The dragon fang beside Lin Mo immediately greeted him, and then stared at him.


It's like a great enemy!

And three panels appeared in front of Lin Mo's eyes.

【Gene Modulation of Eagle Frozen Bird (Ice)】


[Level: 111 (Second Rank God)]

[Trait: Snow Hidden (In Blizzard Weather, the evasion rate increases, and the vitality is constantly restored)]




[Special: The gene is close to collapse, and the empty body with divine power may self-destruct at any time]


【Warrior Eagle Lightning Bird Gene Modulation (Electric/Flying)】


[Level: 111 (Second Rank God)]

[Characteristic: Static Electricity (Contact-type moves hit/hit, high probability of triggering paralysis effect)]





【Large-billed Finch Flame Bird Gene Modulation (Fire/Flight)】


[Level: 111 (Second Rank God)]




[Special: The gene is close to collapse, and the empty body with divine power may self-destruct at any time]

And this one was also confused.

Lin Mo almost didn't faint at first!

The messages in the three panels are so powerful......

Frozen Birds, Flame Birds, and Lightning Birds are all the strength of second-level gods!

And the same situation as the dream.

As gods, their traits work much better than their normal elven counterparts!

It's just that looking at the rest of the prompts, Lin Mo found that something was wrong......

How come the three sacred birds are all genetically modulated?

It's not a native beast at all!

It is transformed by the warrior eagle, the eagle, and the large-billed finch!

Gender, personality, and skills are all shown as "——".

It seems that the three elves have lost the life characteristics of normal Pokémon after genetic modification.

Consciousness is also erased, and in the end there is a powerful divine power!

Not even a move!

Lin Mo pondered,

As mentioned in the chance prompt, the Phantom Organization has unfinished god-level cloning technology, and it was the largest underground force in the Hairy Bear Country that previously obtained the body tissue and research data of the Three Divine Birds.


Lin Mo guessed,

I'm afraid it's not the phantom organization, it's really hard-working, and three divine birds have been cloned through unfinished technology!

Apparently they both succeeded and failed.

The three sacred birds were indeed created 380 out.

If it weren't for the existence of the hint panel, Lin Mo really wouldn't have been able to find the three gods in front of him, which were transformed by three ordinary flying elves......

But the failure is that

Three empty shells, meaningless.

The birds just instinctively soared in the sky, making a terrible chirping.

There is no intention of helping the organization base that is caught in the sea of fire.

And Lin Mo also breathed a sigh of relief, in the face of the gods, all his elves were simply delivering food!

If the three gods attack together, he will use his superpowers to dispel Neuer's mark and avoid sending one more head......

Fortunately, they can now be left alone......

Lin Mo was thinking,

The system prompts again.

【Ding!Discover a large amount of ownerless life force that can be absorbed!】

[Hint: A large amount of ownerless life force that can be absorbed, located 317 meters above the host's head!]


Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something.

Is that what the system says is the source of the ownerless life force above the head?

Because the sacred birds don't have any consciousness, they are just empty shells.

The huge divine power and life force have no meaning to themselves!

Under the cruel genetic research, the three former flying elves have long been shattered!

Lin Mo's expression was complicated, this was equivalent to the hatching progress given to his little Y bird for nothing.

But looking high in the sky, three Pokémon who were supposed to fly freely in the sky.

That's how it ended

This one really can't be happy.

"Don't worry, I'll set you free. "

Lin Mo released the Tyrannosaurus, and as soon as the atavistic giant beast appeared, it roared in the sky!


And Lin Mo climbed on its body.

Pointing high into the sky.

"Fly over. "

The tyrannosaurus sprints and pierces through the clouds!

Lin Mo saw the true faces of the three divine birds......

His expression was dull, his eyes were empty, and he didn't look like a living creature at all.

This person sighed slightly in his heart.

"Iniquity. "

He took out the eggs of the gods of the little Y bird,

Impertar felt excitement, and it sensed in the egg the immense power of three unowned beings, without any consciousness!

Without hesitation, suck!

Around the Three Divine Birds, a faint emerald green glow was pulled out, forming a bridge and pouring into the egg of the god that Lin Mo was holding in his hand.

At the same time, Lin Mo easily called out his own Yibu.


The little guy was a little surprised to see himself come to the sky as soon as he appeared on the stage.

And Lin Mo made it (ccch) cut to the ghost form and put a smoke screen.

Hidden is the brilliance of Ipeltar, refining the life force.

Be careful, be careful!

Soon, the original momentum of the three divine birds dropped sharply, and they rapidly decreased from the second-level divine beasts, and fell below the hundred-level after half a minute.

The frost, fire, and thunder dissipated bit by bit, and finally revealed the bodies of the three elves—

Eagles, Warrior Eagles, Large-billed Sparrows!


Even if the energy is drained and turned into a prototype, there is no point!

The three elves are dead!

They fell from a high altitude, fell to the ground, and turned into three pools of rotten meat, and their genetically modulated bodies have completely collapsed!

And Ipeltar's God's Egg shines a little!

The dead are resurrected!

It sensed that after most of the ownerless life force group was absorbed, the three deceased elves wrapped in it wanted to save it.

It is a pity that after the power of God was activated, there was no wave.

How can the rotten meat of the three beaches react?

The soul is gone!!

And the young god of death was a little sad......

In Impeltar's logic, he received their help and reciprocated by bringing the three elves back to life!

But why can't it be resurrected?

And Lin Mo was a little helpless when he sensed the emotions in the god's egg......

This is the evil that human beings have committed using technology.

At this time, the rotten meat of the three beaches is no longer an elf, but a product of genetic collapse.

The desecration of life cannot be undone by the power of God.

Of course –

[God's Egg Hatching Progress is 46.11%]

It's so good that the little Y bird is close to breaking out of the shell and getting closer!

Lin Mo's mood barely improved.


With a heavy heart,

Lin Mo returned to the door of the research room, took the tyrannosaurus and dragon tooth back to the Poké Ball, and released Lucario and Shanaiduo to escort him.

He walked into the cramped research room, and the journey was smooth.

Most of them here are researchers, all of them looking flustered, speaking slang in the woolly bear country that Lin Mo couldn't understand, and constantly cursing.

The chaotic scene outside made them panic......

While Lin Mo turned on the translation function of the prompt system, he used Shanaiduo's superpower to directly restrain several unlucky researchers.

"Where is the body tissue of the Three Holy Birds? and give me your cloning technology. "

Lin Mo's expression was not too fierce.

But the researchers didn't think about it and wanted to resist.

They don't have much loyalty to the Phantom Order.

Engage in technology, anywhere!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It's the life that stays that counts.

The recovery of the body tissue of the three gods stolen by the secret party was extremely smooth.

Then, Lin Mo copied the god-level cloning technology with the help of a USB flash drive.

The system is still powerful.

[USB flash drive that records god-level cloning technology]

[Hint: This technology is not yet perfect, and only works perfectly on a few Pokémon types]

[Production: Lonely Island Secret Realm]

The reliability of the technical data in the U is confirmed instantly.


Lin Mo looked at it and mentioned a little more......

This technology was not developed by the Phantom Organization!

It's from the secret realm!

This puzzle was solved, he had felt wrong before!

Why, the Phantom Organization was able to come up with such a god-level cloning technology?

Sure enough, it's just picking up people's teeth!

Lin Mo threatened again, and several researchers shuddered and called up the information in the database.

During a previous expedition, the Phantom Tissue discovered the wreckage of a supercomputer in a remote island and extracted technology from it.

And Lin Mo looked at the photos that were brought up, and his eyes were shocked!

On the high-precision instrument shell, there is an icon engraved that makes this somewhat familiar -



Lin Mo's eyes moved, and he asked again.

It was learned that the Phantom Organization had only found mechanical wreckage, and no human existence......

And Lin Mo listened expressionlessly, and probably understood in his heart.

As a space debris, the Lonely Island Secret Realm should come from a parallel world where Team Rocket exists, or even Team Rocket who has completed the cloning of Mewtwo.

The Phantom Organization was lucky enough to get research that even the Secret Party couldn't do!

And Lin Mo also realized something......

Cloning technology says that it only has a perfect effect on a small number of Pokémon.

Most of the time it refers to - dream!

This is an important goal of Team Rocket's research!

This technology, used to clone other gods, such as the Three Divine Birds, can only barely create an empty shell without consciousness.

After answering his doubts, Lin Mo directly threw away the researchers he had captured and prepared to leave.

How to deal with the extinguishment, the 3rd will be done.

Thirty meters in front of the host, the body tissue of the phantom beast was found—the eyelashes of the dream!]

But at this time, a hint flashed in Lin Mo's eyes that surprised him.

Dreamy eyelashes?

This remembered the champion trainer who had been destroyed by the three god pillars and the light evaporated earlier.

After another question, he got the answer he wanted,

According to the researchers, the high-level of the organization had indeed lost contact with each other, and before losing contact, he had teleported back to the body tissue of an elf.

But I haven't had time to start researching yet.

Lin Mo naturally asked them to turn their dreamy eyelashes out of a pile of test tubes and hand them over to themselves.


The body tissues of the primordial phantom beast that he was holding in his hands looked at it......

A bold idea rises in the heart!

At present, in addition to himself and Neuer, the only person who has seen the dream is the senior executive of the Phantom Organization who has died.

Since he hadn't started researching, even if he was as strong as the Secret Party, he couldn't know that this eyelash came from the existence of the Transcendent Three Holy Birds.

And this god-level cloning technology in his hand,

It's probably a fantasy attack!



Didi –

"Let Eight take you to the organization's base. "

Lin Mo was walking in the sea of fire in the Phantom Organization base, and a message from No. 3 came from the bracelet.

In the distance, the girl who was floating in the air with the help of her own strength flew in a little surprise.

Mission accomplished!

The fairy girl hurried back to her clan.

After that, there was inevitably a burst of hush and warmth.

The two waited in place for a while, and the organization sent a special plane.

They need to go to the secret party base in the Woolly Bear Country.

"The organization has bases in larger countries. "

"But in fact, it is basically the periphery guarding there, and the freedom of our core members is unlimited. "

Neuer explained to Lin Mo on the plane.

"Normally, we just send the collected resource files to the nearest organization base, and our organization has a strange communication technology. "

"A lot of resources related to the elves and the elves themselves can be transferred around as data streams. "

When the fairy girl said it, she was slightly amazed.

Lin Mo knew that this should also be a technology brought out of the secret realm, in the Pokémon story, a common way of resource transportation, but in this world, only the secret party can master.

It can only be said that the time to merge with the elves is still too short.

Soon the two of them arrived at the group's base.

What disappointed Lin Mo was ......

But it's about the same size as Kunlun University.

It's just that this base is built inside the mountain, and others can't find it.

Neuer, on the other hand, walked into the conference room inside the base.

Then, a phantom suddenly appeared on the seat next to the main seat in the conference room.

This is a holographic projection.

The number one of the secret party appeared in a black robe.

"Welcome back, Eight, Nine, it looks like your mission is done. "

After communicating with One's phantom.

Lin Mo didn't have any reservations, and directly said the information about the super ancient elves, of course, he didn't say anything about the eggs of young Kiras.

And Neuer was completely at the pace of his companions.

Subsequently, the god-level cloning technology and the body tissues of the Three Holy Birds were handed in......

No. 1 was also very satisfied.

"Originally, it was the task of No. 3 to collect the technology mastered by the Phantom Organization. "

"Now that you're done, there's an added bonus as well. "

"After that, the resources will be sent to your permanent residence. "

End of communication.

Neuer didn't drag his feet, and after handing over the task, he was ready to pull Lin Mo away.

As soon as the mission was over, she thought......

Vacation with Lin Mo in the country of hairy bears......

But No. 1 stopped the two and made new demands.

Or rather advice.

"Eight, as I said before, the plan to improve your status has come out. "

"You're going to compete in the World Trainer Tournament later. "

"First get a chance to compete for the king and the championship seat. "

"Of course, Nine, with your potential, you can also try this year's competition first and feel the atmosphere. "

Participating in the World Championship?

Lin Mo and Neuer glanced at each other,

The so-called World Trainer Tournament is one of the biggest official events of the Elf League, and the requirements for participation are very simple, get eight badges, and pass the assessment of the gym trainer itself.

The competition itself is rewarding.

And the final four can all get the opportunity to challenge the existing kings.

This is the path of a normal trainer step by step to become a top powerhouse with the highest status.

Lin Mo was originally going to participate,

He actually has a lot of pressure and knows that he may not be able to win the championship.

Because they are all gym-level trainers at the beginning, the actual contestants will only be stronger, but even if the ranking is not too high, the rewards are not bad, and they can also practice their own elves.

And Neuer was stunned at first, she didn't care about participating in the competition......

But, at once, he realized something.

and Lin Mo are going to participate in the World Competition??

All right!

One piece to collect badges, one piece to play the game!

No need to go on a mission!

It's a dream!

Neuer smiled in an instant!

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