Time flew by in a chat with several people. The voice of the first-round finalists was also heard on the radio.

Because half of the players have been eliminated, there is Xu Qiang's match in the first game. Several people are also old rules, go to cheer for Xu Qiang.

"Both players please release their respective elves"

With the words of the referee teacher, both of them threw their own poké balls, Xu Qiang was naturally the cute looking Eevee, while Xu Qiang's opponent was a restrained fighting elf - monkey monster.

[Elf: Monkey Monster]

Gender: Male

Classification: Pig Monkey Elf

Attribute: Fighting

Height: 0.5m (normal 0.5m

) Weight: 27kg (Normal 28kg)

Characteristics: Motivation (The elf with this characteristic will not fall asleep, and the sleep move will be invalid.) Skills

: Crave, Grab, Kick, Glaring, Gathering Qi, Grabbing Randomly, Splitting Empty-Handed.

Level: Level 10 (Amateur)

Potential: Elite Cultivation

Program: Improve the elf...

Looking at the information displayed in the data panel, Lin Xun estimated that this time should be a close battle, although the opponent's monkey monster occupied the attribute advantage, but Xu Qiang's Ibrahimovic level was three levels higher.

As soon as the monkey monster appeared on the battlefield, it jumped its round body, slender limbs plus a long tail and a pig's nose, the lively strength always made Lin Xunlian think of the monkey in Mount Emei in his previous life...

"The battle begins

" With the referee's teacher's voice, Xu Qiang's opponent took the lead in speaking: "Monkey monster, pay attention to the movements of the opposite Ibu, and use the Qi Gathering Move." "

Good guys use the Reinforcement skill as soon as they come on the field, which is the rhythm of preparing the hard bar to the end.

Xu Qiang also opened his mouth to command: "Eevee, use the call move, reduce the monkey monster's attack, and then wag its tail to lower its defense for me." "

Lin Xun has a black line, are these two playing a turn-based game, one stacked BUFF, one brush debuff.

Finally, it was the monkey monster's trainer who took the lead in attacking: "Monkey monster, rush towards Eevee and use the empty-handed splitting skill." The

monkey monster moved its slender legs and sprinted towards Eevee. In the blink of an eye, he approached Ievee's side, and the monkey's claws slashed towards Ievee. The empty-handed split is a skill that is easy to hit the point, and the monkey monster has used the qi gathering move to enhance his chance of hitting the point, and if this palm hits, it is estimated that Ibrahimovic will be uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Xu Qiang hurriedly commanded: "Eevee used an electric flash move to rush to the position behind the monkey monster, and then used sand to disturb its vision for me." "

Bu Yi"

Eevee burst out with great speed, quickly rushed to the back of the monkey monster, gave the monkey monster a bit on the waist (don't ask me where the monkey monster's waist is) and quickly jumped away.

The monkey monster whose waist was attacked was in pain, and his empty-handed splitting skill was also interrupted, and he had just stood back to see Eevee's position, when he saw a large pile of sand rushing towards it.

Lying in the groove, the monkey monster was shocked in his heart, but it was too late to turn his head, and he ate the sand on his face, his eyes could not be opened, and his limbs waved indiscriminately.

"Eevee continues to attack the monkey monster behind with a retribution move." Xu Qiang also seized the opportunity and continued to order Eevee to attack the monkey monster's back, not at all ready to give the monkey monster a chance to return.

Seeing that Eevee ran behind the monkey monster again, the monkey monster's trainer also loudly reminded the monkey monster: "Monkey monster, calm down, be careful of the attack behind you." Hearing

the trainer's voice, the monkey monster temporarily calmed down, and was just about to turn around and grab Eevee, but unfortunately it was still a step slower, and the other waist suffered another heavy blow.


monkey monster directly exploded, this special will hit the person's waist, right, can you change places.

The monkey monster's eyes became red, and the word # appeared on its head, and it seemed to have entered a state of rage.

As we all know, the monkey monster is originally an elf that is easy to fall into a state of rage, and the monkey monster that enters the rage cannot listen to the trainer's orders at all, and will only attack instinct non-stop.

The furious monkey monster directly rushed towards Eevee with its blood-red eyes. Looking at such a monkey monster Eevee was also startled, the action paused, and it was delayed, and the monkey monster seized the opportunity to rush in front of him is a trick to grab the skill.

"Eevee held on, using his impact skill to knock away the monkey monster and seize the opportunity to escape." Watching Eevee being hit repeatedly under the monkey monster's claws, Xu Qiang was extremely worried.

Eevee also gritted his teeth against the monkey monster's random grasping moves, took advantage of the gap between the monkey monster's attacks, knocked back the monkey monster's body a little, and then quickly fled.

Seeing this, Xu Qiangqiang said with joy: "Good Eevee, continue to use the sand throwing skill for me to block its sight." Seeing

that the monkey monster at this moment has improved a lot because of the fury attack, Xu Qiang did not dare to let Eevee touch its edge, and directly let one step to fight a guerrilla war, that is, around the monkey monster, constantly using sand splashing, shouting and other moves.

Although the cry move does not have the effect of reducing the attack of the angry monkey monster at this moment, the annoying cry then makes the monkey monster even more irritable, and it is completely unable to listen to the trainer's words.

Seeing that the monkey monster had completely lost his mind, Xu Qiang knew that the opportunity was coming, and commanded to Eevee: "Eevee , pay attention to the monkey monster's movements, continuous electric flashes, pay attention to repelling with one blow, don't let it catch."

"Bu Yi"

heard the order, Eevee immediately exerted force on all four limbs at the same time, his body turned into electric light and rushed towards the monkey monster, following Xu Qiang's order, he retreated with a touch, and the monkey monster suffered severe blows one after another, but he never clawed Eevee.

The trainer of the monkey monster was also anxious to shout outside the field, but unfortunately it had no effect, and at the moment the angry monkey monster ignored his command at all.

Finally, under several flashes of electricity in a row, the monkey monster fell, his eyes spinning in circles.

At this time, Eevee is also panting, and the continuous flash of electric light makes it consume a lot, if it can't solve the monkey monster, it is estimated that it is tired first.

"Hard work you Ibrahimovic, well done, come back and rest." As the referee announced the victory of the battle, Xu Qiang also withdrew Ibrahimovic and thanked Ibrahimovic.

Then he was ready to say hello to his opponent, but the opponent didn't pay attention to him at all. It is also strange that this means is really dirty, like sprinkling lime in a fight with gangsters, splashing sand all over the sky, and sprinkling eyes. Even the students watching from the outside cast disdainful looks.

"Cut, this is called tactics, you know what."

Ignoring everyone's eyes, Xu Qiang walked directly to Lin Xun and the others.

But what made him break his defense was that Lin Xun and several people saw him coming over, and they took a step back, as if they were afraid that others would know that they were in the same group.

The angry Xu Qiang suddenly turned into a furious monkey monster and rushed towards several people.

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