Seeing Dongfang Yang and Pikachu licking an ice cream cone each, Ying Yudie's face was filled with black lines.

I don't know who the two people were who were arguing with each other before, and the one who just asked Pikachu to eat less is Dongfang Yang, who is now asking Pikachu if he wants to eat more. As expected, men's words are deceiving.

"Wife, do you want to eat some grilled sausages? I see there is a big charcoal cart in front that sells pretty good volcanic rock grilled sausages."

Just when Ying Yudie was daydreaming, Dongfang Yang suddenly found a good grilled sausage stall and turned to ask his girlfriend.

Hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie looked in the direction he said.

She saw a grilled sausage stall surrounded by customers. The stall owner was grilling large sausages with the help of a big charcoal cart.

Smelling the aroma, Ying Yudie swallowed her saliva and looked at the grilled sausages in the hands of some customers with shining eyes.

"Yes, yes, let's go quickly."

While saying this, Ying Yudie pulled Dongfang Yang towards the sausage stand.

Pikachu standing on Dongfang Yang's shoulder licked a cone and poked Dongfang Yang's face, reminding him not to forget him.

Dongfang Yang pinched Pikachu's cheek, indicating that he knew and would not forget.

After queuing for a while, the two people and the pet each held a sausage in their mouths and wandered aimlessly on the pedestrian street.

If they saw something delicious, they would buy it to try, and if they saw something fun, they would play with it.

Things like Shuangbianwan grilled cold noodles, Liuwei grilled skewers, stinky flower stinky tofu, double fried yogurt... are all their targets.

For example, Qianmian Chameleon target shooting, sniping tree owl darts, tail-standing hooping, armored rhino children's train...

Ying Yudie and Pikachu are curious about all of these.

Although the pedestrian street is not as popular as before, there are still many people from the surrounding area who come to play.

The older generation takes their grandchildren out for a walk.

Or couples walk in groups of three or two, showing their affection.

There are also some middle school students playing in groups of three or five. There are many people but it doesn't seem crowded, which is just right for Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie.

They ate, drank and had fun from the east end of the pedestrian street to the west end.

Ying Yudie, who was a little full, pulled Dongfang Yang to sit down on the street

"The place recommended by your student surnamed Xue is really good. We can come here often in the future."

Looking at Ying Yudie sitting on his thighs, swinging her calves, with the joy and excitement on her face still not fading, Dongfang Yang smiled, took the other's hand, squeezed it, and said softly

"Okay, I'll come with you if you want."

At this time, Pikachu, who was lying on Ying Yudie's thigh to digest his food, stretched out his hand and called out.

Don't forget me, I want to come with you, I want to, I want to.

Pikachu's cute appearance made Ying Yudie laugh out loud.

Rolling his eyes, Dongfang Yang poked Pikachu's round belly and said unhappily

"What are you doing here, are you trying to be a light bulb? Look at you now, your belly is so round, you need to exercise for me later."

With a wave of his little hand, Pikachu slapped away Dongfang Yang's fingers that were playing tricks on his belly, and rolled his eyes at Dongfang Yang.

Who was it that kept pulling him to eat this and that? You were the one who kept feeding him, and you were the one who said no, and you said both good and bad things.

However, Pikachu did not refuse Dongfang Yang's suggestion to exercise, after all, he had eaten a little too much, so he needed to move.

Just as the two people and the elf were playing and frolicking, there was a sound of gongs and drums in the central square of the pedestrian street.

The sudden sound immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Even many people hurried over.

He kept saying

"Is it starting so early today?"

"Hurry up, there will be no seats if you are late."

"I don't know if there will be any accidents today."

"Let's go, let's go, it will be too late if we don't go now, there are only a few good seats left"

Looking at the people walking in a hurry, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie looked at each other, and at the same time, they could see confusion and excitement in each other's eyes.

Although they didn't know why everyone was in such a hurry to get on the road, it seemed that something interesting had happened.

The two people who were in sync smiled slightly, picked up the Pikachu who was still in a daze, and walked over with the crowd.

When Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie arrived at the square, it was already full of people.

Dongfang Yang saw that he couldn't squeeze in, so he used the power of the wave to scan the circle, and then took Ying Yudie to the innermost position instantly.

The people around saw the two people and the pet who suddenly appeared, and their mouths twitched constantly.

MD, people with super powers are willful.

Can you do whatever you want with your girlfriend?

No one came out to criticize his behavior?

Although they were unhappy with Dongfang Yang's behavior, no one came out to criticize Dongfang Yang's behavior.

After all, no one wants to provoke a super power person who doesn't know his own limits and can use teleportation.

Besides, the other party didn't do anything out of the ordinary. At most, it can be regarded as using super powers to cut in line. There is still some tolerance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's Pedestrian Street Double Challenge has begun.

A man in a suit and tuxedo appeared in the center of the square, holding a microphone and presiding over the meeting.

"Today's champion is the grandson and granddaughter of Mr. Yue, the only owner of our pedestrian street. Please welcome the two champions."

"Hello everyone, I am my sister, Yue Jiayi"

"I am Yue Jiazhen."

Following the host's introduction, a man and a woman walked to the center of the square and introduced themselves.

Seeing the two people who were obviously not yet adults and were high school students, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched, snorted, and murmured softly

"Family members"

"Why do you look down on the children of the family?"

Hearing Dongfang Yang's whisper, Ying Yudie looked at her boyfriend unkindly.

���Whether the children are good or not, strictly speaking, you are also.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Dongfang Yang simply shut up and said nothing.

He was just unhappy that some people relied too much on the power of the family. They trained a bunch of elves in high school. It seemed that they were strong, and the early bird caught the worm.

In fact, it was not the case. How could they train elves well if they were not mature enough? They would have to hand them over to others. How could the bond between them and the elves be deep?

In Dongfang Yang's view, the most important thing was the bond.

Of course, it was not impossible to train elves in advance. It depended on each person's ability.

Generally speaking, in high school, it was enough to train one elf.

Many big families did this, just like Long Yun and others.

It was not that they could not afford to raise them, but they paid more attention to the bond with the elves.

This thing was very vague and hard to say, but in many cases, the elves could perform exceptionally because of the bond.

Moreover, the family valued inheritance. The life span of a person was limited, not as long as that of an elf. Elves with deep enough bonds would continue to take care of their descendants after the trainer died, instead of returning to the mountains.

As for Dongfang Yang, haha, the rule of the Dongfang family was that there could be no initial elves before graduating from high school.

In the past, it was because of poverty. Now, Dongfang Long is too lazy to change. The early weakness is not important. As long as the descendants are talented, they can catch up later.

Just like Dongfang Ling, with the help of Dongfang Yang, he is about to catch up with Long Yun and others.

Although the broken horn of Xerneas was unexpected, even if it wasn't, in Dongfang Yang's plan, he can basically catch up in the second year.

If the talent is not good, you don't waste resources.

That's what Dongfang Long thinks.

Fortunately, his three children are talented.

Dongfang Yue is a little weak, but he also inherited the Magic City Gym. Dongfang Ling has just started, so it's hard to say. As for Dongfang Yang, he is a monster.

To be honest, Dongfang Yang looks down on most of the family's children.

For example, a certain enemy of his high school who has passed away, well, is a waste.

Having resources but no strength is a waste in Dongfang Yang's eyes.

Of course, Dongfang Yang only looks down on the opponent when the elves are fighting, and he will never say that he looks down on the opponent.

After all, in his opinion, everyone is born with a talent and there is a place to shine.

Ying Yudie had a general understanding of Dongfang Yang's character through chatting with Dongfang Ling in the morning.

As long as it does not involve elves fighting, Dongfang Yang basically will not take things to heart, unless you touch his bottom line.

She also knew that Dongfang Yang was just a little dissatisfied with the behavior of the Yue brothers and sisters in front of him.

It's okay to cultivate elves in advance, and you can use your resources as you like.

But how long have you been cultivating? You come out and embarrass yourself?

Dongfang Yang does not object to the children of the family coming out to set up a ring. As far as she knows, Dongfang Yang has a disciple, Lu Rongyuan, who met him through the ring set up by the other party.

But Lu Rongyuan has been struggling in society for several years, what about you?

In Ying Yudie's heart, she also felt that these two people were a little ignorant of the world.

No matter what Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie think, the people around them still give face to the Yue brothers and sisters.

After all, they are the only owners here, and Grandpa Yue has a very good reputation here.


Yue Jiayi took the microphone from the host, bowed to everyone, and said loudly

"We are all regular customers of the pedestrian street, and we all know that my brother and I were admitted to the Imperial Capital University in advance a few months ago."

Before Yue Jiayi finished speaking, people around her laughed out loud.

"Of course we remember that day, the entire pedestrian street had a 30% discount, and the Yue family paid for it. I still remember it clearly."

Someone took the lead, and the whole place immediately became excited.

"Yes, yes, yes, I remember that day too."

"Yes, I bought a lot of clothes that day, which I usually don’t buy."

"Me too. I ate here three times a day that day. I was so full."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Yue Jiayi bowed to everyone again, and Yue Jiazhen followed her sister.

Then, Yue Jiayi continued

"After that, my brother and I have been training elves at home. A while ago, an elder brother came to visit us and told us not to work in isolation and asked us to come out and see. We remembered that there were many people coming to fight in the arena set up here every day, so we shamelessly asked grandpa to let us be the champion."

"We are still young, please give us some advice, if there are any shortcomings, please forgive us."

After saying this, Yue Jiayi bowed again.

"Please forgive me."

Yue Jiazhen also said, and bowed with her sister.

Suddenly, thunderous applause rang out around them.

Amid the applause, Yue Jiayi returned the microphone to the host.

Ying Yudie nudged her boyfriend with her elbow.

"It seems we misunderstood them. They seem to be here to learn."

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