"I prepared for you the specialties of my hometown Harbin, red sausage and Lao Dingfeng pastry gift boxes. I hope you like them, hehe."

Tong Xue introduced the specialties of her hometown to the three sisters with a smile.

Looking at the neatly arranged snacks in the gift box, Dongfang Ling and the other two brightened up and picked up a piece to taste.

""It's crispy, tender and soft. Lao Dingfeng is indeed a time-honored brand."

Caressing her cheek, Ximen Yan immersed herself in the wonderful taste of the cake.

Bai Mengyao and Dongfang Ling also nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the three little sisters liked the gifts she prepared so much, Tong Xue was also very happy.

"This cake looks delicious."


"It is a must. You should know that Lao Ding Feng is a classic old brand in Harbin. It is necessary to have delicious food."

"No, when did Xiao Ling'er become a food anchor? I'm so hungry just watching her."

"Isn't that what Xiao Ling'er is like? She live streams her daily life, studies, training, and even shopping for us. What she broadcasts every time depends on her mood."

"I don't want to talk about these things, I just want to know where I can buy this cake"


"It is available online, but it may not be authentic. It is best to buy it in a store in Harbin Ice Market."

"Is that so? Let's fly over now."

"( ºWordº) City Fun"

"What I prepared for everyone is not food."

Ximen Yan took out the gifts she had prepared and distributed them to everyone.

"It is a kind of aromatherapy, the fragrance is very good, you can try it too."

At Ximen Yan's urging, Dongfang Ling and the other two opened the gift, took out the aromatherapy and smelled it.

Not to mention, the smell is really good.

It's like the trees in the forest have a special smell, it's a light fragrance, like a warm current flowing through the body, making people feel comfortable

"I like this smell."

Dongfang Ling and the other two were intoxicated for a while, then opened their eyes and looked at the aromatherapy in front of them with joy.

"As long as you like it."

Seeing that her gift was well received, Ximen Yan's eyes were as bright as crescents.

The next gift was prepared by Dongfang Ling. It was very simple.

The energy cube prepared by her brother. Yes, that's right.

The energy cube prepared by Dongfang Yang was surprisingly effective. Ye Yan once took it to an official agency for testing out of curiosity. Wow, it was very close to the legendary perfect quality. It even caused a sensation among the breeders and energy cube masters, who asked about the source of the energy cube.

Of course, Dongfang Long ignored that group of people.

Wow, there are also people who don't know how to live or die. Dongfang Long reported the threat directly to the Alliance Headquarters.

My son made the energy cube, if you have the guts, go ask him for it.

In one sentence, the Alliance Headquarters was numb.

Many members of parliament were implicated, some were demoted, some were fined.

They also hated the person who threatened Dongfang Long, saying that he was mentally retarded and didn't know any rules.

Indeed, someone from their family also asked Dongfang Long, but it was just a question. If he didn't say anything, he wouldn't say anything. Threatening him, what was he thinking? His brain must be broken.

It didn't take long for the family that did this absurd thing to be suppressed and disappeared.

"I don't know what to give you. After all, you all have everything. I just want a few boxes of energy cubes. Please don't be disgusted. These are energy cubes made by my brother himself. The quality is very high. It is said that they are the energy cubes that are closest to perfect quality at present."

Dongfang Ling said with a smile.

"I don't dislike it, I like it very much."

Although Bai Mengyao and Ximen Yan's family are businessmen, they are well-connected and know a lot of things.

Tong Xue would not say anything. The quality of this energy cube is obviously much higher than the ones she uses, and its value must be high.

Most people in the live broadcast room are not aware of the situation. Some people even think that Dongfang Ling is too petty. The gifts he gave to his friends were all homemade and worthless energy cubes.

In their opinion, the energy cubes he made must be bad, no matter how strong Dongfang Yang is. If they are not made by breeders or professionals, they are inferior and worthless.

Tree fruit? Tree fruit is only a few dollars.

For these people, the netizens in Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room are not tolerant.

"Those people are all SBs."

"Haha, at first glance, they are just trolls and haters. There is nothing to criticize, so just criticize them blindly."

"That's right, don't you even look at the quality of the energy block? Just from the color, the quality of this energy block is no less than high-end. If you really want to convert the value, this is the most valuable. And you still say that Xiao Ling'er is not generous enough, what a bunch of SB stuff!"

"I won't say more. I didn't expect that my brother-in-law is so good at making energy cubes. It's really unexpected."

"Oh, these excellent people are good at everything."

"_(:3 ⌒゙)_"


"(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment"

"Sure enough, I am here to make up the numbers"

"You're not alone."



Dongfang Ling and the other four girls didn't care about the live broadcast at all, and didn't explain anything.

Especially Dongfang Ling, she didn't use this to make money, and the live broadcast platform didn't give her any restrictions, so why should she worry about it? If she's not happy, she can just stop broadcasting.

After a while, Bai Mengyao took out the gift she prepared, and didn't wrap it, and just took it out carelessly.

"Hehe, sorry, I went to the antique street to buy these three jade pendants. I bought them at a street stall. They are probably fake, but they are not expensive. They look pretty, so I bought them for you as gifts."

Speaking of this, Bai Mengyao gave each of the three little sisters a jade pendant.

Tong Xue's was a blue jade, which matched her long blue hair very well.

Ximen Yan's was a���The purple jade pendant perfectly sets off her ladylike temperament.

Two pairs of double-magatama jade pendants were prepared for Dongfang Ling, thinking that she and Dongfang Ling would each wear one and become lifelong best friends.

However, when the jade pendant appeared, the fossil pterosaur that had been in the luxurious ball on Dongfang Ling's neck suddenly appeared in the dormitory. Fortunately, the student dormitories of Magic City University are not small, otherwise they would not be able to accommodate the size of the fossil pterosaur.

A group of lurkers were even blown up in the live broadcast room

"Dragon Country Champion: ???"

"The old owner of the Magic City: ???"

"Zhao Xiaolong: ???"

"Liu Sanjin: ???"

"Magic City Police Station: ???"

"Um, no, I didn't know. Is this live broadcast room so dangerous?"

"We actually dared to be so shameless in front of such a group of big guys."

"(=TェT=)Being scolded"

"_(:3 ⌒゙)_"

"Strike!!_| ̄|○"

The staff of Douyu platform were also dumbfounded at this time. It turned out that Xiao Ling'er's live broadcast room was full of interruptions. No wonder the company gave her so many privileges.

However, now that so many lurking bosses have come out, it is only possible that something has happened, and it is a big deal.

The staff immediately called the manager, and after being scolded by the manager, reported to him the situation in Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room. After hearing this, the manager, who was preparing to applaud for love, softened his whole body, and didn't care about the delicate woman on the bed, and hurriedly reported the situation to the boss.

Suddenly, all the senior leaders of Douyu Live converged in Dongfang Ling's live broadcast room.

Long Ze, who had just laid in the bathtub, wanted to see the situation of Dongfang Yang's sister. After all, he could get a lot of information about Dongfang Yang from here.

When he saw Dongfang Ling giving the energy cube made by Dongfang Yang to the little sister, Long Ze curled his lips and secretly said that he was a loser, but it seemed that he could use Dongfang Ling as a breakthrough. After all, he was also greedy for the energy cube that was closest to perfect quality.

When he saw Bai Mengyao's gift to Dongfang Ling, Long Ze couldn't sit still and immediately stood up in the bathtub

"MD, we spent so much manpower and material resources but still couldn't find it. It's not good. We must retrieve it. If Dongfang Yang knew that Dongfang Ling had such a dangerous thing, he would definitely tear down the alliance headquarters."

After sending dozens of super fires, Long Ze spoke

"Dragon Country Champion: Ling'er, this thing is very dangerous. I will send someone to get it now. Don't move. Don't close the live broadcast room for the time being. Let's talk about it after we get there."

At the same time, Zhao Xiaolong, Liu Xin, the Magic City Police, and others who were responsible for this matter sent super hot messages and began to rush to Magic City University.

Dongfang Long called his daughter directly, explained the situation, and flew to Magic City University with his wife on a Dragonite.

After answering the phone, Dongfang Ling was shocked, and looked at Bai Mengyao and others. They were all speechless. They didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

But more of a fear, a bad god in their hands, everyone is afraid.

Several people unconsciously leaned towards the fossil pterosaur. This���It was safer.

But they didn't dare to move, fearing that something might happen.

Ximen Yan and Tong Xue could leave at any time, but they were worried about Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao, so they stayed behind.

"I feel like something big has happened"


"(ノ°ο°)High energy warning ahead"

"(*°ω°*)ノ" Non-combatants please evacuate!!"

"This jade pendant is probably not simple. It's your turn to be the class representative."

"Class Representative: You are probably embarrassing me, Fat Tiger"

"Trash, what use do I have to you?"

"class president:…"

"Well, if anything happens, it's in Shanghai, it has nothing to do with me, so I don't worry."


"Some truth"

"Come, play music and dance"

"눈_눈 Your friend [Jicaojun] has gone offline!"

"(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"(´-ι_-`) I lost."

"But I'm in the Magic City."

"Oh, as a student of Magic City University, what did I say?"

"Fighting Rock: No worries,"

"Students of Magic University, be ready for battle at any time"

Soon, Wu Yucai brought the top fighters of Magic City University to Dongfang Ling and her roommates' dormitory.

"Don't be afraid, you go out first, we are here."

Wu Yucai patted the little heads of the four girls, then took the jade pendants from Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao and asked them to leave the room first.

The four girls looked at each other, nodded, took some things and sat on the back of the fossil pterosaur, left through the window, and landed on the playground next to the dormitory building.

At this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room noticed that a large number of students had gathered outside at some point, led by the members of the school team.

"Don't worry, the principal and the others will take care of it."

The captain of the school team, Qin Xun, walked up to Dongfang Ling and the others and comforted them softly.

Although they didn't know what happened, it was not simple at first glance, and it was very likely to be no less serious than the attack on Yveltal.

If that happens, Magic City University will definitely be impacted, and they are the first line of defense.

The students present all thought so and were ready for emergencies at any time.

No matter how the online teachers advised, no one left.

Although he was terrified, Dongfang Ling did not leave.

Maybe the strongest person in the entire Magic City is the fossil pterosaur on his body.

If he leaves, the fossil pterosaur will definitely leave with him. If that wakes up, it will be bad.

After a while, Dongfang Long and Ye Yan arrived. After confirming that his daughter was okay, Ye Yan stayed downstairs to accompany his daughter, while Dongfang Long went upstairs.

"It seems like a lot of big shots have come. It looks like things are not that simple."

"Class Representative: The last time the Magic City was like this was the Yveltal incident not long ago."

"You mean!!!"

"WC, why don't these students leave now?"

"Haha, before the army arrives, they are the first line of defense"



"No, they…"

"The Magic University is in the city. If there is no one to stop it, it will soon threaten the people nearby. Someone must stop it to be on the safe side."


"Class representative: So far, it’s good news. No accidents have happened yet."

"Bless them."

"Let's end this soon."

Before long, several figures passed through the sky, and the students below knew that a big shot had arrived.

Long Ze, Zhao Xiaolong, Liu Xin, and others entered the dormitory building one after another.

The army and police forces near the Magic City came to the Magic City University to assist in the defense.

Qin Xun and others stayed behind the defense line and refused to retreat.

Xue Xingxuan even said,"I will protect my school by myself. Besides, you are not as strong as me."

The head of the army was directly broken and wanted to curse, but when he saw the giant claw mantis and Zoroark beside Xue Xingxuan, he swallowed the words that were on the tip of his tongue.

Seeing this, Qin Xun and others followed suit and released their strongest elves.

The corners of the army leader's mouth twitched, especially when he saw the fossil pterosaur on Dongfang Ling's head, he could only sigh.

WC, these kids are stronger than the soldiers under my command, why did I come here, C, are you looking for humiliation?

In the dormitory, Long Ze came in with a box and said

"How is it going?"

"Nothing has happened yet, so it's something to be happy about."

Wu Yucai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Long Ze and the others coming.

Long Ze opened the box.

"This is a box prepared by the headquarters research institute. When it is closed, it will form a closed space, which will delay the awakening of the ancient jade fish to the greatest extent. Put it in."

Wu Yucai nodded and slowly put the jade pendant in.

Seeing this, Long Ze immediately closed the box and turned to leave. The rest of the matter was handled by Zhao Xiaolong and the others. He needed to take this to a safe place.

"Principal Wu, you have a group of excellent students."

After the nerves were sent down, Zhao Xiaolong looked at Wu Yucai and smiled.

Looking at the students who gathered downstairs and released the elves to"intimidate" the army, the senior leaders of the school in the dormitory smiled knowingly.

"They are all a bunch of kids."

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