It was a moonlit night.

When Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie, who had been out for a trip, returned to school, the passion that was so intense during the day had fallen into silence.

After sending his girlfriend back to the dormitory and watching her go upstairs, Dongfang Yang walked towards his office, only to find that the lights were on in the training ground that belonged to him downstairs.

There were only a few people who could enter this training ground, and Dongfang Yang knew who they were without even looking.

"Why don't you take a rest? What are you doing?"

Pushing open the door, Dongfang Yang saw Dongfang Ling, Bai Mengyao and their elves doing some simple training.


Seeing Dongfang Yang coming in, Dongfang Ling immediately jumped into his arms.

"Brother Yang."

Bai Mengyao was not as bold as Dongfang Ling, and stood there to greet Dongfang Yang.

"You didn't even watch my game this afternoon. Where did you take your sister-in-law to play? You didn't even watch your sister's game."

Hugging Dongfang Ling who was hanging on him, Dongfang Yang smiled and said softly after hearing her complaints.

"There's nothing interesting about today's game. How can you lose?"



Obviously, Dongfang Ling was very dissatisfied with this answer, but she didn't dwell on it.

She knew that in Dongfang Yang's eyes, these games were just like children playing house.

Maybe someone could occasionally perform brilliant operations, but it was not worth his concern.

Of course, if Dongfang Yang could play himself, that would be another matter.

Dongfang Ling might not know that Dongfang Yang was just itching to play, so he took Ying Yudie to the battle club to play in the afternoon.

Due to Dongfang Yang's airborne appearance, the sparring partners in the battle club near Magic City University suffered a serious blow physically and mentally. They were constantly beaten by Meowth and Pikachu commanded by Dongfang Yang.

Sometimes, when Ying Yudie was in the mood, she would also come to play a few games.

For those sparring partners.

If they faced Dongfang Yang's Meowth and Pikachu, they would have no place to use their strength.

Then facing Ying Yudie's Dragonite, it would be a comprehensive dimensionality reduction attack. It was not until there were no sparring partners in the surrounding battle clubs that Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie returned to Magic City University with reluctance.

The heads of several fighting clubs looked at the backs of the"adulterous couple" and shed sad tears in their hearts.

Time went back to the evening.

Dongfang Yang gently rubbed his sister's head and did not explain too much about it.

"What are you doing here? Why aren’t you sleeping so late? There should be a game tomorrow, right?"

"I was a little too excited to sleep, so I did a simple warm-up with Mengyao."

After getting off Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Ling took Bai Mengyao's hand and explained with a smile.

Looking at Dongfang Ling's playful face, Dongfang Yang shook his head helplessly.

Gently tapping his sister's forehead, Dongfang Yang said helplessly

"You, not only do you mess around, but you also drag others to join you in messing around"

"No, no, I just couldn't sleep, so I came here with Ling'er for a simple training."

Hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Bai Mengyao waved her hands and explained

"That's enough."

Dongfang Yang waved his hand and interrupted Bai Mengyao, saying unhappily

"I don't know you guys. You used to be the one who made trouble with Ling'er, but now Ling'er is the one who made trouble with you."

Because of Dongfang Yang's teasing, Bai Mengyao lowered her head shyly.

Dongfang Ling made a face at her brother.

Dongfang Yang could only roll his eyes helplessly at his sister's mischief and continued

"You two should go back to sleep soon. Don't waste your energy at this time. Sufficient sleep is also necessary during the competition. If you feel sleepy during the competition, it will be counterproductive."

Looking at her brother's serious look, Dongfang Ling also put away her playful thoughts and nodded seriously.

""Yeah, I see."

Bai Mengyao also nodded to show that she understood.

Seeing that the two understood, Dongfang Yang did not say anything more.

In fact, these were not a big deal. They had been familiar with these principles for a long time. It was just that many times when things did not happen to them, no one would care. This was the common nature of most people.

He just happened to go back to the office to get something and encountered this incident. A simple reminder would be enough.

Then, Dongfang Yang came to the elves of Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao.

He squatted down and carefully checked the status of each elf with the power of waveguide and the detection ability of the system.

After confirming that the elves were all healthy, Dongfang Yang was not worried. Henjie breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the intensity of the elves' battles is still very high. If the post-match treatment is not sufficient and timely, it is easy to leave hidden injuries, which will affect the elves' lifelong growth.

Many elves in the wild, although they have high qualifications, find it difficult to reach the top. It is because the elves in the wild are not aware of this.

Most of the time, these elves will not react and regret until they reach that step, but everything is difficult to reverse.

Now it seems that although his two sisters were a little excited and made some mistakes, they still did what they should do.

After confirming the situation, Dongfang Yang stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his clothes, and smiled.

"It's ok, every elf is healthy and there is no problem. It's getting late, you should go back and rest early."


Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao nodded, and they also felt that it was time to go back and rest. After all, they had to compete the next day. Besides, since Dongfang Yang said so, it would be better to be obedient.

Then the two of them put their elves back into the elf balls one by one very neatly.

After checking that everything was correct, Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao took each other's hands and left chattering.

Looking at the two best friends whispering, Dongfang Yang smiled slightly.


Just as Dongfang Yang turned around and wanted to go to the office to get something after work, he heard his sister's voice behind him.


Turning his head, Dongfang Yang quietly looked at Dongfang Ling standing at the door, waiting for the other party to speak.

"You must come to watch my game tomorrow. If you do this again, I will show you how I can deal with you."

Dongfang Ling said, showing her brother her pink little fist.


Dongfang Yang raised his mouth, nodded, made an OK gesture, and turned to leave.

After getting the answer he wanted, Dongfang Ling took Bai Mengyao's hand and skipped away.

The next day, Dongfang Yang sat in the guest seat with a black face, and Wu Yucai sat next to him with a smile on his face.

Yes, Dongfang Yang was cheated by his father.

When he returned to the Magic City Dojo last night, Dongfang Yang saw his father carrying a barbell and kneeling on a durian shell.

His mother was eating durian while watching TV.

At that time, Dongfang Yang took a photo with gloating before going to rest. As a result, when he woke up the next day, he knew that he was too happy too early. Dongfang Yang never expected that his father Dongfang Long, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would have such a scheme. He actually exchanged a durian shell where he knelt all night for not having to attend the scene today.

However, after all, he received the money, and if he violated the contract, it would have a bad impact.

So, as the"head of the family", Ye Yan immediately said that Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang were preparing to have a baby, and Dongfang Yang would attend instead.

Even though Dongfang Yang is a top trainer, he still has to listen to Ye Yan in this family.

So, there was a scene where Dongfang Yang sat next to Wu Yucai with a reluctant look on his face. What made Dongfang Yang most uncomfortable was that his girlfriend Ying Yudie was pointing the camera of the live broadcast room at him with a faint smile on her face.

Don't ask him how he knew.

Just like Dongfang Long, in a place where no one else could see, Dongfang Yang's mobile phone was playing the screen of Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room, and his appearance appeared on the screen without reservation.

"What's going on here? Why is my brother-in-law sitting in my father-in-law's seat, and he looks so reluctant?"


"You are wrong. You have three seconds to withdraw your statement."

"That's right, that's right, they are obviously my brother-in-law and father-in-law, what are you talking about, nonsense"


"You guys are really awesome, aren’t you afraid of death?"

"That is, judging by the degree of sister-con and daughter-con of these two, I can guarantee 100% that they are lurking in the live broadcast room. How dare you talk like that? Aren't you afraid that they will find you through the Internet? You should know that for them in this position, it is not a complicated matter to get your address."

"Yes, the Internet is not a lawless place, especially for them"

"WC, I am used to talking nonsense all the time, and I couldn't control myself all of a sudden. Now I can't withdraw my words. Brothers and sisters, what should I do?"

"゙━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ ‧̣̥̇)"

"Uh, goodbye brother."

"Goodbye, brother"

"Goodbye, brother"


"Okay, stop going off topic and let’s get down to business. Sister-in-law, why is my brother sitting on the podium? Doesn’t he hate being there?"

"The same question"






Ying Yudie covered her mouth and chuckled. Thinking of the scene where Dongfang Yang explained and complained to her, she couldn't stop feeling happy.

"Ahem, uncle, what follows is what Yang wants me to say."

After hearing this, Dongfang Long, who was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, eating watermelon, and watching the live broadcast with the air conditioner on, suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be that this brat wants it?

Before Dongfang Long could think about it, the crisp and pleasant voice of Ying Yudie came from the live broadcast room on his mobile phone.

"As we all know, our Oriental Pavilion owner loves his daughter-in-law very much.···"

After Ying Yudie's passionate explanation, everyone knew what happened yesterday.

As Ying Yudie finished speaking, Dongfang Long looked at the live broadcast room with a dark face. Just when he was about to type something, a colorful bullet screen attracted everyone's attention.

"No, you guys should go and watch the fish, the revenge of the elder brother-in-law is too cruel."

Instantly, people in the live broadcast room switched screens and came to the fish bar.

Only a person named"Yang" posted

"Sometimes I really envy my mother for meeting a perfect man who admits his mistakes and stands at attention even when being beaten."

The accompanying picture was taken by Dongfang Yang, showing Dongfang Long kneeling on a durian shell with a barbell.

Seeing this, Dongfang Long's brain suddenly became congested and his eyes became dizzy.

Ying Yudie, who was watching the fun on her phone, also opened her mouth slightly, secretly sighing that her man was really cruel.

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