Dongfang Yang, who woke up because of his biological clock, left his sleeping bag and stretched.

After clearing the ice and snow blocking the cave entrance, Dongfang Yang looked up at the still dark sky, then looked down at the time and murmured:

"It seems that this place is about to enter polar night. This location should be considered the periphery of the Arctic core area. I really want to know the scene of the Arctic forbidden area."

Of course, Dongfang Yang was just thinking about it. The forbidden area is either polar day or polar night, and the blizzard never stops.

Some people speculate that the Arctic forbidden area itself is an existence with a strength no less than that of a god-level secret realm.

However, this conjecture has never been confirmed because no one has ever entered it.

Few people have set foot in the core area of the Arctic.

After washing up, Dongfang Yang began to prepare breakfast.

Because there are not so many elves around the Arctic core area.

However, there are also many resources around.

Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie traveled all the way and gained a lot on the way, the most of which was the ice stone.

""Oh, I suddenly want to have a suitable elf to ride on."

Ying Yudie, who was lying on Dongfang Yang's back, sighed and said with emotion.

Rolling his eyes, Dongfang Yang patted his girlfriend's hips and said unhappily

"What are you sighing about? I've been walking since breakfast."

"Hehe, I just feel sorry for you."

Ying Yudie hugged Dongfang Yang's neck tightly, smiling.

"It depends on the situation. We really need an elf to get us around. Otherwise, if we just rely on our own two feet, we don’t know how long it will take to reach the periphery, and our vacation will be ruined."

As he was talking, Dongfang Yang suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the front.

"What's the matter?"

Feeling that Dongfang Yang had stopped, Ying Yudie raised her head and asked in confusion.

When she saw the situation in front of her clearly, she was also stunned.

A huge white whale with five hard horns on its top walked slowly in front of the two people with its two feet.

There were also a few smaller white whales with only one horn on their heads, walking unsteadily.

Elf: Haoda Whale

Attribute: Ice

Level: 81

Qualification: Purple

Characteristics: Strong

Carrying Item: Unmelting Ice (Top 28%)

Elf: Walking Whale

Attribute: Ice

Level: 6

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Thick Fat

Carrying Item: None

"Are you a koi fish? Can a wish come true if I make it to you?"

Ying Yudie felt so magical after poking her boyfriend's face.

Just as she said she needed an elf to travel, an elf appeared in front of them in the vast snowy sky in the core area of the Arctic.

There was also the encounter with the snowstorm horse, finding the location of the secret realm, and writing a novel here.

With a sigh, Dongfang Yang himself didn't know what to say, but since it was delivered to his door, he couldn't refuse it.


After some friendly negotiations.

Dongfang Yang held Ying Yudie, and Ying Yudie held the baby walking whale, and they sat together on the head of the great whale.

There were several walking whales around holding energy cubes and eating them.

The poor great whale was running towards the outer area of the North Pole on its thick thighs.

With the help of the great whale, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie arrived at the outer area of the North Pole before the sun set.

After bidding farewell to the great whale family, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie continued to move forward for a short distance before stopping to rest.

Dongfang Yang prepared dinner, while Ying Yudie took the elves to build an igloo.

With the help of more than a dozen elves, the resting igloo was soon completed.

After preparing food for the elves, Ying Yudie came quietly behind Dongfang Yang.

With her chin on her shoulder, her hands around her waist, and watching Dongfang Yang's movements, Ying Yudie whispered

"When will we go back?"

"What? Unhappy?"


Ying Yudie shook her head slightly and said softly

"To be honest, it was unforgettable. I never thought I could get along with the elves like this, nor did I expect to meet so many ice beasts. It always felt like a dream."

Yes, it was like a dream. Riding the king's favorite horse and galloping in the wind and snow was something that could only be encountered once. Ying Yudie remembered the scene of yesterday firmly in her heart. It was estimated that she would never forget it in this life. After all, there might only be such a chance.

"Although the original idea was ruined, what happened in reality is even more unforgettable."

"We still have three days left, and there is one very important thing we haven't done yet. If we can't find it within two days, we will leave and go back to Shanghai to play in the Battle Club."


After hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"You still have the nerve to say that. Ziyi sent me a message, asking what happened to us. All the fighting clubs in the Magic City have blacklisted us, and some people also asked him to pay attention and be careful of us."

Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched. He also heard the news. Zhao Lei and Fan Yong also opened a fighting club together. After hearing the news, they immediately contacted him.

"No, they can't do that. It's obviously their sparring partners who are not good enough. Can they blame us for being too ruthless? Besides, we didn't do anything wrong. It was just a normal fight. If they can be broken down like this, then they are definitely useless."

Ying Yudie had the same idea.

In the fighting club, the sparring partners are like the trainers in the gym. Winning is not the goal, but losing is something that must be accepted.

If a person can't hold back his mentality just because he lost badly to the two of them, then he is useless. He is here to be a boss. Just fire him.

When Ying Ziyi called and asked Ying Yudie and the others not to go to the fighting club opened by Huo Huo, Ying Yudie said this to Ying Ziyi and did n't say anything.���Tell him that I will definitely bring Dongfang Yang to visit him.

Ying Ziyi was also bitter in his heart.

This is the truth, but the situation is not like this.

If they lose in a normal battle, they will not say anything, but they feel too aggrieved. They are obviously not as strong as themselves, but they just can't touch them. If it is just one Pokémon, it's okay, but every Pokémon is like this.

There is a problem with the mentality of the sparring staff. Is he not suitable to be a trainer?

Ying Ziyi will not tell Ying Yudie about this, because he will definitely be criticized. What annoys him most is that some people still can't make sense. They must compete with Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie who are born extraordinary. It's just that their hearts are high and their lives are thin.

But they can't be dismissed for a while, so they can only coax them, because there is no one in the market now. They are all scared by Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie. They don't want to be sparring staff for the time being, and they have changed their careers.

These are not the responsibility of Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie. If it doesn't work, they can fight in the wild field, but the level is much worse. After all, the lowest in the battle club are professional certified elite trainers.

As for why we didn't go to the Magic City Gym, that's different. The gym match can also be said to be a coaching battle, which is very troublesome. Besides, there are a group of people in Magic City University who need to conduct coaching battles themselves.

""Okay, I don't mean to blame you."

Ying Yudie touched Dongfang Yang's head, just like comforting a furry cat.

"Oh, by the way, contact Long Ze. After all, he is an official, so he should report what needs to be reported."

Dongfang Yang, who had calmed down, suddenly remembered something and said to Ying Yudie.

After tilting his head and thinking about it, it seemed to make sense, so Ying Yudie dialed Long Ze's number again.

"Wai wai wai, Miss Ying, you call me every other day, aren't you afraid that Dongfang Yang will be jealous?"

Listening to Long Ze's teasing voice coming from the phone, Ying Yudie snorted and said slowly

"It seems that our great champion doesn't want to know about the secret realm. In that case, I'll just die."

"No, wait.···"

Before Long Ze finished speaking, Ying Yudie hung up the phone.

In the conference room of the alliance headquarters in the imperial capital, Long Ze looked at the phone in his hand helplessly.

Noticing the teasing eyes of others, Long Ze wanted to end it like this, but Ying Yudie's words were too important, so he chose to call back helplessly.

On the other side, Dongfang Yang brought the prepared dinner into the snow house, looked at Ying Yudie's actions, and smiled

"Aren't you afraid that Longze will make things difficult for you?"

"Humph, don't be afraid, believe it or not, he will call me back later."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone in Ying Yudie's hand rang.

Ying Yudie showed Dongfang Yang the caller's information with a proud look on her face.

Looking at Long Ze's name, Dongfang Yang smiled dotingly.

"Okay, pick up the phone quickly, or they will get anxious."

She shrugged indifferently. Although Ying Yudie's face was full of indifference, she still picked up the phone.

"Hello, sir, if you have nothing else to do, I'll hang up.���I'm getting ready to eat."

""Sister, you are my sister, please stop making trouble."

Hearing Long Ze's helpless voice, Ying Yudie also stopped while she was ahead.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Long Ze knew that this was revenge for the teasing he had just done to them.

"Regarding the secret place in the Arctic, did you get any information from Snowstorm Horse?"

"How should I put it? We followed the snowstorm horse and came to the entrance of the secret realm."

While enjoying the food fed by Dongfang Yang, Ying Yudie told Long Ze in detail all the information about the secret realm she had obtained.

"So there is such a thing, a pseudo-god-level secret realm created by a super beast."

Long Ze pondered for a while and said

"Where's your husband? He should be nearby, right?"

"Here, I'm looking for you."

Ying Yudie handed the phone to Dongfang Yang and began to concentrate on eating.

Dongfang Yang took the phone, turned on the hands-free, put it on the ice, drank a sip of soup, and asked vaguely

"What's the matter?"

"I just want to know your opinion on that secret place."


Dongfang Yang did not respond, but ate two mouthfuls of food by himself.


"How about you guys eat first?"

Listening to the sound of eating from the phone, Long Ze's face was full of black lines.

"No need. Actually I don’t have much to say. Do you know about super beasts?"

"Please speak."

Long Ze always asks for advice humbly for things he doesn't understand.

"It is definitely a super beast, Arceus"

"So, the super beast is definitely much stronger than the first-level god, and whether it is Yveltal who caused trouble in the magic city before or the guardian beast, they are all at the level of the first-level god. Do you think the things left by the super beast are simple?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

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