The champion sighed lightly, used the antidote on the poisoned Monarch Snake, put it back into the Poké Ball, and looked at Ying Yudie opposite him with a serious expression.

"Huh, I was originally planning to look for that guy Wang Yan, but I didn't expect to meet you. It seems that I am destined to miss the school team this time."

Ying Yudie blinked her eyes and asked curiously

"Wang Yan, the sophomore, what did he do to you?"

"It's nothing. He defeated me and became a regular member of the team.

The champion shook his head and explained.

"I am not as skilled as others, there is nothing much to say. I had made some gains in the secret realm some time ago and wanted to take revenge, but things are unpredictable."

"It's okay, I'll help you deal with him later."

Ying Yudie smiled and waved her hand, looking generous.

Hearing this, the champion smiled and said

"Okay, thank you. My name is Xu Sien, and…"

Guessing what the other party was going to say, Ying Yudie interrupted with a smile.

"I have a boyfriend, let's continue."

Xu Sien's face darkened a little, and she smiled self-deprecatingly. Such an excellent girl should have many admirers, and it would not be her turn.

In Ying Yudie's opinion, Xu Sien should be the kind of person who practices hard behind closed doors, and she is not a family disciple, otherwise she would not be unaware of the relationship between her and Dongfang Yang.

After sorting out her heart that had just been shattered, Xu Sien released her second elf, the Circle Bear.

Elf: Circle Bear

Attributes: General

Level: 59

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Perseverance

Carrying items: None

Looking at the Circle Bear that appeared on the stage, people like Ying Yudie and Dongfang Yang who were not familiar with the champion had black question marks on their faces.

Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room was also filled with question marks.

"Um, am I the only one who thinks this bear is too small? Or is it my computer's fault?"

"Brother upstairs, you are not alone"


"Why do I always feel like you are asking me, and I have evidence"

"Stop going off topic, what's up with this bear cub? Why is it so small?"

"I don't know. Generally speaking, if you are malnourished, your body size will be about 80% to 90% of the normal size. This one is only the normal size."

"It is only 65% of the size, interesting."

"It's worth studying. Is it Magic University? I'll go there sometime."

"Individual differences?"

"Brother, this bear is so small, what's going on?"

Dongfang Ling looked at the cute bear and was quite confused. She chose to ask her brother when she was confused.

"It's nothing, just individual differences."

After a brief moment of daze, Dongfang Yang reacted and explained to his sister.

"After all, elves are just like humans, with different heights, weights, and skin shapes. It's just that such extreme cases are extremely rare.

Although Dongfang Yang was a little surprised by this, it's not like he had never seen such a thing before.

"How should I put it? Each of these Pokémons has its own advantages. Compared to the normal Cyclopean, this Cyclopean is obviously faster. I believe you can see that."

Dongfang Ling nodded.

She did see that compared to the normal Cyclopean, this one was obviously more agile. It just dodged Slowpoke's"Sludge Bomb" very flexibly.…

"Everything has its pros and cons."

Before Dongfang Ling could think about it, Dongfang Yang crossed his arms and continued

"A smaller beast has less power than a normal beast, so it needs extra training."

Soon, the bear on the field verified what Dongfang Yang said.

When the bear used"Shadow Claw", it fought back and forth with Slowpoke using"Brick Breaker", and the difference in power was almost the same.

Some netizens in the live broadcast room complained.

"WC, what's the point of having a Circle Bear like this? Shouldn't the Circle Bear resolve the fight directly in a brutal way?"

"I was speechless when I saw this. This is the first time I saw a bear and a shrew fighting each other."

"Didn't Xiao Ling'er's brother say that this was a sacrifice of strength in exchange for speed, and that strength could be increased in the future?"

"Can I practice it even if it's not just about speed?"

"The one above is useless, so this one is no good? Principal Dongfang means that this bear has the advantage of speed, and strength training can catch up with the bears that have not been properly trained, but the bears that have been trained are no good, the same reason."

"Moreover, each Pokémon has its own advantages. When fighting against poison-type Pokémon, the most important thing is to avoid its poison skills. After all, the poisoned state is very troublesome. Didn’t the Monarch Snake fall to poison in the last game?"

"The above is right. Although it sacrifices strength, the speed gained ensures that the scorpion can avoid the poison skills of the shell and prevent itself from being poisoned. It is acceptable."

"But the one who suffers the loss is still Kusanagi, Slowpoke can use"laziness" to recover."


"That makes sense."

"Not really. Although Slowpoke can recover from injuries and physical strength, it still consumes energy. It can only be said that it has an advantage, but it is not big."

While the live broadcast room was full of discussions, Dongfang Ling touched Dongfang Yang's waist with his elbow and asked

"Bro, what do you think?"


Dongfang Yang paused and said jokingly

"Use your eyes to see."

Seeing that his sister's face was getting worse and worse and she was about to explode, Dongfang Yang quickly stopped and stopped teasing.

"As I said before, there are pros and cons. It depends on your personal performance."

"Originally, the winner was never determined by speed or strength alone, but we are used to the fact that the Circle Bear has strong strength."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's explanation, Dongfang Ling nodded in understanding.

That's right, it's more of a personal prejudice against the Circle Bear.

Just when Dongfang Ling wanted to say something, he heard his brother suddenly say

"Actually, for me personally, if I have a choice, I will not let Circle Bear give up strength and choose speed. It feels a bit like the loss outweighs the gain. As for why he is like this, maybe it started from the elf egg. If you ask me, he did not give up the elf because of the elf's strangeness, which is worth learning from."

At this moment, whether it is the netizens in the live broadcast room, or the teachers and students around, including Dongfang Ling, they all feel that Dongfang Yang has light. When three people walk together, there must be one who can be my teacher.

I guess this is the reason why Dongfang Yang is so powerful at such a young age.

How can he not be powerful if he is constantly learning.

Unfortunately, before everyone can appreciate Dongfang Yang's current greatness, the next second, Dongfang Yang broke this glorious image.

"Of course, if I encounter such a bear, even if I tame it, I will probably keep it as a pet."


Faced with Dongfang Ling's confusion, Dongfang Yang smiled, rubbed his sister's hair, and said softly

"There's no need, I have better elf options, why not?"


Dongfang Ling was stunned.

Yes, I have a better choice, why not choose a better one?

"Brother Xiao Ling'er is right. If we didn't have to discuss this, we wouldn't choose such an elf."

"Yeah, I don’t know what we are arguing about?"


"It's over, let's skip this topic"

"By the way, so much time has passed, and the fight between Grunt and Slowpoke hasn’t been finished yet?"

"Yeah, this game took a while."

"Maybe it's because not much time has passed, but we just talked for a long time."

"‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ"

"There's something I didn't expect."


On the field, after another confrontation between Squirtle and Slowpoke, they each pushed to the sides of the field.

Looking at the panting Slowpoke, Ying Yudie frowned.

It seemed that Slowpoke was about to reach his limit, but the opponent's Squirtle was also going to fail, and it was almost over.

After making a plan, Ying Yudie instructed Slowpoke:

"Slowpoke, use 'Jet Flame’"

"After dodging, rush over, Circle Bear, use '100,000 Horsepower’"

Xu Sien also reacted quickly and immediately gave instructions to Circle Bear.

After leaning down and using its small body to avoid the"jet flame", Circle Bear did not stop for a moment and rushed towards the opponent with all its strength.

Facing the"hundred thousand horsepower" of Circle Bear's fast speed and full of momentum, Slowpoke was not in a hurry.

Under Ying Yudie's instructions.

Slowpoke aimed the shell on its left arm at the rushing Circle Bear, and when it got close, the"junk shot" that was ready to be fired was ejected.

Facing the oncoming attack, Circle Bear crashed directly into Slowpoke.

Slowpoke, who was hit hard, flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

After enduring a full round of"junk shot", Circle Bear was also very uncomfortable. He knelt on one knee and kept gasping for breath. The fallen Slowpoke soon climbed up with difficulty, staring at the Circle Bear opposite, his chest heaving violently.

Seeing this, Ying Yudie immediately shouted

"‘be lazy’"

Slowpoke immediately relaxed and slowly recovered from his injuries and physical strength.

"Don't let the other side succeed, be careful, use the 'loud voice’"

Xu Si'en gave corresponding instructions.

However, because of the lesson of the previous King Cobra, Xu Si'en was very careful this time.

The Circle Bear obeyed the order and let out a deafening roar at the Slowpoke.

Everyone in the audience covered their ears in an attempt to reduce the damage to their ears.

Dongfang Yang directly used his superpowers to form a protective shield, covering Ying Yudie.

Many people around were also taken care of because of this.

Feeling this superpower shield, Ying Yudie turned around and smiled sweetly at Dongfang Yang.

Dongfang Yang also smiled and nodded, waving his hand.

Then Ying Yudie looked at Xu Si'en again, a trace of coldness appeared on his face, and said in a deep voice

"Sorry, I need to finish the battle quickly. My boyfriend might be waiting anxiously."

As she said that, Ying Yudie took back the Slowpoke, which was seriously injured but still had some fighting power.

She took out another Poké Ball and released the Pokémon.

""Quickly put an end to this, Dragonite."

A fat dragon appeared on the field, roaring, revealing the momentum of a potential king.

"‘Dragon Dive’"

As Ying Yudie finished speaking, the fat, uh, Dragonite flew up into the sky.

It released a terrifying murderous aura and locked onto the Circle Bear. While intimidating it, it swooped down from the sky and crashed into its opponent.

"With a loud bang, the entire stadium shattered in an instant, splashing a lot of dust that blocked the view.

When Dragonite appeared, everyone's attention was attracted, including the commentator, who was now on the Shield Blade Monster and came to the venue near Ying Yudie and Xu Sien and began to comment.

After a while, Dragonite flew out and slowly landed in front of Ying Yudie.

"Look, Dragonite is out, worthy of being called a quasi-god. With such a powerful attack, only a quasi-god can unleash it at the same stage. I don’t know what happened to Circle Bear, and whether it can get up. We can only wait until the dust settles to know the result. Let us pray for Circle Bear silently."

The passionate words of the commentator can also be heard in the live broadcast room of Dongfang Lingdi, but netizens are not buying it.

"If it's not this commentary, where did this idiot come from?"

"That is, for no reason, why should we bless Circle Bear and hope it can get up again?"

"I guess he got kicked in the head by a donkey. Isn't Dragonite good? Isn't Xiaoling'er's sister-in-law pretty? It's ridiculous not to support Dragonite but to bless a circle bear"

"This should be @Friends from Shanghai University. Where did you find the explanation?"

"Students from Shanghai University said,"We don't know either. To be honest, I'm at venue 2. I've been putting up with him for a long time."

"Brother, how about we pay you to put a sack on this commentator?"

"Agree, I'll give you one."

"Look at how stingy you are.(¬_¬)I'll give you two."

"(≖_≖ )"

"I'll give you ten bucks, brother, help me kick the ball twice when you're setting it up"

"In this case, I can give you four dollars, not much, just spit on me."


"Bro, do you want to take the order?"



As the netizens in the live broadcast room were making a fuss, the smoke and dust on the field gradually settled down.

Everyone also saw the miserable state of the circle bear.

The circle bear, covered with scars, fell to the ground with his back to the sky, completely lost consciousness and lost the ability to fight.

""Fell down ,


"How did you find the person? Change it for me. I will deal with you later and send someone else up."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang left directly, leaving the two people looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Uncle, is my explanation bad?"

"You bastard! What did you say?"

The person in charge beat up the unknown commentator.

The whole audience applauded Dongfang Yang for taking the useless commentator away.

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