After being shocked, netizens returned to the live broadcast room

"Oh my god, big brother is really cruel this time"

"It's okay if you don't know, after all, no one is mentioned by name, but the person in the live broadcast room didn't know that the big brother's ID is Danzi Yang, tsk tsk"

"If he keeps denying his guilt, you can't say anything to him. My brother-in-law's account is not authenticated."

"I seriously suspect that my brother-in-law did not certify for this reason."

"But the old man's knees are really good. I can't even imagine kneeling on a durian while carrying a barbell."

"Yes, the whole family is ruthless."

"It seems that if I want my brother-in-law to agree with me, I have to be ruthless."

"The guy upstairs, it’s time to wake up from your daydream"


"It’s not that it’s impossible in reality, but can’t I think about it in a dream?"

"Positive:(^__^) Yes, but don't let me know."

"The old owner of the Magic City:(ー`´ー)Boy, where are you? I want to talk to you."





"So, don’t do it.���They won't die. I've said it before. These two have been diving all the time."

"Okay, okay, let's watch the game, Xiao Ling'er is here"

""Where, where."

Dongfang Ling and his opponent stepped onto the field.

Following the referee's order, both sides released their first elves.

"Over to you, Venusaur."

"Come on stage, dance the swans."

A flash of red light appeared, and two elves appeared on the battlefield. They looked at each other, and a strong fighting spirit burst out.

"Venusaur, use 'Magic Leaf’"

"Block it, then use 'Make Rain’"

Two huge leaves fell from Venusaur's body and hit the Dancing Swan in the air.

The Dancing Swan immediately folded its wings to block the powerful blow.

Although it was knocked back for a distance, there were no obvious scars on the Dancing Swan's body.

Then, the Dancing Swan spread its wings, showing its graceful posture, and at the same time, it cried and launched a"prayer for rain".

Dark clouds gathered above the field and formed a continuous piece.

In an instant, heavy rain poured down. In the guest seats, Dongfang Yang's mouth corners slightly raised as he watched the heavy rain on the field.

At the same time, Ying Yudie, Bai Mengyao and all those who were familiar with Dongfang Ling, including Dongfang Ling himself, also showed a smile on their faces.

Before the opponent could react, Dongfang Ling took out his Poké Ball.

"Come back, Bulbasaur"

"The field is ready for you. Come on, Laplace."

A pleasant voice sounded, and Laplace appeared in the heavy rain.

Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, beautiful.

There was also a commotion in the live broadcast room.

"This hand is really beautiful."

"Yes, I can only say that you are worthy of being from the Dongfang family. Is it too late for me to reincarnate now?"

"The old owner of the Shanghai Museum: You never know. I’m urging my daughter to have a baby. What if? Why don’t we give it a try?"

"། – _ – །"

"Forget it, but Xiao Ling'er's move is really beautiful."

"Um, what are you talking about? Why do I not understand? Isn't this a normal rotation? And this Lapras is not as strong as Venusaur, how can it be beautiful?"

"You are not alone"

"The same question"



"Um, the class representative is out for extra lessons"

"Class representative: Come on, come on"

"Brother, you are awesome. You paid money to change your name and become a class representative. You haven't slept yet."

"Class representative: Ahem, keep a low profile, keep a low profile"

"Class Representative: First of all, let's talk about the Pokémon.

The Grass-type and Poison-type Bulbasaur and the Water-type and Flying-type Swan are in a mutually restraining relationship.

The Grass-type restrains the Water-type, but it is also restrained by the Flying-type.

However, Lapras is different.

Not only will it not be restrained, but Swan's skill library does not have any skills that restrain Lapras.

There is one thing to pay attention to when fighting.

Unless you have no choice, don't fight against restrained damage.

This is completely hurting the enemy a thousand and hurting yourself eight hundred.


"Class Representative: Secondly, the opponent's skill"Pray for Rain" has some effects on Bulbasaur, such as reducing the power of Solar Beam and weakening the effect of photosynthesis. However, Lapras has no such effects. Since the characteristic of Ling'er's Lapras is a moist body, it is immune to all abnormal conditions. In fact, rainy days still have some effects on Dancing Swan, which will more or less affect its flight."

"Well, I know all this, but it’s not necessary for you to praise me so much. Aren’t these relatively basic things?"


"Class Representative: It’s not over yet. What surprised us the most is that all this was planned in advance by Xiao Ling’er."


"How to say?"

"Class Representative: After yesterday's competition, careful people know the elves used by most of the contestants.

For example, Xiao Ling'er's current opponent is named Wang Ting.

He used a total of four elves in the two matches, the Dancing Swan with advanced mid-level strength, the Qixi Bluebird with advanced mid-level strength, the Bibi Bird with intermediate late-level strength, and the Rocket Sparrow with intermediate late-level strength.

For a freshman at Magic City University, Wang Ting's strength is basically at the limit.


"Class Representative: Xiao Ling'er only used two Pokémon in the two games, Blaziken and Venusaur. Speaking of this, I have to mention that Xiao Ling'er's poison powder recovery tactics are really dirty."

"That's right"

"That's right"


"Class Representative: Ahem, speaking of which, both players will definitely find out about the opponent in advance. After the opponent knows Xiao Ling'er's tactics, the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of destroying the powder's spread on rainy days. As for the one who can use"Pray for Rain", the only one who can do it is Dancing Swan."

"Class Representative: Of course there are Wang Ting and other Pokémon, but it is unlikely at the moment. Wang Ting is obviously a trainer specializing in flying, and there are generally no Pokémon with duplicate functions."

"Class representative: Actually, this is a problem of information asymmetry. Xiao Ling'er hides it deeper and thinks further."

"Class Representative: So Xiao Ling'er first puts Bulbasaur to paralyze the opponent, making sure that the opponent uses"Pray for Rain", and then immediately replaces it with Lapras to achieve the desired result, that is, to block the opponent's Dancing Swan, not allowing the opponent to change Pokémon, and forcibly replace the opponent with a high-quality Horse"

"Class Representative: As for the question of strength, I can tell you that before the elite level, the strength gap between the various stages will not be particularly obvious.

It is still very common for the weak to defeat the strong.

On rainy days, if there are restraining skills, such as"Primal Power’,‘100,000 volts', as long as Xiao Ling'er has these skills, Laplace can at least replace the opponent's Dancing Swan, and these skills, sometimes during live training, you all know that those lightning bolts should not be in vain, so I boldly speculate that Laplace will definitely have '100,000 volts'’"

"That's it, I learned it, I learned it"

""Quick, take notes."

Wang Ting, who was standing opposite Dongfang Ling, obviously thought of this, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

He didn't expect that every step he took was calculated by Dongfang Ling. He had too little information about his opponent.

"There's no other way, Dancing Swan, we can only bite the bullet and use 'Air Blade'’"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Ting suppressed the uneasiness deep in his heart and ordered

"We use 'Freezing Wind' to fight back."

Almost at the same time, Dongfang Ling also gave Laplace an order.

Cold air gushed out of Laplace's mouth, freezing the surrounding rain in an instant.

The"Air Blade" swung by the Dancing Swan hit the condensed ice directly, causing no damage to Laplace. Instead, the moisture on its body began to condense in the cold"Freezing Wind", making it more and more difficult to fly.

Looking at the Dancing Swan whose altitude was gradually decreasing, Wang Ting was extremely anxious, but he just couldn't change the elves.

Both the Rocket Sparrow and the Tanabata Bluebird were held tightly by Laplace. At this stage, it was basically impossible to defeat the opponent's Laplace in the rain.

Even if The result of using Tanabata Bluebird is at most one-for-one, and the quadruple restraint is no joke.

As for Pidgeot, haha, don't even think about it. Its own strength is not much different from Laplace, and the rain affects its flight. It is also doubly restrained. If you hit it head-on, it will be a waste.

Dancing Swan and Tanabata Bluebird were both raised by me since they were young, and Pidgeot and Rocket Sparrow were both raised recently. Although I was born in a wealthy family, I have not reached the level of great wealth. Now the four elves are everything I have.

Sometimes I really envy the other party's family. They have no shortage of resources, and there are strong people teaching me every day.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, Wang Ting will���All the depression, irritability and other emotions in his body were discharged.

After quickly sorting out his emotions, Wang Ting opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his pupils.

The best thing was to replace Laplace, and the worst thing was to survive the rain prayer time.

"Dancing Swan, use the 'Water Flow Ring’"

After hearing Wang Ting's instructions, the dancing swan flapped its wings and spun its body. Two water rings formed around it, slowly healing the dancing swan's injuries.

Dongfang Ling frowned slightly, somewhat puzzled by the other party's thoughts. In this case, Laplace's ice skills are more likely to work and slow down the dancing swan. Why?

With doubts, Dongfang Ling still ordered Laplace to attack.

"Once again, 'Frozen Wind’"

"Right now, use 'Yuqi’"

As soon as Dongfang Ling finished speaking, Wang Ting's voice sounded again. The dancing swan fell to the ground.

Although Laplace turned around, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Laplace's"Frozen Wind" did not cause much damage.


Dongfang Yang, who was sitting in the guest seat, immediately understood Wang Ting's idea and couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Wu Yucai, who was standing beside him, also nodded and agreed.

"This kid has good combat intelligence. The moment he performed the"Yu Qi" move, the ice damage was immediately halved, and the damage and lost physical strength were restored."

"However, Ling'er's Laplace is not so easy to deal with."

As soon as Dongfang Yang finished speaking, before Wu Yucai could ask, he heard Dongfang Ling on the field shouting

"Since you came down here by yourself, I won't hold back. Laplace, use the 'Direct Drill’"

Before Wang Ting and the Dancing Swan could react, Laplace had already turned his body, like a steel drill, and hit the Dancing Swan directly, causing a lot of damage.

Dongfang Ling also took advantage of the victory to pursue, not giving Wang Ting a chance to react.

"Right now, '100,000 volts’"

Hearing Dongfang Ling's order, Laplace's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

Do you know how many times I was struck by lightning in order to learn this move? Now I invite you to taste the fruits of my hard work.

Laplace flashed with surging lightning, and in Wang Ting's astonished eyes,"100,000 volts" fell on the dancing swan.

Suddenly, the dancing swan let out a mournful cry.

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