"Then what are we going to do now?"

After seeing Long Ze hang up the phone, Ying Yudie turned her head to look at Dongfang Yang and asked

"I don't know."

Dongfang Yang spread his hands.

"No, you said we came to the North Pole, and now we have encountered this kind of thing, you make a decision.

Seeing Dongfang Yang's attitude, Ying Yudie was unhappy on the spot, and she crossed her arms and looked at him coldly, waiting for Dongfang Yang's decision.

Dongfang Yang poked Ying Yudie's puffy face and said with a smile

"Okay, don't be angry. Actually, there is nothing to rush. Let's just continue to play slowly in the Arctic. Only we know the current situation here. People from other alliances don't know anything."

"Hehe, we can continue hunting them. As for those that are not Kyurem, we can deal with them. As for Kyurem, we can run away if we can't defeat them."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang took Ying Yudie's hand, turned over and rode on the back of the ivory pig, and led by Lucario, headed for the next camp.

At the same time in the Magic City.

Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao sat in the audience to watch the game between Lieyun and Cao Lin.

Yesterday, the top eight were decided, namely Dongfang Ling, Long Yun, Lieyun, Leng Yue, Cao Lin, Liu Yan, Wang Yao from Class 9, and Fang Zhifan from Class 6.

As for the fact that six of the top eight players were from Class 10, counselor Qin Wei was full of smiles. This brilliant achievement has never happened since the establishment of the Magic City University, and it is very likely that it will not happen in the future.

The counselors of other classes had nothing to say about this, and could only say that Qin Wei's dog shit luck was too good.

Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Long Yun and others were going for Dongfang Ling's life experience.

In addition, the rewards for this competition were good, which aroused the interest of these top family children, so this scene would appear.

Today's game is Cao Lin vs. Lieyun, Leng Yue vs. Long Yun, Liu Yan vs. Dongfang Ling, Wang Yao vs. Fang Zhifan

"These two people are really fighting fiercely, worthy of being a fight between hot-tempered fire trainers."

The flames on the battlefield continued to explode, and the two Houndooms collided with each other.

Bai Mengyao couldn't help but clench her hands, and her blood boiled.

Noticing the sweat on her palms, Bai Mengyao shook her head and sighed

"By the way, how is your preparation for the competition going?"

"It's good to be in the top 8. If I meet the other two, I can still fight. There is still a certain gap between me and Long Yun. The problem lies in the trump card. Your trump cards have reached the elite level."Dongfang

Ling is very open-minded. For now, it's good to be in the top 8. There is no need to fight for an unnecessary campus championship.

For others, it may be a good life resume, but Dongfang Ling does not need this.

Didn't you see that my brother didn't come to my own top 8 game, and he went out to play with his sister-in-law.

Tsk, I forget my sister after I have a wife.

"By the way, do you know where Brother Yang and his wife went?"

Before, Bai Mengyao did like Dongfang Yang, but after learning about Dongfang Yang's strength, Bai Mengyao was a little overwhelmed. The gap was too big and she felt very stressed.

Now, with the appearance of Ying Yudie, Bai Mengyao has completely given up the idea.

Family background, strength, talent, none of them can compare to her.

Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie are in love with each other, and she is just a sister in his eyes. She has to find a way to repay the affection of the burning insect.

She asked about Dongfang Yang's whereabouts just out of curiosity. She always felt that something would happen this time.

"We should go to the snowy mountains. I'm not sure, and they didn't tell me."

Thinking of Dongfang Yang asking me yesterday if I had any hot packs or something like that, and asking me where I could buy them now, Dongfang Ling touched her chin and guessed.

At this moment, the elementary school student of the god of death possessed her.

Her brother never used these things. He must have prepared them for his sister-in-law, so he called to ask about her situation.

Although the season is getting colder, it's not time to use hot packs.

If they need to use them, it only means that they are going to a very cold place.

Most likely, they are going to the snowy mountains to ski.

No matter how much Dongfang Ling thought about it, she couldn't imagine that Dongfang Yang would bring Ying Yudie directly to the Arctic Circle to play.

Normal people couldn't think of it.

"Skiing? It's fun. Do you want us to go during the holidays?"

"Yes! This is possible."

"Right, it's a three-day holiday, we need to have fun and relax, after that, until the end of the freshman league, we won't have time to play."

"Yeah, let's plan it."

The North Pole.

Originally, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie were riding on ivory pigs, rushing excitedly to the next camp discovered by Lucario.

As a result, there was a sudden loud noise.

A small mushroom cloud rose behind the iceberg not far away.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie.

Someone is fighting?

Can the fight be fierce?

Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie looked at each other and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

He rushed over on the ivory pig.

When they came to the edge of the cliff and saw the scene of the elves fighting below, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie were helpless.

The most feared thing still happened.

Gu Jianbao fought with a group of people, led by the Explosive Flame King-Cao Yang.

However, looking at the crowd gathered below, they should have received the notice. After they gathered together, they encountered Gu Jianbao when they were preparing to retreat.

After all, he is one of our own, and we can't ignore him if we meet him.

"Yudie, wait for me here."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang released the Charizard, rode on its back, and went down to support.

"Damn, those bastards only know how to do these dirty tricks. Next time we meet, I will twist their heads off."

Cao Yang cursed with a hot temper.

After receiving Long Ze's call, Cao Yang and Han Tianxue gathered the alliance members who came this time and prepared to retreat.

After a brief explanation, everyone started to return.

On the way, they met the Babayang Alliance, which has always been on good terms with the Longguo Alliance.

Originally, they would not come, but because their work was a bit big, they came to help.

Now that we are retreating, we naturally have to notify them. If possible, it is not impossible to take them along.

As a result, they never expected that there was a traitor in the Babayang Alliance team, and it was a Suicide Squad.

When he came to reunite, he lured Gu Jianbao, who was originally chasing the American Alliance team, and then committed suicide.

The two teams could only bear the wrath of Gu Jianbao.

In a flash, everyone made a decision that Han Tianxue would lead the non-combatants to retreat, and Cao Yang would stay with a few people to cover the retreat.

The people of the Babayang Alliance knew that this was a problem on their side, so they entrusted their country's non-combatants to Han Tianxue. The two kings chose to stay behind to cover the retreat, and, in addition to the necessary escort forces, even many combatants under the kings stayed behind.

"How are Han Tianxue and the others? Have they retreated to a safe area?"

Looking at the two wounded fire-breathing dragons, Cao Yang was extremely helpless.

He didn't know how Dongfang Yang managed to fight Yveltal for so long.

After receiving the news from Dongfang Yang, the state machine of the Dragon Alliance started to operate frantically.

Soon, the information about the Ancient Sword Leopard was passed to Cao Yang and Han Tianxue.

Combined with his own feelings, Cao Yang realized that the strength of the Ancient Sword Leopard was lower than that of Yveltal.

However, he still couldn't beat them with a group of people. He could only hope that Han Tianxue and the group of people left safely.

"Report, no news has come."

A fighter in charge of contact replied.


Cao Yang cursed, but he also knew that he and his companions didn't buy much time. It was a bit unrealistic for Han Tianxue to lead such a large group of people to a safe place in such a short time.

""Cao Tianwang, you take the brothers of the Dragon Nation and retreat first. We will stay behind to cover your retreat. This was originally caused by us, so you don't have to do anything."

A Tianwang from the Babayang Alliance said.

Even at this point, they were still very grateful to Cao Yang and others.

If they hadn't met them, they might have been wiped out here because of the traitor. Even now, Cao Yang was the main force, standing at the forefront, and they had used up all their strength just to assist.

If they were left alone, they would have been wiped out.

Now, their scientific researchers can go back, and the new generation of combatants can also go back, which is much better.

"Damn it, shut up! Longguo never abandons his teammates, not in the past and not now.

Cao Yang directly said

"Liaison officer, contact Long Ze and ask him to ask Dongfang Yang to come over. Damn, I can't beat you, can't I call for help?"

At this time, Cao Yang suddenly remembered that Dongfang Yang reported the matter of the ancient sword leopard. This means that Dongfang Yang should also be in the Arctic, maybe nearby, and can come to support. The liaison officer immediately understood���He also knew about the situation in the Demon City.

If that person could come, the problem could indeed be solved.

When the liaison was about to contact the alliance headquarters, a unique and familiar golden flame fell from the sky, forcing the ancient sword leopard that was just committing atrocities to retreat.

Everyone looked up and saw a fire-breathing dragon with golden flames on its tail rushing down and blocking everyone.

A man jumped off the back of the fire-breathing dragon that suddenly appeared, looked at the ancient sword leopard quietly, and said slowly

"If you still want to fight, let me be your opponent."

The voice was not heavy, but it made people feel safe.

The Babayang Alliance was still confused and had no idea what was going on. The people of Dragon Country breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

Even Cao Yang was the same.

The ancient sword leopard held its head high, looking coldly at the suddenly appearing fire-breathing dragon, with its teeth formed by the sword shining coldly.

Elf: Ancient Sword Leopard

Attribute: Evil Ice

Level: 109

Qualification: Gold

Feature: Sword of Disaster

Carrying Object: None

Although he wanted to be angry, he hesitated when he felt the energy fluctuations radiating from the fire-breathing dragon that were not weaker than his own.

After weighing the pros and cons, the ancient sword leopard took a deep look at the fire-breathing dragon and Dongfang Yang, turned around, and left with an elegant step.

Seeing the small figure of the ancient sword leopard, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the ground one by one without caring about their image, and even directly let him fall and lie on the ground.

"All right, pack up and leave."

Everyone nodded and began to heal their wounded elves.

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