Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 922: Mixer

Shi Ren couldn't help laughing when Ye Chen's tone eased.

"That's all the husband taught me well."

Ye Chen laughed, and his guard against this stone man became stronger!

This guy has only learned so many things in just this way. If he continues to develop like this, he will be fine.

"I heard that your ethnic group often shuttles between the stars and wanders about major planes?" Ye Chen asked when looking at the stone man.

"There is such a thing. Our life is like a dandelion on the earth. We are destined to wander when we are born. Where we wander, we count where we are." Shi Ren replied respectfully.

Ye Chen was silent for a moment and glanced at him.

"You are smart, but you are also stupid."

The stone man is a bit inexplicable.

The next day, a total of 142 weapons were all handled by Ye Chen.

"Send these weapons to the Yuhuangshan base again." Ye Chen said to He Qing.

He Qing nodded.

However, the eyes looking at these weapons are a bit weird!

"Have they changed from before?"

"Yes! And, it's huge, you'll know when you send it there." Ye Chen smiled.

"Okay, then I have to take a good look at what is different."

An hour later, all of these weapons were delivered to the Yuhuangshan base under He Qing's personal transportation.

Thyme personally accepted the weapons.

To be honest, she had expectations for these weapons, and she had great expectations.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Chen is an almost omnipotent person, many things they can't do, Ye Chen can do.

Since I promised to give everyone a weapon that can stab alien creatures like tofu, it can definitely be done, but I didn't expect these weapons to be done so soon.

After that, everyone couldn't wait to take out all these weapons.

However, the moment they saw the weapons, everyone was stunned. Are these weapons different from their previous weapons?

Not at all!

Some people didn't believe it, they even picked it up and carried it. The weight did not change at all. Even the swords were smelled, and there was no smell. Obviously, these swords were not poisoned by him.

"Is it wrong?"

"That's not wrong! Mr. Ye said that's it. If you don't believe it, you can try it against the dead aliens to see if there is any change." He Qing said to Thyme.

In fact, she also wants to see how this thing is different from before!

When Thyme heard He Qing's words, she was still a little suspicious, but then she no longer hesitated.

Reaching out, a weapon appeared in her hand.

This weapon is no different from before!

This is his most intuitive feeling! If even he feels the same, it's really no different.

"Why don't you try this knife." He Qing suggested.

Hearing this, Thyme hesitated in her expression, as if she didn't say it because she was embarrassed.

"Don't try anymore, I want to try later, there is time." Thyme said.

"The general, don't mind. Before coming, Mr. Ye asked me to let me and you watch, so I still have to try."

Seeing He Qing insisted on trying, Thyme had no choice but to let it go.

"Go, try this weapon." Thyme said to a subordinate.

The man directly chose one of these weapons at random.

In fact, I was extremely disappointed in my heart, and I felt intact.

However, out of resolute obedience to the military order, he walked inside honestly and slashed at the corpse of an alien creature at will.

The person mentioned in his hand that he didn't even use his true essence because he felt it was useless and was just a waste of energy.

However, just when everyone felt that the hard corpse of the alien creature would bounce the knife away, a strange scene appeared!


A crisp sound rang, and then the knife that seemed to fall randomly was directly and deeply embedded in the corpse!

Then, the hard corpse actually began to crack slowly, and then, a series of cobweb-like cracks spread out along the entire corpse. After a few breaths, the stones were all shattered, although not like the palm of Ye Chen's hand before. The direct weathering effect when it was taken, but now it is also shocking!

Everyone was stupid there, even He Qing's eyes were fixed there at this time, and she didn't understand why there was such a magical thing!

Afterwards, Thyme was shocked and stretched out his hand. One of the daggers was also drawn into his hands. It was the same as the previous one. The dagger after Ye Chen's transformation did not show any trace of transformation. .

"Try this sword."


A subordinate stood up, took the short sword, and walked towards a corpse as well.

Two minutes later, the corpses of several alien creatures that were as hard as diamonds were all weathered into ashes.

Everyone next to him was silly!

"God-man! Really god-man!" Thyme looked at this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"With these divine weapons and sharp blades, what are the fears of those strangers?"

Everyone underneath, the same expression is full of lightness. Recently, the distress and worry caused by the invasion of more and more alien creatures are now all wiped out under the action of these magic weapons!


He Qing returned to the Guardian Army headquarters again and saw Ye Chen.

"It's done?"

"Yeah." He Qing nodded, her eyes full of admiration.

"How did you... do it?" He Qing couldn't help asking again.

Ye Chen laughed.

"Those alien creatures, coming in from the outside impact, are themselves blocked by the boundary wall, and are on the way. I just use the rune avenue to enlarge the wound. In theory, any strong person who reaches the enlightenment state can do it. To do this, however, not everyone knows the Tao of Talisman. If you understand the Tao of Talisman, you may not be able to do this step. Therefore, no one has used this method. Coincidentally, I happen to understand all of them, so you can Use runes to injure the creatures that have been injured by the avenue again.

As for those weapons, I refined all the runes onto the weapons, so if I was injured by the weapons I blessed with runes, I would still suffer the same damage. "

He Qing couldn't help but admire Ye Chen's explanation.

"The whole world, you are the only one who can do this."

"How did you learn this."

He Qing smiled, her eyes full of tenderness.

The Stone Man who also heard their conversation didn't believe it, but when he heard what Ye Chen said, his heart was shocked!

Rune blessing to weapons? It's simple, how can it be so easy!

That is a refiner! Even more difficult than alchemy! For any plane, the refiner is a noble and mysterious person! It's hard to see, it's even harder to follow and learn!

However, the Huaxia guy in front of him... has no teacher!

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