In the conference room of the alliance headquarters in the imperial capital, someone was about to speak, but was stunned by Long Ze's eyes and shut up obediently.

Long Ze paused and asked

"What do you mean?"

Dongfang Yang took a sip of soup and asked slowly.

"It is unlikely that an ordinary elf would possess the strength of a super beast. Among the beasts, which one do you think is most likely to be the one?"

"The Three Dragons of Dao, Kyurem."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Long Ze narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice

"So this secret realm is most likely a secret realm of ice and dragon. Do you think I will give up?"


Long Ze's eyes lit up.

"It is not suitable to enter now. Not to mention the degree of danger inside, there are at least three mythical beasts inside, which is difficult to deal with. As for the time when the secret realm will be closed, haha, it is still early."

"Oh, is there any news?"

Not only Long Ze and others were curious, but even Ying Yudie stopped and looked at Dongfang Yang in confusion.

She didn't remember that Snowstorm had ever mentioned the question of the opening time of the secret realm.

"When I was injecting the power of origin into Gardevoir and Snowstorm, I interpreted the words recorded on the surrounding stone tablets."

"‘The ancient gods used their supreme power to build their own sleeping place. When disaster struck, people's prayers awakened the gods. The kind gods crushed the demons that brought disasters and flew into the sky, leaving the sleeping place to train the people who believed in it and let them hone themselves from time to time.’"

"‘God's people, with your devout faith, pass the tests left by God and climb to a higher realm.’"

"This is the whole article, there may be some inaccuracies, but it should be pretty close."

After finishing a long paragraph, Dongfang Yang picked up the bowl, blew away the hot air, and took a sip slowly.

"No, you have interpreted the contents recorded on the two stone tablets in such a short time?"

Ying Yudie looked at Dongfang Yang in disbelief.

"Is it difficult? Those words are not difficult.

Seeing Dongfang Yang drinking his soup slowly and not even raising his eyes, Ying Yudie kicked him and said unhappily

"Don't act like Versailles in front of me"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Dongfang Yang said nonchalantly, patting the ice and snow on his thigh. Ying

Yudie was so angry that she put down her bowl and chopsticks, threw herself under Dongfang Yang, and bit his shoulder.

Dongfang Yang let his girlfriend bite him, and hugged her slender waist with his back hand to prevent her from falling. With his other hand, he touched her little head and comforted her.

Long Ze's voice came from the phone.

"So, this secret realm has really been open for a long time."

"Well, it is very likely, otherwise I wouldn't be able to practice regularly."

While stroking his girlfriend's hair, Dongfang Yang nodded in response to Long Ze's words, and the smile on his face couldn't be hidden at all.

Maybe there was no hidden idea in the first place.

"What is your suggestion?"

Although he has heard a lot, Long Ze still wants to hear Dongfang Yang's thoughts.

"Wait for a while. Neither the Snowstorm Horse nor the Ancient Sword Leopard will stay in this secret realm for too long. The same should be true for the Articuno. When they leave, it is time for us to go in. It is estimated that it will take at most a year, and it may be half a year if it is fast."

"We can also use this time to arrange things. I think we may need to form a team, and the more powerful people the better."

"The most important thing for you now is the matter of the Treasure of Disaster."

After listening, Long Ze nodded in approval and said in a deep voice

"That's right, so far, we haven't received any news about the remaining three disaster treasures."

"Don't worry too much, it might be a good thing."

Dongfang Yang said with a smile

"I'll give you my blessing. When you are ready to explore that secret place, tell me."

Long Ze smiled slightly and his voice slowed down.

"I will send you the address later. If you are worried or have any ideas, you can come here by yourself. But be careful. I think there will be a lot of ice elves with divine beast strength recently. Be careful."After saying that, Dongfang Yang hung up the phone.

After sending the location of the secret realm to Long Ze, Dongfang Yang looked at Ying Yudie who fell asleep in his arms and sighed silently.

"This girl."

Then, Dongfang Yang took out the quilt from the system space, used his superpowers to control the quilt, wrapped the two of them, and rested motionlessly.

As for the dishes and chopsticks, I will clean them up tomorrow.

In the meeting room of the alliance headquarters in the imperial capital, Long Ze put away his phone, looked at the others, and said with a serious face

"Now, we have already sold the location of the secret realm. We will arrange a team to go to the North Pole in the name of investigation, and secretly send a team to monitor the location of the secret realm, but don't go in for the time being. You should have heard what I said just now, and I don't want to repeat it. If someone is determined to die, I won't stop them."

The people below have different expressions. After all, some things are known to everyone, and there is no need to hide them.

Long Ze will not care about these things. These people have no ability to go in. Just kidding, what is the original power, he knows it best, and he is the only one who has mastered the original power. These people haha.

With a sneer, Long Ze continued

"I, Han Tianxue and Zhao Xiaolong will lead the team, along with Dongfang Yang and the others. Liu Xin, you and Cao Yang will take charge of the alliance first."

"No problem."

Liu Xin nodded, no objection to this. Just now, as I said, the main thing about this secret realm is the ice element. I don't need any elves, so it doesn't matter whether I go or not.

Even Long Ze went because the second one might be a dragon element. Even if it's not, it doesn't matter. There are scorpions in Long Ze's second team.

Zhao Xiaolong also needs ivory pigs.

So Long Ze had fully considered leaving himself and Cao Yang.

Seeing Liu Xin agreed, Long Ze continued

"The following is the most important thing, the treasure of disaster, we must increase our efforts and try to nip the matter in the bud. I hope you will not keep it to yourself. Okay, let's adjourn the meeting."

After saying that, Long Ze stood up, threw his cloak and left quickly.

Zhao Xiaolong and Liu Xin looked at each other, and also stood up and left the meeting room.

The rest of the people sat in their seats, their faces uncertain.

At the same time, in the female dormitory of Magic City University, a dormitory was brightly lit.

"Come, let us congratulate Xiao Ling'er for reaching the quarterfinals of the individual competition of the Magic City University freshman competition."

After Bai Mengyao finished speaking, she, Tong Xue, and Ximen Yan fired a small salute.

"Thank you."

Dongfang Ling, who was surrounded by three people, laughed and expressed his gratitude.

Then, Dongfang Ling stood up and pulled Tong Xue and Ximen Yan to sit down in his previous position.

"Next, let us congratulate Tong Xue and Ximen Yan for winning the runner-up in the doubles competition of the Magic City University Freshman Competition."

After that, Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao fired the salute again.


Ximen Yan and Tong Xue applauded and thanked.

Then, Bai Mengyao sat down in the same seat.

"Now, let us congratulate Bai Mengyao for winning the championship of the Magic City University Freshman Competition."As soon as the words fell, three more salutes rang out.

"Thank you everyone."

Looking at the four girls in the dormitory having fun and laughing, the live broadcast room was also boiling.

"Mom, I've made it. I actually saw what the girls' dormitory looks like."

"WC, upstairs, not really."

"Are you sure you want to say this?"

"Ahem, my cell phone was taken away by my cousin just now. Please understand, the child is young."


"Xiao Ling'er's dormitory is too much, the strength is so strong"

"Haha, I won’t talk about Xiao Ling’er and Miss Meng Yao, the one with shoulder-length hair, Ximen Yan, the second lady of Ximen Airlines"


"The one with long blue hair, wearing short shorts and a belly-baring outfit, is Tong Xue, the daughter of the gym leader in Harbin City."


"(´◊ω◊`) without any precautions"

"(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment"

"Kneel down○| ̄|_"

"They are all rich women, looking for support, rich women look at me"


"(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"You see it now"


"I am also a student of Magic City University, Xiao Ling'er, can we have a dormitory party?"

"Upstairs, you are really not afraid of death, you are awesome"

"Fighting Rock: The one upstairs, which class are you from? Let me introduce myself. I’m Wang Yan, a sophomore."

"I, the next"


"I'm completely speechless."

"Wang Yan, such a familiar name"

"I remember there was a Wang Yan in the Shanghai team, he was a sophomore."

"No way"

"Brother, come out and tell me, are you"

"brother,���younger brother"

"Don't dive."

No matter how netizens called out, Wang Yan, who stayed in the dormitory watching the live broadcast, just didn't say a word.

Ever since he knew that Dongfang Ling was Dongfang Yang's sister, and that she would broadcast live from time to time.

Wang Yan lurked in the live broadcast room, not only gave some gifts and showed his face in front of Dongfang Ling, but also helped purify the environment of the live broadcast room.

You know, during the training camp, Dongfang Ling and others were with their school team, otherwise they would not be called the school team reserves.

By then, if he had a good relationship with Dongfang Ling, maybe he could relax a little and learn more.

Unfortunately, Wang Yan's calculations were wrong. Dongfang Yang was very strict with his sister's training and was not soft-hearted at all.

"We had decided before that we would prepare gifts for those in the dormitory who were selected to join the school team reserve, and we all made it."

Dongfang Ling took out three prepared gifts from the cabinet and handed them to three friends while talking to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, Dongfang Ling himself also received three gifts.

"Wow, I really envy Xiao Ling'er's dormitory relationship, it's so good"

"Yes, it's clean, the friends are polite and modest, and the elves are hardworking and motivated. It's really a model dormitory."

"Why didn't I have friends like this when I was in college?"

"Don't you think about your scores or Xiao Ling'er's scores?"

"No way, my friend, can this be linked to the score?"

"It is not unreasonable. After all, when the IQ reaches a certain level, the EQ will not be too bad. After all, people with high IQ and low EQ are still a minority. Moreover, their family backgrounds are good. They are the children of real aristocratic families, so their EQ is generally not too low."

"No more talking, rich woman, look at me, I can do anything"


"The housing manager kicked someone out"

"Xiao Ling'er, take it apart and see what's inside"

"Yes, take a look."

"Quick, let's see"


"In fact, they are just some small gifts, not very expensive things, after all, we have agreed."

Under the urging of netizens, Dongfang Ling smiled and unwrapped the gift.


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