Staring at the direction where the Ancient Sword Leopard left, Dongfang Yang patted Charizard's belly and remained silent.

I remember that the direction where Snowstorm left that night seemed to be in that direction.

Charizard knew what the trainer meant and flew to catch Ying Yudie on the cliff.

Cao Yang, who had recovered, came over with the two kings of the Babayang League.

"You really are a timely rain. Just when I asked someone to contact you, you arrived. This time it is really thanks to you, otherwise we would be in danger."

Thinking about the situation just now, Cao Yang was also scared. After all, if possible, no one wants to die.

Although he was prepared when he decided to stay behind to cover the retreat, who doesn't want to live well?

"It just happened that I was not far away and rushed over when I saw the commotion here."

Dongfang Yang responded with a smile

"Let me introduce them to you."

Cao Yang pointed at the two people beside him and introduced them.

"This is the steel king of the Babayang League, Chedan Anand"

"Hello, Dongfang Yang."

Cheddan Anand shook hands with Dongfang Yang.

Cao Yang had introduced Dongfang Yang to Chedan Anand and others before.


Dongfang Yang responded politely.

"This is the Grass King of the Baba Sheep Alliance, Priya. She and Chedan are a rare couple of kings."



Dongfang Yang and Priya simply nodded in response to each other.

"What are you going to do next?"

Cao Yang only introduced the two kings of Babayang to Dongfang Yang, and he didn't care about other things.

Before Dongfang Yang could answer, a gust of wind blew around.

Charizard grabbed the two long tusks of the Ivory Pig and flapped its wings to slowly descend.

Ying Yudie was also lying on the broad back of Charizard.

This scene made Cao Yang and the other two dumbfounded.

Among all the elves, Charizard's physical strength is not strong, and Dongfang Yang, who seems to be able to overturn the Ivory Pig purely by physical strength.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that his two Charizards were weak.

If the Charizard resting in the Poké Ball knew Cao Yang's thoughts, it would definitely come out and spray flames on his face.

Why don't you say that compared with Dongfang Yang, you are also weak.

After comforting the Ivory Pig, who had a free experience of flying and was shivering, Dongfang Yang took back the Charizard and walked over with Ying Yudie.

"This is my girlfriend, Ying Yudie"

"You know this guy, Cao Yang, these two are the kings of Baba Yang, Chedan and Priya."

Several people nodded.

"We are here for vacation, and we still have a few days of vacation left, so we should stay a few more days. What about you?"

"We should lead the team back. After all, there are too many divine beasts gathered here. If we fight, the losses will be great. And so far, no fluctuations of the secret realm have been detected."

As soon as Cao Yang finished speaking, the sky suddenly started to blow snow.

The horses' hooves were blazing, and the sound was like thunder. The snowstorm horse was galloping in the air on the ice and snow.

""Human strong man, I need your help."

The Snowstorm Horse stopped in front of Dongfang Yang, and its deep voice was full of pleading.

After looking at Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang made a decision.

He gave all the energy cubes promised to the Ivory Pig, and then said goodbye to Cao Yang and others. The two turned over and rode on the Snowstorm Horse's back.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the Snowstorm Horse galloped away.

The wind and snow in the sky also disappeared.

WC, the Blizzard Horse really came to the North Pole. Fortunately, we retreated in time, otherwise it would be terrible. If Han Tianxue knew that she saw the Blizzard Horse, would she be so angry? She chased the Articuno for such a long time and didn’t see it. She missed the Blizzard Horse that was so close. It was miserable.

This was Cao Yang’s inner thought.

As for the other Dragon Country fighters, they said: NB, the boss is the boss, taking the mythical beast as a mount.

The thoughts of the Baba Sheep: The strength of the Dragon Country Alliance is really unfathomable. After returning, we must implement the policy of making friends with the Dragon Country, America, hehe.

Chedan Anand and Priya, the couple, were envious: riding a white horse mythical beast in the wind and snow, it’s really It's romantic, I'm so envious.

Ying Yudie had the same thought in her mind at this moment.

Oh my god, riding a white horse and galloping in the snow, I must be dreaming.

Leaning in Dongfang Yang's arms, Ying Yudie was as red as a steamed river shrimp.

Wait, the blizzard horse seems to be the king's favorite horse, isn't it a scene of the princess and the prince now?

Oh, what should I do?

Just when Ying Yudie was daydreaming, the blizzard horse galloped all the way, passed through a layer of blizzard, and arrived at the destination.

A temple made entirely of ice.

Dongfang Yang hugged Ying Yudie and got off the horse together, and all his attention was on the temple during the process. He did not notice anything unusual about Ying Yudie.

"This is?"

"The entrance to the secret realm you mentioned."

Snowstorm Horse explained.

After hearing this, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched. No wonder so many people couldn't find it. Not to mention that this is in the core area of the Arctic, the blizzard containing the power of law outside the Temple of Light is not something that ordinary people can enter.

It is estimated that ordinary people will only wander around in the blizzard after entering, and after coming out, they will go out from another direction, and they will probably think that they have passed through the blizzard.

"Ah, what? Have we reached that secret place?"

Ying Yudie came back to her senses at this moment, horrified.

The secret place that others had spent a lot of time and effort to find was now right in front of her.

Ying Yudie felt like she was dreaming. Didn't she come here to play with her boyfriend?

"See the two jade beads at the door? You need to inject two kinds of original power at the same time to enter the secret realm."

Ignoring Ying Yudie's surprise, Blizzard Horse stepped onto the steps, slowly came to the front of the jade beads, and explained to Dongfang Yang.

Although the other party's expression could not be seen because of the ice mask on Blizzard Horse's face, it can be heard from its tone that there is some embarrassment in it.

Among the currently known ice beasts, only Blizzard Horse and Reggie Ace are single-attribute.

However, Reggie Ace is more like an ancient advanced artificial intelligence. Unless it is subdued, it will not leave the ruins it guards.

In other words, Reggie Ace will not come here unless there are special circumstances.

Among the ice beasts that can move freely, only Blizzard Horse cannot enter alone.

Dongfang Yang suddenly realized and reacted, but did not say anything.

However, if you just want the original power, there is no need to let Charizard come out.

"Come out, Gardevoir."

Feeling Gardevoir's strength, Snowstorm nodded.

"Then let’s get started"

"Okay, Gardevoir, inject the power of origin into the jade bead."

As Gardevoir and Snowstorm continued to inject the power of Psychic and Ice, the gate of the temple slowly opened.

When the entrance to the secret realm was completely opened, Snowstorm turned around and asked Dongfang Yang

"Do you need to go in together?"

"No, next time. I don’t have enough time this time. I know the location of the secret realm and the method to open it. I will come next time.

Without thinking too much, Dongfang Yang shook his head and refused without hesitation.

The secret realm cannot be explored in a few days, and he has not prepared enough things.

He will come next time. However, this kind of fixed-location god-level secret realm is the first time he has seen it.

Out of curiosity, Dongfang Yang couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"This is not a god-level secret realm. God-level secret realms are all created by heaven and earth, and this is a pseudo-god-level secret realm, forcibly upgraded from an SSSS-level secret realm. However, only a super god-level existence can achieve this step."

"The god-level secret realm will be accompanied by the power of heaven and earth and will continue to move in space, but this pseudo-god-level secret realm will not. Moreover, the energy in the god-level secret realm is generally balanced, while the pseudo-god-level is determined by the attributes of the creator, and there is very little energy from other systems."

Seeing Dongfang Yang's confusion and curiosity, Snowstorm Horse spoke up to explain it to him.

"Since you don't want to go in together, I'll see you next time."

After saying that, Snowstorm rushed in just as the temple gate was about to close.

Looking at the closed gate, Dongfang Yang turned around without hesitation and left with Ying Yudie riding on the Charizard.

""Aren't we going in?"

Looking at Dongfang Yang's profile, Ying Yudie blushed and asked in a low voice.

She and Dongfang Yang came here more or less because of this secret realm. Now that it is so close, they have to leave.

She also wants to get in now and have a share of the pie.


Dongfang Yang shook his head slightly.

"No need, there is not enough time, I will come back when I have more time. Besides, we already know the location and method, so what are we worried about?"

"As for whether this secret place has been discovered by other countries, don't worry. The blizzard outside is not that simple. Moreover, this location is in the core area of the Arctic, and it is not easy to reach here."

"So that's it."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's explanation, Ying Yudie nodded in understanding, and then reacted.

"What? We've reached the core of the Arctic?"

"You don't have any misunderstanding about the strength of the snow blizzard horse?"

Hearing his girlfriend's surprise, Dongfang Yang looked weird.

"We set off around noon. The North Star has been hanging in the sky for a long time. Although the Snow Horse is not good at speed, it is also a mythical beast. It can still be slower than your Dragonite."

"Ah, is it so late already?"

Ying Yudie looked up at the sky.

However, she only saw the dark and heavy clouds.


Dongfang Yang tapped his girlfriend's head lightly and said unhappily

"Are you stupid? The snow and wind are so strong now. What can you see? Wait until you get out of the blizzard to see."

Holding the place where she was hit, Ying Yudie stuck out her tongue. She was indeed stupid.

With the full force of Charizard, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie quickly rushed out of the blizzard.

Looking at the snow-capped mountains wrapped in fierce snow and thick dark clouds, Ying Yudie could not imagine that they were in such a harsh environment before.

After all, there was a snow horse to lead the way when they came, and Charizard used fire energy to protect them on the way out, so they did not feel that the snow and wind were so strong.

Now standing outside and looking at it, it was a vast expanse of white, with visibility less than four or five meters, and the biting coldness was daunting.

After leaving the blizzard, Dongfang Yang found a place and let Charizard land. After all, it was late now and it was time to rest.

There was no time to build an igloo, so with the help of the elves, a hole was dug out on the cliff.

After a simple cleanup, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie were ready to rest.

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