Leave the base of the organization.

Soon Lin Mo and Neuer set off together to return to Kunlun University.

The secret party's wrist is quite strong, and Neuer's front foot said that he was going to participate in the World Championship anyway, so he simply arranged an identity and set off with Lin Mo.

In this way, on weekdays, they can still take care of each other.

Lin Mo is currently in the secret party, and he is the character of Dr. Elf, and he needs to be protected.

And No. 1 readily agreed, and quickly arranged a position as a teaching assistant at Kunlun University.

University teaching assistants are worthless, but Kunlun, as the most important university in China, is mainly strict in terms of background checks.

can be easily handled, which shows the ability of the secret party.

The ~ beautiful girl of the fairy department is excited.

Even on the way to Huaguo on a private plane, he didn't stop with a smile on his lips during the whole process.

And when Lin Mo saw this scene, it was also pleasing to the eye.

Tens of thousands of feet in the air, leaning on the sofa, looking at Neuer beside him with an extremely pure and charming smile,

He felt healed, both physically and mentally......

Lin Mo stretched his waist.

"It's time to go back to school!"

"Let's go to the gym next semester after the year. "

And Neuer gently leaned over to his partner's side and hugged Lin Mo's arm directly, the latter was used to such an intimate gesture......

But the charm of a beautiful girl with the power of a fairy is really hard to resist.

Lin Mo couldn't help but turn his face sideways......

In the secret realm, it's okay when you're in danger.

Right now......

He's a sound adult!

Neuer didn't seem to think so much about it, shaking his thighs slightly.

"After that, let's go challenge the gym......"

"There's no need to go to the gym in Kunlun City. "

"I've wanted to go for a long time, but it's boring to be alone......"

"Then go to Chaozhou City and challenge the steel gym, there are a lot of special delicacies there!"

"I remember, there are several old gold jewelry stores in Chaozhou City, let's go pick one together......

Neuer said, blushing a little.

Seeing that he didn't react, his companion immediately spoke again excitedly.

"Then go to the Grass Dao Hall, that Yunchun City, where the snow-capped mountains are spectacular!"

"If the time is good, there is no one, so we can take a look at the scenery together after we climb the mountain......"

"That's it...... The two of us. "

The beautiful girl chattered like the name of the dish,

arranged Lin Mo's next challenge to the gym clearly, and even imagined it with interest......

"When we go to fight together, you should be a little bit stronger than you are now. "

"This year's World Competition will be held in Vegas, the lighthouse country, where the night view is great!"

Neuer imagined.

Lin Mo also looked helpless when he heard this, this is too far away......

It's a pity that the smile on the corner of his mouth betrayed this person's mood.


After returning to school, Lin Mo found that Kunlun University and even Kunlun City were a lot deserted.

After all, the students are on vacation,

They are enjoying a wonderful holiday and preparing for the Chinese New Year......

Of course, Lin Mo thought about it, with the style of Kunlun University, I am afraid that even if his classmates go home, they will be crazy involuted.

Enjoying your vacation?

This is the time to struggle!

Lin Mo thought wildly, he came back this time to go through the teaching assistant procedures with Neuer first.

Then this one wanted to work hard......

When the planning enters a stable period, it is almost the New Year, and you can go home.

First, I went to the administrative building to complete the formalities.

Then, Lin Mo and Neuer returned to the dormitory together,

The cleaning here is good, obviously for this baby bump, Kunlun University is very attentive, and there has always been a cleaning staff.

And Lin Mo threw out all the Poké Balls on his body!


When he was in the Woolly Bear Country, out of the consideration of hiding his identity, except in front of those members of the Phantom Organization who were destined to be wiped out, the elf on this body was almost always held in the ball.

At this time, it is natural to untie all the shackles and relax!


The elves took shape, and the dragon's teeth were the first to roar.

The two giant beasts, the Great Steel Serpent and the Tyrannosaurus, also stood beside it, and then Ibu, Doron Messia, Shanaido, and Lucario all realized something, flew to the side, and chirped at Neuer.


I don't know why, this strange human woman would have such a high opinion of the trainer, but many of Lin Mo's elves also welcomed her to visit the "home"!

Aside from the dragon's teeth, this dormitory is the only harbor for Lin Mo and his elves when they are tired and in pain!!

Naturally, the arrival of Neuer is also a big event!

And the beautiful girl of the fairy department was also stunned.

"Well, thank you!"

She felt inexplicably and was very happy!

In this world, elves are the most important family members, and they are the only family members of their kind...... Gave recognition??

All right!


After that, to celebrate homecoming.

Lin Mo is ready to take the new member Neuer to the reserved program and have a picnic at the doorstep!

Shanado and Lucario went into the kitchen,

Lin Mo and Neuer also started cooking together, and Ibu used to make trouble and eat on the side, of course, it was very moral......

"Bouyi ......"

The little guy looked uncomfortable, and used the storage ability of the ghost form to take out a lot of half-cooked food and give it to the same big-eyed tyrannosaurus......

This product is very greedy......

After getting off the plane, Lin Mo fed dozens of catties of snacks.

But now... It's been almost three hours since it eaten!

And the dragon's tooth grabbed the big steel snake.


Make a big wish.

After persuading the tyrannosaurus last time, this time it's time to persuade another member of the family.


And the big steel snake is good-tempered, and in the face of the dragon's tooth solicitation, he didn't want to refute the other party's enthusiasm, so he nodded casually.

So I got the title -

Bailian Town Mountain sits on the king of Nanjuyue!


Dragon's Tooth is very satisfied with its "cultural papermaking"!

The elves in the family were all happy, but Doron Messia, who couldn't help but sigh wistfully when she saw the trainer and the girl next to her......


Ghost Stone ......

My love, when will you return?


Soon, all kinds of picnic preparations were ready, and Lin Mo turned on the huge projection.


Dragon's Tooth took the lead and chose a show that he liked to watch recently.

"Rebuilding the Dynasty", this is a historical drama that has nothing to do with Pokémon.

But Dragon's Tooth felt ......

I need relevant knowledge!

And Neuer looked at this scene, Lin Mo and his own elves sat together, very high-spirited,

is even more inexplicably stunned.

The same kind of ...... that I have been looking for

Looking for the feeling of home, now I have found it!

"Do you want to taste it?"

Lin Mo was holding an egg tart, which was very finely made, and there were mangoes carved into small flowers on it, which was Lucario's handiwork.


And Neuer nodded.


After the picnic, the elves naturally played with ducks in the somewhat empty campus.

I just came back from a mission, so I have one less day of training.

Lin Mo arranged a room for Neuer himself, washed up and reported to his parents that he was safe, and said that he would go back before the New Year.

Then, put down your phone......

Go to bed!

Everything else was okay, the power of the three divine pillars in the Winterless Secret Realm made Lin Mo tired.


He fell into a deep sleep, and in the middle of the night, he realized that something was wrong with you.


When Lin Mo was in a daze at night, he often touched the feeling of furry hands, and it must have been Eevee who secretly ran to bed again......

But today, what he touched was hot and humid flesh......

Lin Mo opened his eyes with a spirit.

What I saw was a fairy girl who had already untied half of her pink pajamas, sticking to her side almost at zero distance.

After all, it is a modern society, and there is still a lot of light in the distant villa area late at night.

What Lin Mo saw was that the girl's white forged skin was shining in the faint light, and the enthusiasm exhaled from her mouth gently caressed her face.

Neuer's eyes were originally blue and clear gems, but now they were dyed little by little by the power of the fairy system, turning into pink star diamonds.

"Will you leave me?"

Neuer seemed to be having some kind of nightmare and panicked......

She was scared

Lin Mo can sense it even without a waveguide.

And Neuer even pressed against Lin Mo's forehead, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The girl longs for a hug, for a deeper level of communion, and she wants to make sure that the only one of her kind in front of her will not suddenly disappear!

And Lin Mo ......

made a decision that went along with my heart......


Outside the door, Ibrahimovic looked at Doromesia with a look of resentment!


Why can't you sleep with the trainer today??

And Doron Messia dragged Ibrahimovic away little by little, feeling tired.

There's only so much I can do!



The next morning, Lin Mo rarely made breakfast by himself.

After all, his skills are no longer comparable to the two volume kings of Shanaiduo and Lucario.

This will be followed by hot porridge,

Feed it bit by bit to Neuer, who looks tired and can't get out of bed.

Lin Moke's body is excellent in the fighting system and the dragon system!

And the grass system!

Excellent battery life......

Superpowers and goblin power can only increase mental power and charm, and there is no bonus to the physical body......

Neuer's personality is the kind that is extremely spoiled,

Yesterday night, it was almost up to Lin Mo to vent, and now I'm afraid I have to recuperate for a few days.

And Lin Mo naturally ......

Take care of it carefully, and don't leave until the beautiful girl of the fairy department falls asleep again.

Then the ......

Busy again!

Lin Mo has one more important matter,

The beauty of last night made him a little more urgent!

He went directly out of the university, came to Linjiang Pavilion, and found the old man Zhao Qinghui who had made an appointment.

"Little Brother Lin, your research room is ready. "

"Well, excuse me. "

Lin Mo nodded slightly, he did one thing before going to bed last night.

Ask for flowers

gave up a lot of the share of super evolution stones in his hand in exchange for the top research laboratory supported by Tongbao Company!

In Zhao Qinghui's eyes, Lin Mo was a ruthless person who came up with the mega system alone, so he naturally agreed to this request.

"Little Brother Lin, I'll leave it to you. "

The founder of Tongbao Company was quite understanding, and did not ask much, but just handed over an identity card.

"No one but you can get into the lab, and if you need to recruit people, I can help. "

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao. "

Lin Mo said gratefully, and then walked into the research room alone.

His plan was simple, god-level cloning technology had already been initiated, and it was clearly the version developed by Team Rocket.

And he has dreamy eyelashes in his hands......

The most important thing is that Lin Mo still has knowledge in his mind, knowing the creation method of a certain god, the genes of human beings, and the genes of dreams are combined into one......

You can create the top divine beast - Mewtwo!

In reality,

Mewtwo is absolutely strong!

The oppressive nature is strengthened by divine power, and it also has a mega ability in itself!

Combat power is undoubtedly a top-notch existence!

Lin Mo's expression was extremely determined, he had experienced the previous divine war, and faced the terrifying threat of the Three Divine Pillars.

This one is very uneasy!

Lin Mo actually understands that in the supernatural world, the weak will be easily taken away from everything.

Even because of the presence of the elves, everything is extremely beautiful.

To put it simply, it was in the World Tree before.

The Three Divine Pillars didn't choose to kill Lin Mo easily, just because there was a dream......


The minds of the toilets will definitely choose to wash the floor thoroughly!

Eliminate all external hidden dangers.

And as long as Lin Mo continued to travel through various secret realms in the future, he would always encounter those ferocious phantom beasts and gods.

Last night, it made him realize that

I'm not a lonely person after crossing over-

Elves, relatives, lovers, and even Chu Shenyu, who has always been a partner, these people absolutely can't accept that Lin Mo may suddenly suffer a disaster!


Lin Mo needs a hole card!

The god-level cloning technology sent to the door, it was impossible for him to refuse

Although the dragon teeth have the potential to become gods, the slower the elves are cultivated in the future, and they become truly powerful, I don't know how long it will take.

It's better to find a way to reach the sky now!

Anyway, Lin Mo is Superman!

With the assistance of the prompt system plus the power of the waveguide and the superpower to control the accuracy of their own strength, there is technology in hand.

He can perfectly replicate Team Rocket's operations!

It's not all luck to create Mewtwo!

It's about success!

As for what to do after Mewtwo was born.

Lin Mo also knew very well that this elf was not a cloned Pokémon!

Mewtwo is Mewtwo!

Don't worry about the meaning of your birth!

And this god is also very friendly by his life, but he was raised crookedly by Team Rocket.

Lin Mo will definitely create a new cub for himself, respect and love!

Mewtwo's human genes, this one must use his own!

Anyway, Lin Mo's appeal is very simple, just let Mewtwo protect the period before he becomes stronger.

Even later, for his children in a sense, he was willing to let go and let Mewtwo seek a lifestyle that he was happy with.

All aspects have been thought out perfectly.

What are you waiting for??

Lin Mo looked at the well-equipped laboratory, he didn't input the cloning technology into the prepared computer, everything had to leave no trace!

The surrounding environment, this one is even swept with god-level superpowers and waveguides,

Confirm that there is no monitoring.

Lin Mo thought silently in his heart.

"Hints on how to make Mewtwo. "

In an instant, countless light curtains lit up in front of him.

[Tips: Before the start of the study, please prepare 1,500 liters of Yuanqi grass solution, and the concentration of the agent is required to be more than 65%]

[Hint: Before the research begins, please prepare 20 copies of the super gem treasure, and the low-level treasure can be]

[Tip: Please prepare 178 copies of spiritual herbs before the start of the study]

[Hint: Please prepare three superb super treasures before the research begins]


Of course, the first problem to be solved is material procurement.

Research equipment, this side is quite complete.

Lin Mo had already expected this, and randomly doubled and expanded the number of various materials on the list, and added some unnecessary things.

I made a set of materials and handed it over to Tongbao Company for them to purchase on their behalf.

As for the best secret treasure, it depends on the secret party......

Lin Mo waited as peacefully as a mountain.

Soon, Tongbao Company brought the first batch of materials in just half a day......

Lin Mo walked in front of the instrument and operated it quickly!

[Hint: Please set up a culture cabin]

[Step 1: Preliminary extraction ...... of the Yuanqi grass solution with a concentration of more than 65%]


His hands are steady.

Everything went very well!

The culture chamber was established.

The tissues of the dreamy eyelashes were extracted, and the small cloning equipment was transformed by Lin Mo's bare hands......

Soon, a lump of meat of unknown significance was born......

Lin Mo picked up the needle and concentrated the strength of each department in his arm and drew out his own blood......

Under the microscope, the dreamy genetic code is rapidly cracked... Under....

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