In the end, Li Le still did not do as Zhao Jie wished, and successfully won the promotion place in the first round of the competition.

And it is easy to take, not how strong his Bobo is, Lin Xun has observed that it is the level of level 9, mainly because his opponent elf is a unicorn ...

As a bug elf, it is the prey of bird elves such as Bobo and Flaming Sparrow in the wild, and as a result, it is sent to the open battlefield to fight one-on-one with its natural enemies, which is not the same as being fed.

(; ́༎ຶД༎ຶ')

The result is that Li Le's Bobo runs after the opponent's unicorn all over the field, and the unicorn runs with its life, and it does not raise the fighting spirit at all.

In the end, the unicorn worm was also too scared, and its whole body emitted a burst of white light, which actually evolved directly and turned into an iron-shelled chrysalis.

This was the first time Lin Xun had seen the evolution of elves with his own eyes, and evolution was a phenomenon in the world. Some elves evolve into another sprite under certain conditions as they grow.

Evolution is not just about physical changes, but also about the race values, moves that can be learned, and even attributes of evolved elves. Once an elf has evolved, it is usually impossible to degenerate.

Unless there is an evolution that has not yet appeared in this world - super evolution.

Super evolution, also known as mega evolution, million evolution. It is a temporary evolution that only occurs during battles. Some elves who were originally considered unable to evolve can no longer evolve break through the original limitations and obtain further evolution. Super evolved elves are able to unleash hidden powers in a short period of time, exerting powers that are usually unmatched by evolution. Elves usually increase their ability in Super Evolution and have more powers.

Lin Xun had also paid attention to whether there were keystones or mega stones anywhere, but in the end he found nothing, perhaps he had too little information at present.

In the end, a funny match ended with Li Le's opponent voluntarily admitting defeat, and the evolved iron-shelled chrysalis lost even the ability to move, and could only let Bobo toss. The trainer who could not stand it could only voluntarily admit defeat and surrender.

However, Li Le's opponent still expressed his gratitude to Li Le, after all, without Bobo's oppression, unicorns are estimated to take a few days to evolve, and it is good to be in advance.

At this point, the four of the fives advanced to the next round, leaving Zhao Jie alone, a sad person (/_\)

, and the duck broke his head to say what is it about me (o ́・ェ・'o)?

After the first round of the game in the morning, several people went to the cafeteria for lunch, during which Liu Mengyi also ran over to ask about the competition of several people, and it could be seen that she really yearned for this feeling of commanding elf battle.

Xu Qiang, Liu Tian and several people naturally enthusiastically told Liu Mengyi about the things on the battlefield, focusing on their combat experience, especially Liu Tian, when he said that when he killed his opponent with one punch, the pride, Lin Xun wanted to go up and give him a look.

When she heard that she could go to the proofreading battle hall to watch the top 20 promotion match the day after tomorrow, Liu Mengyi happily said that she would let them cheer more, and she would definitely cheer them on when the time came.

Several people also said that they would definitely advance to the top 20 as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. Oh, except for the trainer of a certain duck.

In the afternoon, it was the second round, that is, the 320 into 160 match, and Lin Xun and several people returned to the rest point of the first class first.

The surrounding classmates also congratulated when they saw several people coming over, especially the battle scene where Liu Tian killed the opponent with one punch, saying 666.

"By the way, did you see the six-tailed one from Qian Qing from the third shift?" At this time, Lin Xun's classmate named Qian Ming said.

Hearing this, Xu Qiang was puzzled: "Qian Qing? That little rich woman from the third shift? That actually subdued the six tails?

"Well, it seems that her family prepared it for her, hey, it's worthy of being a rich lady, she actually didn't fancy the elves of the breeding house, and she found a channel at home to get a six-tailed for her, and I heard that the talent is also quite high." Sun Ming nodded.

Liu Tian also answered: "Six tails, it is in line with the aesthetics of these young ladies, but it is not so fussy for you, right?"

Sun Ming retorted: "That's you didn't watch her fight, that six-tailed, the strength is very terrifying, the scorching flame can't even carry his opponent's small fist stone, and there is a very powerful superpower, the small fist stone can't enter its body at all." Hearing

Sun Ming's words, not only Liu Tian, Xu Qiang, but even Lin Xun was shocked. The flames that can't even be carried by the rock elf small fist stones that resist the fire attribute skill, and the super ability to control the opponent.

"Could it be that that six-tailed one also inherited the superpower system's magical moves?" Lin Xun also guessed.

Hearing this, Xu Qiang also nodded and said, "Well, it is estimated that it is, and it is really a difficult opponent."

Liu Tian was unimpressed: "When the time comes, let me touch her, and I must let her see how powerful my little saw crocodile is." "

A few people despise" you are a water system elf, how embarrassed to be with the fire system of others. You don't roll over when the time comes, just laugh to death.

At this time, another classmate said: "Hey, Liu Xiaofat, don't be proud, there is a bleating sheep in the sixth class who is also very strong, and the opponent who fights with a first-hand electric skill has no power to fight back." "

Well, I also saw that there are many powerful elves in other classes, including electric and grass systems, Liu Tian, you better pay attention."


Liu Tian was also a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect that there were so many powerful opponents this summer vacation, although his little saw crocodile is a relatively powerful elf, that is also its high potential, and now it is the initial form and really can't take advantage of anything.

However, he still said with a hard mouth: "At that time, you can just watch, fat master, I will directly push them."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

" At this time, Sun Ming said again: "By the way, Lin Xun, you should also pay attention to Xu Kai of the fourth shift, there is a very strong big tongue shell, the defense of the big tongue shell is really strong, his opponent's toot pecking for a long time did not break his defense, but was pierced by his ice skill ice pick, it seems that it is likely to be a rare "continuous attack" characteristic large tongue shell." Your Scorpio will be very bad for you. Hearing

this, Lin Xun also nodded and thanked Sun Ming: "Well, thank you, I will pay attention."

Xu Qiang also ridiculed: "Okay, Sun Ming, I don't see that you still have a talent for intelligence." "

Hahaha." Several students around laughed when they heard this.

Sun Ming scratched his hair and smiled: "Haha, to be honest, I'm not too interested in elf combat, if it weren't for the tight pressure, in fact, I want to be an elf observer, I just like to observe and record everything about elves." "

The observer is a different profession from the trainer, and the breeder who specializes in elf breeding and training, and the coordinator who pays attention to the appearance and skills of the elf, is the same branch profession that has emerged with the development of the elven world.

Usually they have to learn a lot of knowledge about elves, including: medical knowledge, domestication knowledge, cultivation knowledge and training experience necessary for trainers, will collect actual combat data in battles, and compare wild and domesticated elves to obtain the best appearance of elves and the data of the degree of examination, and finally synchronize in the alliance's elf data system.

Hearing this, Lin Xun also nodded and encouraged: "Come on, I believe that your family will understand you by then."

Sun Ming touched his head: "Hehe, thank you." You guys just play well, I will help you pay attention to the information of the best players in each class.

"Thank you then, our chief observer." The students also laughed.

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