
Hitting a blazing roaring tiger doesn't count.

It is also the Champion Intermediate Staff-Tailed Scaly Dragon, the Champion Intermediate Blue Mantis, the Champion Beginner Fire Lion, and the Champion Beginner Chopping Commander.

Chase them one by one!!

And Dream dodged at will, and at the same time struck back with a finger shake......

Lin Mo is not surprised, even if Dream does not kill him, it is not something that a champion-level elf can bear.

Play with the gods of the strength of the first-level divine beasts.

But it's hard work.


"You're just going to hide!"

A middle-aged man in a long robe walked slowly, and the pattern on the costume was printed like a prism.

He is domineering and aggressive!

It seemed to have cornered the pink petite elf in front of him.

It's a pity that it doesn't conform to the arrogance of a middle-aged man's mouth cannon at all-

He was accompanied by a champion-level Absoru, fearing that Dream would attack the trainer directly.

And Lin Mo ......



How dare you come to the trouble of dreams??

Not afraid of death?

If it weren't for the fact that Dream belongs to the category of divine beasts with the best temper.

This thing is already cool!

Obviously, the middle-aged man didn't force the number, seeing that the dream had been evading, and did not take the initiative to attack, he felt that the unknown elf in front of him was ......

The strength is not as strong as I thought at the beginning!!

Suddenly, the middle-aged man had a plan!

He spoke in command.

"Attack this tree together!"


Many elves adjust the target.

The blazing roaring tiger unleashes a jet of flame,

Canetail Scalysaurus, the power of attraction, meteor swarm!

Absoru used the test knife, and the Flame Lion released the burnout......

In a flash!

Firelight, dragon power, slashing of the evil system......

Simultaneous outbreak!

Fang has been leisurely and leisurely dreamy, even if he immediately shows the spirit of summoning, it is too late!

It's still shaking its fingers!


At this time, the strength and momentum of the first-level god suddenly exploded!

Dream unleashed a primordial move.

It's a pity that you can't resist at the same time, and bloom more!

Countless boulders rushed straight away, directly knocking the Blazing Roaring Tiger into the air!

And these rocks smashed through its flesh and bones, and the high-level elves of the champion were seriously injured in an instant!

But...... A momentary mistake.

Dream missed opportunity!

Those champion-level elves were tricked in the face of phantom beasts......

Destroy the dead thing like the World Tree and strike hard!

After a round of shock.

Lin Mo and Neuer could feel the ground tremble in the direction where they were, and countless branches shattered

In the World Tree, there are even more ordinary elves who are surviving, fleeing in a panic.

Bobo, Big Needle Bee, Proud Bone Swallow......

The flying elves scattered and fled......

And Pokémon such as Walking Grass, Nidoro, and Jumping Pig are miserable!

You can't escape!

Burning with fire, slashing with blades, falling meteors!

Many were directly seriously injured and even dying!

The bottom of the World Tree is now riddled with holes!

In the past, Lin Mo's dragon teeth were able to easily change the terrain after the bond evolved, making people exclaim that they were close to the destructive power of the champion!

And now the real champion Pokémon.

Even more terrifying!!

It's like the end of the world!!

And Dream showed a look of anger.


No matter how good its temper is, it can't bear it anymore.

The World Tree is inhabited by countless elves, and destroying this place will cause huge casualties!

What's more, the previous dream had discovered that the huge power that the World Tree had originally accumulated over countless years was suddenly reduced by half, causing the giant tree to weaken slightly.

Although this impact is not very harmful to the ecological environment.

I can't get any more damage!


A huge death calamity is bound to erupt inside the World Tree!

Dream appeared this time to guard the rest of the World Tree Origin, but on the way, he encountered an inexplicable attack on his "trainer". Good-natured phantom beast, watch the middle-aged man order the elves to destroy the World Tree.

Suddenly there is an answer!

It has to be you!

I used to damage the origin of the giant tree, but now I still want to destroy it!!


Dream angry shouting!!

The strange spiritual power is beating wildly!

Lin Mo and Neuer on the side were almost knocked to the ground by the vibrational force that came!

"It's all right... "

The elf girl quickly held Lin Mo up, but unfortunately she was completely focused on her companion.

The second time, I was shocked!

Lin Mo had just stood firm and was knocked down by Neuer, and the two hugged each other directly and rolled into a ball.

They were pushed away by the air wave for a long distance before they snuggled up to each other and lay on the ground.

"I'm fine. "

Lin Mo looked at the girl in his arms, and now ......

He could only smile.

The next second, though!

The earth shakes the mountains!!

The bottom of the World Tree is trembling wildly!

That's not something a few champion-level elves can do!

"How is that possible!"

"Mythical elves!"

Neuer's eyes were suddenly horrified.

Fang Cai's dream, she doesn't know!

I just think,

This little guy is cute and cute, with a cute appearance, a good voice, and his combat effectiveness should not be strong.

But now—

At the bottom of the World Tree, three huge figures appear in the shape of a triangle!!

It was the arrival of a god who had long been known to everyone in this world, through the decipherment of information deciphered from other secret ancient books.

Rock Pillar - Reggie Lock!

It was a gray-brown rock giant that slowly crawled out of its palm from the dirt.

Its momentum is unleashed!!

Ice God Pillar - Reggieas!

The gods are covered in ice crystals, like icebergs emerging from the sea, growing out of the ground!

Immediately the world is affected by the temperature at the bottom of the crazy drop!

Iron Pillar - Regis Qilu!

There is a special silver-gray structure on the body, shining with light, as if calculating something, the ruthless god coldly shows his body.

looked indifferently at the middle-aged man who had destroyed the World Tree.

The three divine pillars will not converge like a dream!

And so—

The aura of the gods that spans the heavens and the earth envelops everything!!

Countless ordinary Pokémon knelt down directly in pain!

Although the Divine Pillar has wisdom, it is quite rigid, and it seems that there is no way to take care of friendly forces at all.

"Be careful!"

Lin Mo and Neuer said in unison,

The former used a move to defend it, wanting to block the elf girl's side, while the latter simply and rudely mixed the power of the superpower and the goblin system, wanting to protect the weaker Lin Mo.

The good thing is that -

By chance, the forces of the two sides converged and turned into a silver-green barrier with a little pink starlight.

Drain the pressure of the three god pillars.


Lin Mo and Neuer have special abilities, and the champion-level trainer who wreaks havoc is miserable!

Absolu beside him was terrified!

But he can't protect the master at all!

The middle-aged man was choked by the momentum of the three second-level gods! His face was ugly, and his face was as red as if he was deprived of oxygen!


Face multiple gods, the pressure is terrifying!

And after that......


Lin Mo directly covered Yibu's eyes, he was afraid of the gods, he was relieved to face the next bloody picture, and he would obediently not look at it.

And then—

It's a terrible scene!

Three Shots of Destruction Rays!

This is a merciless forgiveness of destruction from the gods!!

The light emitted by the huge pillar almost obscured the sky, and the entire base of the World Tree was illuminated by a huge amount of light and shadow!

And the dream is ready!

The strength of the first-level gods, all exploded!

As a Pokémon that has achieved perfection in all body skills, plus the ability to use all moves perfectly as a phantom beast.

The dream is unleashed - hold!

Protect countless elves and the World Tree!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the power of the Three God Pillars is as if they are sanitizing again!

The white light doesn't even look like a move, but the lake that washes everything......

After about a second, the light dissipated.

And the middle-aged trainer and his elves......


Nothing is left, not even the ashes are there!!

A real bruise!

And Lin Mo saw this scene......

Very calm.

provoked Dream and the Three Divine Pillars, this person can be regarded as a monstrous death! It's a pity that the elves in his hands are also with the trainer......

However, seeing that Lin Mo couldn't bear it, Neuer gently held the palm of his companion and slid it gently with his hand.

The feeling of wetness and silkiness in my hands came.

Lin Mo suddenly ......

reflexively turned back, and Neuer just looked gentle,

"The prism mark on that man's body just now indicates that he is from the Phantom Organization. "

"This is the largest underground organization in the Hairy Bear Country, mainly engaged in elf smuggling and illegal drugs. "

"That man should be the head of the Phantom, Prosco. "

"The elves under his command may have also been involved in a lot of human lives. "

That said,

Lin Mo was in a much better mood.


Soon the atmosphere became a little awkward again.

In order to avoid being discovered by the Divine Pillar and Fantasy, the two of them were extremely tight, and this kind of operation may not be able to withstand the detection of the gods.

But Lin Mo looked at the face of the fairy girl who was close at hand at this time,



I feel that I have been hit by a charm!


Then, Lin Mo and Neuer were still leaning together, cautious and did not dare to move.


The Three Divine Pillars were motionless, and after the dream flew to the origin of the World Tree, it confirmed it, and found that the energy was indeed half less, and it thought that it was a good deed done by the middle-aged man, and chirped a few times indignantly.


Then, stealth and escape......

The Three Pillars also returned to their slumber state, and the World Tree pulled them underground.


Lin Mo and Neuer finally looked relieved.

"Whirring ......"

The two of them survived the catastrophe, although they looked dreamy and friendly, but the gods were in a bad mood and could easily take the lives of the two of them!


After that, Lin Mo and Neuer didn't have the heart to stay in this terrifying Winterless Secret Realm!

It's outrageous!

There are more than four gods!

The two of them feel that in the secret party, they must be the core of the core like No. 1 and No. 2 to be able to provoke!

Not sure to be able to beat it yet!

On the way, Neuer gave Lin Mopu a brief about the Phantom Organization.

The research results and many materials of the previously stolen Three Holy Birds were mainly bought by this organization on the black market.

"Five, they've already killed the would-be champion elven hunter who made the shot. "

"Eventually, the Phantom Organization was tracked down. "

"Counting the time we have spent exploring the secret realm, Number Three should be going to attack the Phantom's base. "

And Lin Mo digested the information, and he could be regarded as having a preliminary understanding of the strongest underground organization in the Mao Bear Country.

It's just not clear, what do they want the body tissue of the Three Holy Birds?


No. 3 shot, plus a champion-level powerhouse of the Phantom was unlucky enough to be lost in the secret realm.

Phantom, I'm afraid it's going to be gone!

【Ding!Serendipitous event detected!】

In front of Lin Mo's eyes, there was a sea of fire, and then a middle-aged man with a handsome face walked out of a research institute with a U in his hand.

[Ding!This location is on the outskirts of Allen City, the Woolly Bear Country, and the trainer obtains the unfinished god-level cloning technology in the research institute!]

【Ding!Please pay attention to the host!】

And Lin Mo was stunned.

God-level cloning technology?

Or is it unfinished?

This chance prompt is a bit more strained than the previous one.

Cloning technology, go to cut off the beard yourself, and if you get it, you can only donate it to the country......

Although the time will definitely be a lot of gains.

But it's probably only about a superb treasure......

Unfinished technology, the system prompt shows that he is infinitely valuable, but others may not be able to judge this.

Of course, if you can get a high-grade secret treasure, Lin Mo definitely doesn't mind getting this technology......

Anyway, now that the mission is over, find a reason to go to Allen City after that?

Lin Mo was thinking...

And at this moment, the communicator of the secret party rang!

It's number three.

He asked Lin Mo and Neuer to come to their aid, and he was in the base camp of the Phantom Organization.

High-end combat power has been basically solved.

So he asked No. 8 and No. 9 to come over and bring back the things of the organization.

And Lin Mo and Neuer glanced at each other.

"Let's go. "

"The quest is not a threat, and you can get additional rewards. "

The fairy beautiful girl mainly thinks about Lin Mo,

Simple tasks, the final income may not be useful for the champion, but for the weak clan next to him, it should be of great help.

So, the two of them quickly left the secret realm and took the special plane prepared by the organization directly.

Go to a giant farm on the outskirts of Allen, the country of hairy bears......

Three hours later,

"Ahem. "

Lin Mo and Neuer waved their hands lightly, fanning away the soot coming from them.

This giant farmstead, where the Phantom Order is based, has long since been turned into a sea of fire.

"That's fine. "

Neuer gently took out a handkerchief from his bosom, dipped it in pure water and handed it to his partner.

And Lin Mo was a little confused, he didn't react at first, but now he understands it.

This is not similar to the picture seen in the previous chance prompt, it can only be said to be exactly the same!

Combined with the message and message of the third -

Co-authored, the original cloning technology was obtained by the secret party!

The handsome middle-aged man (Zhao Zhao Zhao) is No. 3.

Moreover, Lin Mo felt that the other party was a little familiar, and he couldn't imagine that he had seen it on TV.

Therefore, Fang Cai's chance prompt also exposed the organization's always mysterious No. 3???


Lin Mo was excited!

Not to mention anything else, since the cloning technology is needed by the secret party, he must find a way to cut off the beard in advance!

And then......

Uh, give it back to the secret party in exchange for rewards!

That's definitely bloody!!

All right!

This chance tip is also very useful!

At this time, Neuer cared about his companion while watching the message from the champion-level Hudi.

"The enemy number five here has been detected, and the strongest ones are only some members of the Phantom Organization with the strength of the quasi-heavenly king. "

"You should be able to deal with it, let's go separate for the time being. "

Her face was helpless,

The main fear is that Lin Mo has been following him, and the evaluation of the task will be very low.

Isn't it that you can't get a good reward?

The latter was stunned for a moment and immediately agreed.

Although it is safe to follow Neuer, it can't be practiced at any level......

So the fairy girl left a superpower seed on Lin Mo's body, ensuring that when her companion was threatened, she could quickly teleport over with the elf.

And they went to another place.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, identified the directions of the four places, and searched for the direction of the research room that appeared in the previous chance prompt.

Along the way, I met many trainers wearing prism patterns.

Apparently a member of the Phantom Order.

Lin Mo was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't let No. 3 take the lead, so he released the dragon's teeth and pushed all the way.


A deafening sound came, and countless Dao Hall-level elves were directly instantaneous!

And Lin Mo, the director of the director, saw the somewhat familiar research room.

He breathed a sigh of relief.




A terrible cry rang out!

Lin Mo suddenly raised his head!

Three giant divine birds are flying in the sky!

Flame Birds, Lightning Birds, Frozen Birds!

But it seems to be ......

Something is wrong??。

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