The incident at Shanghai University quickly became a hot topic.

Soon, the heat gradually subsided and was overshadowed by the scandals of some popular stars.

The day after the incident, Long Ze called Ying Yudie who was far away in the Arctic.

As for why it wasn't Dongfang Yang, haha, Dongfang Yang's phone couldn't be turned on in the Arctic, and he didn't bring it with him. Ying Yudie's phone was a special one.

"You mean the jade pendant of the ancient jade fish incarnation was found in my sister's hand."

Rubbing his hair, Dongfang Yang was speechless about the whole thing.

You blame Longze and the others for not being strong enough. They care about her all the time, and if it weren't for them, my sister would probably still hang that dangerous thing around her neck all day long.

You say it's Bai Mengyao's problem.

She just chose a gift for her sister out of kindness, and I don't know what's going on.

Dongfang Yang is now in a state of being angry but having no place to vent.

"How do you think this thing should be dealt with?"

After listening to Long Ze's question, Dongfang Yang lowered his head and was silent for a while, then slowly said

"The Yveltal incident should have happened not too long ago, right?"


Good guy, Long Ze exclaimed, good guy, you are still evil, if I don’t mention it, I will forget it. This is much safer than Yveltal’s death cocoon, and it is also more confusing.

"As expected of you, withdraw."

After saying that, Long Ze hung up the phone and arranged the matter.

Looking at the quiet phone, Dongfang Yang remained silent.

"What's wrong? Are you worried about Ling'er?"

Ying Yudie hugged Dongfang Yang's neck from behind and asked softly

"Ah, that's not the case. Now that girl has recovered, she's probably fine. But I still need to care about her. I just can't remember my parents' numbers."

As he said this, Dongfang Yang dialed a number on his phone.

"This should be it."

Seeing her boyfriend like this, Ying Yudie breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that Dongfang Yang still cared about his sister, but she was also relieved. After all, his fossil pterosaur was still by Dongfang Ling's side. Even if the ancient jade fish woke up, the fossil pterosaur could guarantee Dongfang Ling's safety.

"That one?"

After the call was connected, a mature and steady uncle's voice came.

Hearing this voice, the veins on Dongfang Yang's forehead bulged and he roared

"Damn old man, how do you do things? After knowing this situation, you didn't tell Ling'er to be careful. What's the matter? Don't you want us anymore? Ah!"

After a chaotic battle, the call was hung up.

In the Magic City Dojo, Dongfang Long looked at the phone in his hand, and was terrified.

"Fortunately, I hung up quickly. Really, this boy is getting less cute as he grows older. This should be my daughter-in-law's number. Write it down, write it down."

At this time, Ye Yan passed by Dongfang Long with a teacup in her hand.

"You'd better fight back, or you'll be in trouble when your son comes back."

"Uh, wife, you can't not save me."

Ignoring Dongfang Long's pitiful look, Ye Yan walked towards the gym venue.

"Hehe, remember to send me your daughter-in-law's number."

"Dirty, dirty, dirty~"

So I am the biggest victim.

(/_\)Big resentful

Dongfang Long's face was full of bitterness.

In the snow house in the Arctic, Ying Yudie helped Dongfang Yang rub his temples and said softly

"Okay, don't be angry, uncle didn't mean it. It was just an unexpected accident. As long as no one is hurt, that's all."

"No, look at what he did. Really, the task of investigation must have been sent down a long time ago. After all, we reported it the next day. The gym leader must cooperate with the investigation. As a result, after the old man learned about this, he didn't even tell Ling'er to be careful. What does he want to do!"

Dongfang Yang became more and more angry, and picked up the phone to call back.

Seeing this, Ying Yudie hurried forward, snatched the phone from Dongfang Yang, quietly saved Dongfang Long's number in the address book, and persuaded her boyfriend

"Well, now Ling'er is fine. Uncle is your father after all, and he is also worried about Ling'er. If you are worried, let's go back today."

However, when Ying Yudie finished speaking, Dongfang Yang was silent for a long time, sighed, stood up, hugged Ying Yudie from behind, and said softly.

"No, Ling'er still needs to face many things by herself. I can't follow her for the rest of her life. I guess she has her own plans for this holiday. Let's continue to play our own games. Don't worry about Ling'er. The fossil pterosaur is following us."


Ying Yudie was very satisfied with Dongfang Yang's decision.

Although, if Dongfang Yang was worried and rushed back, she would not say anything, after all, it didn't matter where you spent the holiday, the key was who you were with.

However, she was very happy that Dongfang Yang still considered her ideas.

It wasn't that she was competing with Dongfang Ling for favor, but that her man cared more about her ideas, and everyone would be very happy.

After packing up, Ying Yudie hugged Dongfang Yang's arm and walked slowly in the snow.

"What are we going to do today?"

"Let's see if we can meet a tribe of ice-walking puppets."

""Ice-walking puppet..."

Ying Yudie was a little confused.

She felt that Dongfang Yang came to the North Pole just for the ice-walking puppet.

Why did he come specifically to find the ice-walking puppet?

After thinking for a while, Ying Yudie's eyes lit up and she suddenly thought of something.

"You are for…"

"That's right."

Seeing that his girlfriend had reacted, Dongfang Yang smiled and nodded.

"Whether it is the White Bear Alliance or the Nordic Alliance, or even our country's Heilongjiang Province, there have been such legends before."

"When you and your partner dance with the ice dolls, as long as you win their respect, you will get their blessing. It is said that the blessed couple will be blessed by the god of love."

"However, this was proven to be false. It was a group of dancers who spread false news just for the sake of…"

Ying Yudie lowered her head and spoke softly.

But before she finished speaking, Dongfang Yang put his finger on her lips.

She only heard Dongfang Yang whispering softly:

"Whether it's true or not, don't you think it would be a special thing to dance with an ice-walking puppet?"

"Moreover, the dance steps of wild ice-walking puppets are believed to be closer to nature."

"It seems so."

Ying Yudie tilted her head and thought about it, and felt that what Dongfang Yang said made sense.

"But I can't tap dance."

"I can't dance either.

Dongfang Yang shrugged, indicating that he couldn't dance either. He picked up Princess Ying Yudie and said softly:

"Does it matter whether you can dance or not? We are here to dance together. It doesn’t matter if there are other audiences or even if we just go up to do a set of boxing."

"I saw an ice rock monster, let's use it as a vehicle."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongfang Yang used his super powers to control his body and flew towards the ice rock monster.

Ying Yudie blushed and quietly stayed in Dongfang Yang's arms.

The same routine, the ice rock monster could not resist the temptation of the energy cube and agreed to temporarily serve as Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie's mount.

In this regard, Dongfang Yang said that the energy cube he made was very effective.

✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。At this moment, although the Magic City had experienced a thrilling night, it still couldn't cancel Bai Mengyao and Dongfang Yang's desire to travel.

After Ximen Yan and Tong Xue learned of their plan, they first criticized them, and then joined the travel team.

The few of them hit it off and decided to go to the roof of the world to climb the snow-capped mountains and have some fun.

With the addition of Ximen Yan and Tong Xue, the trip became more convenient.

Ximen Yan's family provided the plane for the trip, and Tong Xue was responsible for the things they needed to climb the snow-capped mountains.

Half a day later, the four girls landed at the airport on the roof of the world.

"Yan Zi, your family is really rich. My family only bought a private jet, but your family can directly rent an air route from the alliance. That's fine."

Bai Mengyao never expected that an air route could be rented.

"In fact, it is not as exaggerated as you think. If there is no flying elf, the route may not be rented. But the reality is that many people ride flying elves to and from various cities."

"Moreover, if there is a war, the first to arrive will definitely be the flying elf army, and the existence of the route can be said to be dispensable."

The three women of Dongfang Ling were shocked.

Is this true?

"Think about it, if Champion Longze goes on a mission, should he wait for the route application, or requisition it quickly, or just ride the fast dragon quickly? The route is not that important. Now it is just like land, the right to use can be leased or even purchased directly."

"Our family mainly operates international flights. To be honest, domestic flights are not worth much. It is better to ride a flying Pokémon than to take a plane."

Yes, it seems that the champion of Longze always rides Dragonite to travel. I have never seen him take a plane.

The three girls looked at each other.

So that's it.

Dongfang Ling touched her chin and thought.

It seems that I have to get a mini dragon to train. I wonder if my father and his family have any more. It seems that they just gave one to my brother. I guess it's gone. Let's ask.

Dragonite is indeed the best choice for transportation.

""Okay, don't worry about the route. Xue'er, tell us where we go up the mountain."

Then, Tong Xue, who acted as a tour guide, took out the map and explained the itinerary to everyone.

After understanding the itinerary, the four of them rode on Ximen Yan's flying elf and flew in the direction indicated by Tong Xue.

However, the four people did not notice that after they left, a little white fox quietly appeared at the place where the previous few people stayed.

Looking at the few people flying away, the little fox tilted its head, not knowing what it was thinking.

Not long after, the four girls descended from the air and landed in the snow.

Tong Xue did not react, and the three girls of Dongfang Ling could not help but shiver.

"I really don't know why you guys want to climb the snowy mountain. It's white, nothing fun, and cold. Alas, I can only sacrifice my life to accompany you."

The three girls looked at each other, and without saying a word, they threw Tong Xue to the snow.

After the fight, Dongfang Ling opened the live broadcast room again.

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