people discussed there, and many people guessed there.

In the past, the marriage of Gumu, which has received the most attention, now has such a thing, and many people are working hard to use their imagination.

"Qingqing, I have reminded you before, to be careful, you just didn't listen, is something wrong now?" The old woman said to Mu Qingqing with blame while worrying.

"Something happened? What happened?" Mu Qingqing said indifferently.

"Don't you know? Right now, the entire imperial capital is talking about the marriage of the two of you. There is everything to say, and the Gu family is now holding their stomachs. It is estimated that they are looking for us to settle accounts after the autumn. But, again No valid reason was found."

"Let them come." Mu Qingqing said lightly.

"My sister-in-law, are you deliberately pretending to be confused? What status is the ancient family now, don't you know? Although we are as famous as them, we are still behind them, and we are still a little behind them." The old woman said .

Mu Qingqing smiled.

"Better than us, can't be an excuse to bully us." Mu Qingqing said with a light smile.

Then turned to look at the old woman!

"You don't have to worry about these things in the future. They can't turn the tide."

The old woman sighed and nodded yes.

But then he was shocked.

She seemed to realize the difference, and then she looked at Mu Qingqing again.

She found that Mu Qingqing was much more cold and domineering than before.

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