Walking on the pedestrian street, Dongfang Yang looked down at the large and small bags in his hands, then looked up at Ying Yudie who rushed into the next clothing store with great interest, his face full of helplessness.

Didn't they say that the family company would provide a variety of high-quality clothes? Didn't they say that they would not buy them outside? What are these things in my hands?

Sure enough, Zhang Wuji's mother was right. The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie.

There is no way, I can only spoil my girlfriend.

Dongfang Yang, who followed in, fell into choice difficulty after admiring his girlfriend's dress-changing performance.

Seeing her boyfriend like this, Ying Yudie covered her mouth and chuckled, urging him

"Come on, have you made up your mind?"

Yes, she did it on purpose.

Who told me that when I asked Dongfang Yang for his opinion, he just gave me a perfunctory answer, saying that I look good in anything and bought them all.

Humph, I am naturally beautiful, so of course I look good in anything. Do you need me to tell you? Humph.

If you don't choose one for me this time, I will keep shopping and tire you to death, hehe.

After a period of deep thought, Dongfang Yang made up his mind and chose one of the sets.

"That's it"

"Oh why?"

"This skirt is too short. Why is your belly button showing? It's autumn now and winter is coming soon. What are you doing? As for this one, with so little fabric and such an expensive price, it's a loss just to think about it."

Looking at Dongfang Yang's stingy look, Ying Yudie covered her mouth and chuckled. After rolling her eyes at Dongfang Yang, she pointed at the dress Dongfang Yang had chosen and said to the waiting clerk

"This is the set, please pack it up."

Without waiting for the clerk to respond, Dongfang Yang waved his hand and said

"Wrap them all up"

"Why, don't you like it?"

Without stopping the clerk from packing the clothes according to Dongfang Yang's instructions, Ying Yudie looked at Dongfang Yang with a smile.

Pulling Ying Yudie into his arms, Dongfang Yang whispered in her ear

"Nothing, I just don't want anyone else to wear your clothes."

"Besides, I just don't like you to wear it outside for others to see. You can wear it at home for me to see. You look good in any clothes. I'm not just being perfunctory. I'm serious."

Ying Yudie was very satisfied with Dongfang Yang's whisper. She reached out and grabbed her boyfriend's collar, pulled it down, and whispered in Dongfang Yang's ear in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Do you want to see me without clothes?"

Dongfang Yang was slightly stunned, looked down at Ying Yudie, whose face was red but still looking at him, and smiled slightly.

He gently rubbed Ying Yudie's hair and said softly

"Of course I do, but you're probably not ready yet. I'm not in a hurry. We still have plenty of time to get to know each other."

"Time is fast, so fast that we know each other and fall in love in the blink of an eye. Time is also slow, so slow that we have a lifetime to accompany each other, so we don’t need to rush, and don’t leave regrets for ourselves."

"We can do anything for love, but we also need this love to be worthy of us. The time is too short. How about waiting a little longer and thinking it through before considering it?"

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Ying Yudie responded softly, and then buried her head in Dongfang Yang's arms.

She was just trying Dongfang Yang's attitude just now. Of course, if Dongfang Yang had a different attitude, they would not break up, but the impression would be much worse.


As expected of the man he liked, he was excellent.

Dongfang Yang had some guesses about Ying Yudie's thoughts, and he didn't mind. Only by being responsible for himself can he be responsible for others. It is impossible to say that he has no thoughts about that matter. After all, he is not a saint.

But for him, this is not the most important thing.

Feelings need to be taken seriously, whether it is family affection or love, it is all like this. Like.

What I said is what I really think.

Although I am not a human being when I am casual, I am really not a casual person.

At this time, Pikachu silently lay on Dongfang Yang's shoulder and played with Dongfang Yang's hair.

Although it was curious about what crowded places were like, it regretted it a little after knowing it.

It didn't even understand why the woman in front of it always had to change clothes, and changed them over and over again, which made its eyes dazzled.

After all the clerks in the store packed the clothes in a hurry, Dongfang Yang directly scanned the code to pay.

But seeing the bags of goods covering the ground, Dongfang Yang felt a little numb. He scratched his head and said a little stupidly.

"Oh my god, there are so many."


Ying Yudie couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You figure it out yourself. These are all things you bought for me."

"I said, have you forgotten?"

Dongfang Yang looked at his girlfriend who was laughing so hard with a strange look on his face, and said lightly

"I am a person with super powers."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongfang Yang disappeared in the shocked eyes of all the shop assistants, along with the bags of goods on the ground.

If Dongfang Yang had not already paid and Ying Yudie was still there, the shop assistants would have thought they were robbed.

Ying Yudie's smile disappeared, and she looked at the place where Dongfang Yang was originally, and pouted helplessly. She was careless and forgot that her boyfriend was a person with super powers, and a person with super powers who mastered teleportation.

After a while, Dongfang Yang appeared in front of Ying Yudie again.

Spreading his hands to his girlfriend, Dongfang Yang smiled and said

"I'm just surprised that there are a lot of them, it's not that we can't handle them. Okay, I'll put them all in the car. Fortunately, I didn't drive a sports car today, otherwise I really can't put them all in. Let's go, it's getting late, let's go eat."

Dongfang Yang said, scratching Ying Yudie's small upturned nose that was wrinkled because of a little unhappiness, and walked out holding her hand.

Ying Yudie was just a little unwilling because she didn't make trouble for Dongfang Yang, and that unhappy mood came and went quickly.

Hearing Dongfang Yang say that they were going to eat, Ying Yudie immediately discussed with Dongfang Yang what to eat with great interest.

Pikachu, who had been lying on Dongfang Yang's shoulder listlessly, suddenly became interested when he heard that they were going to eat.

Pikachu quickly stood up and poked Dongfang Yang's cheek with his short hand to remind him not to forget himself.

Feeling Pikachu's action, Dongfang Yang turned his head to look at Pikachu and immediately laughed.

"Okay, I got it. I won't forget you."

After that, Dongfang Yang said to Ying Yudie

"Otherwise, let's find a place to feed these little guys. Look at Pikachu, he's so hungry."

At this time, Ying Yudie also noticed Pikachu's actions, and immediately laughed and nodded.

"OK, we are not in a hurry anyway, let's feed them first. There is a Pokémon Center nearby, let's go there and feed them."


When Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie fed the Pokémons and came out of the Pokémon Center, Pikachu was still lying on Dongfang Yang's shoulder, his eyes flashing with excitement, staring at the surrounding environment.

Ying Yudie gently poked Dongfang Yang's chest and asked softly,

"Pikachu didn't seem to eat much just now. I saw it eat a lot at noon. Could it be sick?"

Dongfang Yang sighed, grabbed the confused Pikachu from his shoulder, threw it into Ying Yudie's arms, and said unhappily

"Do you think it looks sick?"

Looking at the Pikachu in her arms, except for the fact that it looked a little dazed because it didn't understand the situation, there was nothing wrong with it. It really didn't look sick.

Now, Ying Yudie didn't understand. Why did this little guy eat so little at night? Was it a habit problem?

"Okay, don't think too much about it, this little guy is just greedy, leaving his stomach empty, and wants to eat the same things as us, such as street snacks."

Dongfang Yang sighed and explained Pikachu's thoughts to Ying Yudie.

I don't know who this little guy looks like, he is so greedy, especially for these street snacks, he wants to eat them when he sees them, I don't know who he learned from.

I feed it the top-level energy cubes, and the taste is also good, not worse than some high-end dishes, but it likes roadside stalls, which makes me speechless.

After hearing Dongfang Yang's explanation, Ying Yudie's eyes lit up, hugging Pikachu, as if she had found a soulmate.

"Little guy, you like these snacks too, so let's go together next time. I know where there are delicious roadside stalls in other cities, and I'll take you there next time."

Pikachu was overjoyed when he heard Ying Yudie's words, and his favorability towards her increased.

Breaking free from Ying Yudie's hands, Pikachu followed her arms and came to Ying Yudie's shoulders, rubbing her cheek affectionately and calling her twice."

We'll do it next time."

In an instant, the man and the elf seemed to have a telepathic connection and understood each other's meaning.

""Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's settled, and we won't take this guy with us, just the two of us will go, okay?"

Pikachu nodded quickly, kept shouting, agreeing with Ying Yudie's idea. Yes, yes, yes, don't take him with you, he always won't let me eat, saying that I'm still young and shouldn't eat such things, but he ate it with great praise.

Listening to Pikachu's complaints, Ying Yudie laughed and glanced at Dongfang Yang beside her in surprise.

She didn't expect that her boyfriend would have such a side, so cute.

Dongfang Yang, who possesses the power of wave guidance, of course knew what Pikachu meant.

Raising his hand and gently tapping Pikachu's little head, Dongfang Yang said unhappily

"How old are you? How long have you been born? You want to eat these messy things? Besides, didn't I stop you from eating? I just told you to eat less for your own good. You don't appreciate it. You really take my kindness for granted."

Looking at Pikachu holding his head with a pitiful look, Ying Yudie hugged Pikachu in her arms, blocking Dongfang Yang, and looked at Dongfang Yang with an angry face.

"What are you going to do? I'm warning you, don't bully Pikachu, or I won't let you go, understand!"

Looking at Ying Yudie who was protecting her child, Dongfang Yang sighed and said helplessly.

""Okay, okay, okay, got it."

Seeing Dongfang Yang give in, Pikachu immediately understood who was the biggest boss in the family.

After seeing that he had a backer, Pikachu immediately yelled at Pikachu twice.

Seeing Pikachu's bullying, Dongfang Yang sneered."

Be arrogant, continue to be arrogant, you can only be arrogant for a while now, do you want to become Yudie's elf, wait until you leave Yudie, and see how I deal with you."

Seeing the look of Dongfang Yang and Pikachu, Ying Yudie laughed.

They are really funny.

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