"The anchor's brother did a great job. I've wanted to punish that commentator for a long time. What the hell did he say?"

"That's right, we are sick. We stand on the side of Kuroko. On one side is a beautiful trainer, on the other side is an ugly trainer, on one side is a quasi-god Dragonite, and on the other side is a short Kuroko. Only a fool would choose to stand on the side of Kuroko."

"Gossip, gossip, this commentator is the nephew of the person in charge of venue 2, and is just a senior student at Magic City University"

"No, what do you mean, does this commentary work have to be done behind the scenes?"

"Well, there is a hard indicator for graduation from Magic University, which is the credits. If you don't have enough credits in a subject, you have to make up for it in other aspects, unless you are one of the top 32 in the Dragon Kingdom League Competition."


"Oh my god, Dragon League Competition, he must be at least a quasi-king-level trainer."

"Yeah, that standard is really high."

"In fact, if you can make it to the top 32 in the American League Tournament or the White Bear League Tournament, it will also be recognized."

"What about the Dai Viet Alliance?"


"Back to the topic, is this commentator using connections just for credits?"

"should be"

"C, Xiao Ling'er, I want to report to your brother that someone is abusing his power."

"That is, joint name, joint name, +1"



Dongfang Ling looked at the noisy live broadcast room speechlessly.

Come on, do you need to tell me this? What do you think brother just did? He went to deal with this matter.

It is estimated that it will not be a big deal. After all, there is no big problem. It’s just that the level of commentary is a bit poor... just perfunctory.

Even if it is reported, it is also raised high and dropped gently.

Looking back at the arena, facing the strong debut of Dragonite, Xu Sien realized the gap between himself and Ying Yudie.

He is still moving towards the quasi-king level, while others are charging towards the king level.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Xu Sien then calmed down and looked at the Dragonite in front of him that he could not match, his eyes became firm again.

"I know I am not your opponent, but I cannot give up just like that. Let me see the difference between the two sides. Come on, Alakazam."

As Xu Sien finished speaking, a red light flashed, and Alakazam stepped onto the field.

As a psychic Pokémon, Alakazam clearly felt the energy fluctuations of Dragonite far exceeding his own, and looked at his opponent with a serious face.

"The opponent is strong, let's go together, use 'Psychic Blade’"

Alakazam swung his two spoons, and two"Psychic Blades" flew towards Dragonite.

"‘Dragon Claw’"

Almost at the same time, Ying Yudie gave the order.

Dragonite's two powerful claws condensed powerful dragon energy.

After shattering the"spiritual blade" sent by Alakazam, Dragonite flapped its wings, holding the"Dragon Claw", and quickly approached Alakazam.

Almost in an instant, Dragonite came behind Alakazam, raised his arms high, and the"Dragon Claw" suddenly fell.

"‘"Teleport, dodge."

Xu Sien shouted at the critical moment.

When Dragonite's attack was about to hit, Alakazam"teleported".

Seeing Dragonite's attack missed, Ying Yudie curled her lips at Alakazam who appeared a little further away.

"Tsk, 'teleportation' is troublesome."

Seeing this scene, netizens in the live broadcast room also expressed envy

"Tsk tsk, 'instant teleportation', I'm so envious"

"I don't know why Miss Goethe can't study. It really makes me cry."


"I don't know. There are too few psychic Pokémon that can learn 'teleportation'."

"The most bizarre thing is that some elves that are not psychic can actually learn"teleportation" through the skill learning machine, while psychic ones can't, and can't even be taught. It's speechless."

"╮( •́ω•̀ )╭"

"In fact, many research institutes have studied this. The conclusion of our institute is that the natural balance method is the same. Otherwise, the psychic elves are too special, which will affect the survival of the psychic elves themselves and destroy the natural balance method. Even now, to be honest, the psychic elves that can learn to"teleport" independently are in a special position, and their prices are high, even more exaggerated than some dragon elves."

"WQ, there are big guys who understand it in detail"

"It's OK. After all, I am the one who is leading the research, so I have to know some"


"Uh, it feels like you're in Versailles"

"The guy above, be more confident and get rid of the feeling, this guy is in Versailles"

"To be honest, this live broadcast room is too scary now. There are too many big guys. The official live broadcast room of Magic City University is no better than this."

"Haha, if we could see the brother of anchor Xiao Ling'er in that live broadcast room, do you think these people would still stay here?"


"The person above sees through it but doesn't say it."

"Humph, I am Wu Yucai, and you won’t let me talk about these nonsense."


"No, Principal Wu, it's not good for you to slack off in the guest seats."

"(•́ω•̀ ٥)"

"Wu Yucai, Principal of Magic City: Oh, I am happy to do so. Besides, it is just for show, right?"

"The old owner of the Magic City:…"


"I just want to ask, how many big shots are hiding in this live room?"

"Who knows? After all, this is a competition for Shanghai University. Maybe there are spies from other universities."


Although Alakazam's"teleportation" is troublesome, it still poses no threat to Ying Yudie's Dragonite.

After seeing Dragonite completely suppress Alakazam, Dongfang Yang stood up, patted his pants, and turned to leave.

"Brother, aren't you going to continue watching?"

Dongfang Ling looked at Dongfang Yang with curiosity, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.��

"There is no need to watch it anymore. I will go pick up Yudie first. You guys can enjoy it slowly."

Waving his hand, Dongfang Yang left without looking back.

"This means that my sister-in-law will definitely win."

"You are talking nonsense. How can your opponent come back? Are you dreaming?"

"Who are you? Why do you call me sister-in-law right away?"

"Is it wrong for me to call her sister-in-law? Xiao Ling'er's brother is my brother, and Xiao Ling'er's sister-in-law is my sister-in-law."


"I've never seen such a shameless person."



Ignoring the noisy live broadcast room, Dongfang Ling wanted to do this during his live broadcast. He would just ignore the noisy netizens. After all, he didn't make a living from this.

As long as the live broadcast room was not closed, the administrators would not care.

Looking at his brother's disappearing figure, Dongfang Ling tilted his head and thought about it.

I guess his brother felt bored. He just had a game with Yveltal, and this game should not attract his attention now.

Coming to the player's exit channel, Dongfang Yang leaned against the wall, teasing the Pikachu in his arms.

About half an hour later, deafening cheers were heard from the stadium.

Dongfang Yang, who was scratching Pikachu's chin, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It seems that the game is over.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the entrance of the channel. After a while, Dongfang Yang saw a figure appear there.

After a brief surprise, Ying Yudie rushed towards Dongfang Yang with a look of surprise on her face.

Dongfang Yang hugged Ying Yudie, who flew towards him excitedly, turned around, and smiled.

"How old are you? Are you childish?"

""Hehe, I'm happy with it."

Ying Yudie, who was hanging on Dongfang Yang, said with a smile.

"I won"

""Yeah, that's amazing."

Ying Yudie pouted in dissatisfaction with Dongfang Yang's perfunctory answer.

When Ying Yudie flew over, Pikachu climbed to the top of Dongfang Yang's head in an instant. He waved his little hand to Ying Yudie, and Pikachu called out to congratulate him twice.

Ying Yudie, who was still sulking, heard Pikachu's cheerful call, and her puffy cheeks flattened instantly.

After getting off Dongfang Yang's body, Ying Yudie hugged Pikachu in her arms, took a sip, and said with a smile:

"Pikachu, I won, isn't that awesome?"

Pikachu waved his hand in approval.

"Hehe, you are still the best, unlike someone else."

Ying Yudie rolled her eyes at Dongfang Yang, hugged Pikachu, snorted and left.

Touching his nose, Dongfang Yang showed a helpless look on his face.

No, this is a matter of course, what else do you want to say.

The straight man said, it's okay if I don't say you are bullying the weak, he is just a simple, ordinary little genius, so why treat him so well.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, just think that I am wrong.

Dongfang Yang shrugged helplessly, not going to argue.

Hurrying up with Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang hugged her tightly in his arms and said softly

"Well, your case is nothing after all. The changes in the school team members themselves will not be too big, otherwise the school team itself will become a joke. The main thing is the little sister's side, let's go and take a look"


Ying Yudie nodded and followed Dongfang Yang to check on Dongfang Ling.

Since the challenge match for the official members of the school team ended very quickly, the reserve selection match originally scheduled for the afternoon officially began.

As for the members of the school team, there were not many changes.

Captain: Qin Xun

Vice Captain: Sui Yiqun

Singles members: Xue Xingxuan, Gui Lichen, Yue Yexue, Yang Yuze, Wang Yan, Ye Jiangyuan, Ying Yudie

Doubles members: Zhao Lingyun and Zhao Jinyu, Tian Yuanqing and Ye Qiaolan, Zhu Wenxuan and Lei Musi

Gorgeous competition members: Lv Ziqing, Liu Zifeng

When Wu Yucai in the guest seat announced the members of the school team, he glanced around the audience seats at the main venue and said loudly

"Next, I announce that the Magic City University team reserve selection competition has officially begun."

Looking at the energetic faces of the freshmen who entered the venue one after another, everyone in the guest seats couldn't help but smile with relief.

Isn't it for these people to be what they are now that they have persisted all their lives?

""Yang, when do you think my little sister will appear?"

Looking at the boring competition among the strangers on the field, Ying Yudie leaned in Dongfang Yang's arms, yawned, and murmured.

At this moment, she understood Dongfang Yang's feelings.

Although the students who can be admitted to Magic City University are talented, they have only been in contact with elves for a short time. There may be one or two good ones, but generally speaking, they are not good enough.

"It should be soon. It depends on the situation. If you are bored, let's go out for a walk. The morning competition is not important. The focus will probably be on the top 64 in two days."

Dongfang Yang yawned. He also felt a little bored.

If his sister was not going to participate in this competition, he would not come to watch it. He would not come if he was bored.

"Can we go out like this?"

Ying Yudie was a little moved when she heard Dongfang Yang's suggestion.

"It's okay. If they lose in the top 64, it will prove that they are nothing special."

Shaking his head, Dongfang Yang said that he didn't need to worry about it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Yudie pulled Dongfang Yang away.

Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room stood alone on the edge of the stands, watched by Dongfang Ling and his classmates.

Well, it's good that it wasn't taken away by anyone, so don't worry about it.

At least that's what Dongfang Yang said before he left, and no one dared to make trouble.


"No, that doesn’t concern us?"

"Shocking! A big anchor's live broadcast of events earns millions a day"

"The young couple is just enjoying their own world, what else do you want?"

"(〜^∇^)〜It's good to be a light bulb."


"You are really not afraid of death. If the anchor brother sees you, you will be doomed."

"Don't worry, my brother must be accompanying his sister-in-law now, so he doesn't have time to watch the live broadcast room, hehe"



Looking at the colorful bullet screen, the entire live broadcast room fell silent

"Brother, have a safe journey"

"Brother, have a safe journey"

"Brother, have a safe journey"



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