Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 923: Collusion with foreign enemies

The stone man confirmed that the weapon was refined by Ye Chen, with runes blessed on it, shocked inexplicably.

This is no doubt a refiner! Not only are you familiar with rune formations, but your own strength must reach a certain level, otherwise, you will definitely not have this ability!

"With the weapons you gave, the people at the Jade Emperor Mountain base are under no pressure. Those alien creatures who come back to meet them are only slaughtered," He Qing said.

"It's not so exaggerated, but it's sharper than before, so that the skins of those alien creatures won't be pierced." Ye Chen replied.

Beside, the stone man's expression was shaking.

"Mr. Ye, can you build a pair of gloves for me? In that case, my combat power will be stronger and I can do more for my husband." Shi Ren said.

Ye Chen turned around and took a look at him, only to see Shi Ren low eyebrows, very respectful, so he knew him before, it was almost impossible to think of his treacherous.

"It’s not easy to create a pair of gloves. First prepare the materials, then design the runes, and finally refine the runes into the weapons. This is not easy at any step. No, I want me to do coolies for you when I turn my mouth? Is it too simple?" Ye Chen sneered, looking at the stone man and said.

The stone man's expression was stagnant, and some were speechless.

"Let's talk about it when I think you are suitable for me. As for now, don't you think it's a bit too demanding?"


Yoga country.

A group of monks clad in sackcloth were chasing several Chinese people.

"These guys are really difficult, and they haven't peeked at their saints, why are they so desperate?" The second uncle said with an ugly expression.

"Now we have seen something that shouldn't be seen. The yoga master actually made peace with the alien invader. It is really a turmoil. If she is known by her believers, I don't know what will happen." The man holding the long sword also said with a smile.

It is no doubt that the three big masters.

Since the last incident, several people have been sent to the country of Yoga to find out the news.

As previously predicted, not all countries and forces have adopted tough measures against these invading aliens.


A sound of vibrating air came, like a drum, shattering people's eardrums!

"This old lady is here again!" The Second Uncle and others said solemnly.

Behind everyone, a female monk holding a Dharma drum chased in the air.

The female monk was dressed in white, with long hair flying, beautiful face, exquisite figure, and a pair of jade feet standing in the sky, like a jade-faced Bodhisattva.

"She doesn't look for so many people on the earth. She has to make peace with the alien creature. It's a pity." The Four Great Master wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer.

The voice was not hidden at all, it was all heard by the female monk of the country of yoga.

The monk's eyes were sharper and faster, and he was behind a few people in the blink of an eye. With a wave of his jade hand, a magic sword appeared in her hand.

The magic sword is red and looks like a snake. There is a fierce beast lying on the body of the sword, which is indistinguishable from the creature. The patterns are like words and runes.

The female monk tried a little harder, and the tadpole-shaped text on the hilt of the sword gleamed, and a cold light seemed to spray from the mouth of the beast, and flew along the blade towards the second uncle and several people!


It was as bright as electricity, and the speed was extremely fast. The three masters had no time to dodge, and they had an arm cut off directly. This was still timely to dodge. If it weren't, it would be the head that was cut off at this moment.

"Vicious mother-in-law! This Dharma Drum is your magic weapon. Now, you don't use it, but instead use that poisonous sword of unknown origin to be careful of being bitten back!" The second uncle shouted coldly.

The country of Yoga is very close to China. If the country of Yoga introduces wolves into the room, then not only will the country of Yoga eat its own fruits, even China will not escape.

The female monk ignored it at all and flew again with her sword.

The second uncle and others stopped busy to resist!


A crisp voice came, and then, the long sword in the hands of the three masters broke directly from it, and the sword body splashed on the ground, smashing a big hole!

The fourth child's hat was even cut in half!

Several people looked shocked!

The power of this sword is beyond everyone's imagination! Even more powerful than before!

"This lady has gained this blade, and her strength has increased a lot." The second uncle screamed bitterly.

"It seems that we can only use that kid's life-saving thing, otherwise, I am afraid we will not be able to escape today."

"It can only be so." After the second uncle finished speaking, he flipped his palm and several array flags appeared directly. The array flag was in his hand. It was very small at first. After shaking his hands, it rose in the face of the storm and instantly became a big flag.

The big flag obscured the sky, like a huge sky, covering the whole place.

The place became dim, and it was impossible to distinguish north from east to west.

call out!

Sword lights flew past, and the place was soon enveloped by sword lights. The second uncle and others gathered in one place. The weapons in their hands were also constantly waving, and the screams were endless. Those monks who came with the female monks, all at this moment Beheaded!

"This stinky lady, do you want to do her together?" the youngest asked bitterly.

"The poisonous sword in her hand is too fierce to take her down in a short period of time. If reinforcements come by that time, we may not be able to get off." Liu Lao Er said.

Hearing his words, everyone nodded.

"Then remember, I'll collect this debt sooner or later!" The third child said angrily.

Subsequently, Liu Lao's second-hand Chinese flag changed, an exit appeared behind everyone, and several people walked out.


On the Huaxia border, Shi Hengduan was sitting there, like a sculpture, covered with snow.

And not far from him, there is a dead man's pit, inside it is full of cultivators, some from Huaxia and some from Nanyue.

"Master, those cubs in South Vietnam have become more honest recently. They don't dare to take risks anymore. Do you see if you go take a rest and leave it to us here." A dark-skinned man with short hair standing respectfully faced Shi Heng. To say.

He was originally a patrol man here. During the previous period, more and more people from South Vietnam crossed this border. Moreover, all of them were fierce. His brothers were killed in the repeated cross-border attacks by those people. Now he is the only one left.

Later, Shi Heng who came to guard this place was accepted as an apprentice.

Although Shi Heng does not have a position, he has been helping Ye Chen to deal with things.

I usually have been allocated a lot of pill. Now, with apprentices, pill is even more indispensable.

With these medicines and Shi Heng's careful guidance, this ordinary patrol soldier named Fei Xingyong has made great progress in this short period of time, and has even reached the level of the fourth rank of martial arts. .

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