Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 621: I am the master

Although Mu Qingqing has always been cold and cold, he is still warm towards her family.

However, recently, they have been able to discover that Mu Qingqing is different from before, and seems to have become more grim, and even treats people around him with a lot of distance.

The third aunt is her distant relative, and she is usually responsible for taking care of Mu Qingqing's daily life.

Although I haven't been in contact since I was young, it has been five or six years before and after, and it was all fine before, but recently, I obviously feel a little... alienated.

"Did she find out?" The third aunt had some doubts in her heart.

Yes, she has been in contact with the ancient family, and even, strictly speaking, has been bought out, but San Aunt doesn't think so.

The ancient family was wealthy, and in terms of family status, it was even more powerful than the Mu family. And Gu Tianxing is the son of the Patriarch of the Gu family. Such a person is not bad with Mu Qingqing.

She thought she was helping Mu Qingqing. What's more, the people in the family, from top to bottom, almost support this.

Although Mu Qingqing is a bit special, he is a woman after all.

but now……

She knew that this could not go on.

Seeing Mu Qingqing's resistance to this matter, the third aunt changed the subject.

"I heard that among the people who came back from there this time, many people said that the once suppressed Tianxia Profound Gate could not raise their heads and forced many people to go to Tianmen to guard General Ye. Ten years ago, the situation was at the most critical moment and fled. Up."

"Huh?" Mu Qingqing frowned, wondering whether he was dissatisfied with General Ye's escape, or dissatisfied with the third aunt who continued to say these things.

The third aunt naturally attributed the cause to the latter.

"Unexpectedly, in China back then, other cultivators were severely suppressed and forced them to guard the side. In the end, he himself became a deserter." The third aunt said with a bit of annoyance.

"Who did you hear about these."

"Is anyone else to say? The entire imperial capital has been spread, and many cultivator families know it. Many people who came back from there in advance said that." The third aunt said seriously.

Mu Qingqing's face was indifferent, as if she didn't want to go into this matter.

"They all said that if it wasn't for the ancient family ancestors and our Mu family ancestors, they would come forward at the critical moment and stabilize the situation. I am afraid that in the end, the entire Chinese repairer's defense will fall short! In the end, it can only be invaded by aliens! The consequences are unimaginable!" The third aunt said in a sigh.

Mu Qingqing said nothing.

"Now, many of the cultivators who have returned have already requested a thorough investigation to the upper level! I hope to find the Ye Family for liquidation. The Jiang Family is also within the scope of this liquidation.

Recently, it was reported that in the Red Wall, in order to calm the emotions of these veterans, Jiang Yulin, the second oldest of the Jiang family, had been relieved of his general post. And the Jiang Family Guard, who was once led by Jiang Yuqing in a mess, has also been completely lifted and handed over to the country.

There has been news recently that the Jiang family, especially Jiang Yuqing, will be implicated. "The third aunt said again.

"What are you trying to say?" Mu Qingqing still looked the same, and asked her third aunt.

"Miss, no matter how you look at it, the Ye Family and the Gu Family are no longer on the same level, and even the status is completely unequal.

Many families that have ties to the Ye family are now busy separating their ties with the Jiang family to prevent themselves from being implicated. And that Ye Chen, as the only child of the Ye family, will definitely have a hard time in the future. So, I advise you..."

"Get out. From here on, you don't need to come here again." Mu Qingqing said coldly.

Hearing this, the third aunt's face suddenly turned pale.

"Miss, what I'm telling is the truth. I'm saying this for your own good. Please think about it." The third aunt pleaded with Mu Qingqing.

It's a pity that Mu Qingqing didn't give her a chance at all, waved his hand, and shouted at the people outside: "Come here, get her away."


As the promise fell, then two men were seen walking in, and then he set up his third aunt and walked outside the door.

"Miss, I am doing it for you, I really do it for you." The third aunt yelled there.

There was a lot of movement, and even, in the end, the Mu Family Patriarch Mu Zhongjun was alarmed.

After learning about the situation, Mu Zhongjun also persuaded Mu Qingqing.

He is the head of the Mu family. If the other girls in the family are like this, even if that girl is his daughter, he will take emotional coercive measures.

Being in such a family, since the moment she was born, everything she had was destined to become a bargaining chip for the family.

But Mu Qingqing is different!

"My business, I am in charge! You don't need to worry about it." Mu Qingqing said in a cold voice.

"Qingqing, how can you..."

"Go out." Mu Qingqing said, pointing to the door.


Although I was dissatisfied in my heart, but I didn't dare to say more.

In the entire Mu family, Mu Qingqing is a very special existence, who dares to force it?

"I believe in his ability!" Mu Qingqing muttered to herself.



Recently, two drugs have been launched in a row. Except for the United States, none of them have been launched globally.

Acacia powder, refreshing powder!

Both of these are explosive drugs!

In particular, Hehuansan, which is different from Big Viagra's specifically for men, can also be used by women, and the effect is not generally good.

As for refreshing powder, it can completely solve the unspeakable hidden.

This kind of medicine, at the first glance Ye Chen saw it, he already felt the huge potential.

Sure enough, the effect has been shown in less than a month.

The sales of Hehuansan reached 100 million yuan, and the momentum of talcum powder was relatively strong, approaching 200 million.

In addition, the channels have been spread, and the widely recognized slimming detox pill, as well as the Yufu Royal Cream for removing scars, the first drug has a sales of 500 million meters, and the latter also has 300 million meters. Great achievement!

It can be said that with these four drugs alone, it has become one of the world's giants.

What makes Ye Chen excited is naturally not how much money he has made, but the increase in luck brought by these profits!

These drugs have a total sales of 1.1 billion meters this month, all costs are eliminated, and there is a net profit of nearly 900 million! Converted into Chinese currency is 5.4 billion.

After Ye Chen obtained these profits, he directly obtained more than 5,400 shares of air luck, almost as fast as the last time he won the Nobel Prize.

"Now is the pinnacle of the gods! There are still 20,000 air luck before reaching the level of the gods' consummation! Other air luck has not been obtained, just these, another three months, should be enough." Ye Chen said to himself. .

"However, if you only rely on these auras, even if you reach the level of God's consummation, I am afraid it will not be the strongest consummation. Other things are needed."

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