"I finally waited for you, fortunately I didn't give up"

"Wow, Xiao Ling'er is on air now. I thought Xiao Ling'er would be off air for a while after what happened last night."

"By the way, what happened to Xiao Ling'er last night? Can you tell me about it?"

"Yes, curious"

"( • ̀ω•́ )✧"

"The same question"


Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Dongfang Ling thought for a moment and said

"Although I really want to tell you about what happened last night, according to the regulations, it needs to be kept confidential. Let's wait for the alliance's notification."

"It seems that the matter is serious."

"I guess I can't wait for the notification."

"Class representative: Okay, okay, since we can’t talk about it, let’s just forget about it. At least he’s fine."

"Makes sense"


"Xiao Ling'er is traveling. The surroundings are all white. It doesn't look like she is in a city like Shanghai."

"It seems to be on a snowy mountain."

"Why do I feel familiar?"

"We plan to take advantage of the holiday to visit the snow-capped mountains. We are currently in the Plateau Province..."

Dongfang Ling briefly introduced the situation, then turned around and showed the surrounding environment to netizens.

"WC, I was wondering why the environment is so familiar, Xiao Ling'er, you guys are at my house, come and sit down when you have time"

"Tsk, the guy above, I know all your dirty thoughts with my eyes closed. Think carefully, the strength of those young ladies is no joke. And that fossil pterosaur, is it playing a joke on you?"


"You say, is it possible that I am also a girl!!!!"


"(>人<;) I'm sorry"




Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Dongfang Ling and the other three smiled at each other.

Bai Mengyao jumped onto Dongfang Ling's back and said with a smile:

""Sister, we only have three days of vacation. If there is nothing fun in the mountains, we may go down the mountain tomorrow and find you then."

After receiving Bai Mengyao's reply, the sister who was speaking in the live broadcast room was overjoyed and quickly sent a few rockets.

"Highland Wolf: Okay, okay, I will definitely give you a good reception."

"Highland Wolf: I will send you the address privately."

"My sister is mighty and domineering"

"Highland Wolf: Hum╯^╰, use your words"

"Sister, give me your WeChat ID"



"Highland Wolf:…"

"(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment"

"(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Highland Wolf:(ˉεˉRoll"



The four girls covered their mouths and giggled, and then began a happy journey.

Back in the North Pole, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie rode on the Ice Rock Monster.

On the way, Dongfang Yang asked the Ice Rock Monster if he had seen a tribe of ice-walking puppets.

Listening to Ying Yudie's description of the ice-walking puppets, the Ice Rock Monster nodded and responded.

Then, Dongfang Yang asked the Ice Rock Monster to take him to the place where he met the ice-walking puppets in his memory.

Originally, Dongfang Yang thought he had to bargain with the Ice Rock Monster, just like the ivory pig and the vast whale before, but the Ice Rock Monster stepped on his memory without saying a word.

This made Dongfang Yang feel embarrassed.

Touching his nose, Dongfang Yang decided to give the Ice Rock Monster a few more energy cubes after the end.

During the journey, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie snuggled together and enjoyed the scenery along the way.

You know what, the North Pole is white, and the scenery is still good.

Dongfang Yang suddenly remembered a poem in his previous life,"Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow", there is no place more suitable than the North Pole.

This place is really frozen for thousands of miles.

Reaching out his hand, catching the snowflakes falling from the sky, Dongfang Yang suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?"

Ying Yudie, who was leaning on Dongfang Yang's arms, looked at her boyfriend with a puzzled look.

Why did he suddenly laugh?

"Nothing, I just feel that elves are really beautiful."

Dongfang Yang shook his head and said with a smile

( ´゚ω゚)Ying

Yudie was even more confused.

Pinching his girlfriend's pretty face, Dongfang Yang said softly

"Originally, in a barren land like the Arctic, which is covered with ice for thousands of miles, there should be no living creatures, at most one or two species, but now, look around."

Following Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie looked around.

A lazy tundra bear family was lying on the snow, basking in the sparse sunlight. The stupid

-looking ice geese were lined up and staggering forward.

In the sky, geometric snowflakes and double the ice tribe were flying wantonly.

In the distance, I don't know whether it was an emperor tusk sea lion or a white sea lion that jumped into the water to hunt.

On the iceberg, the ice ninetails were vaguely visible, and the white hair shone brightly in the sunlight.

There are also snow moths, ivory pigs, huge whales, etc.

Many ice elves live in the ice world of the Arctic.

At this moment, Ying Yudie seemed to understand why Dongfang Yang liked elves so much.

"Wait, that's it."

Suddenly, Ying Yudie saw a different elf among a group of snow moths.

Looking in the direction of his girlfriend's finger, Dongfang Yang also found something wrong.

"This is a pink butterfly. One of the patterns is an ice snow pattern, and the other is a snow field pattern. It seems that we are lucky to encounter this."

Dongfang Yang said with a smile

"But how could the pink butterfly appear in the North Pole?"

Touching Ying Yudie's puzzled little head, Dongfang Yang said with a smile

"I can tell you didn't pay attention in class. The relationship between many elves and plants is symbiotic. Where there are snow moths, there will basically be ice plants growing. As long as there are plants, elves such as the pastel butterflies can basically survive."

"Besides, neither the pastel butterfly nor the snow moth lives in one place. They move with the season when flowers bloom. It is not surprising that we can see snow moths and pastel butterflies in the outer part of the Arctic."

Scratching his head, Ying Yudie said with a look of disgust.

"It's really troublesome. It's easier to fight against elves."


After hearing this, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched constantly, and he was speechless.

"How did you get into college?"

"I didn't take the exam."

Ying Yudie tilted her head and looked at Dongfang Yang with her eyes blinking.


Seeing Dongfang Yang's puzzled expression, Ying Yudie burst out laughing and explained.

"In layman's terms, I got in through the back door. The winner donated a lot of money to the university. In addition, I won't be using the name of Magic City University anymore. If there is anything, people will pay the most attention to my identity as the winner's daughter. My ability is not bad either, so I took the path of special admissions."


At this moment, silence is the theme of the world

"Forget it, just ignore what I said. How about taming these two butterflies?"

With a sigh, Dongfang Yang decided not to dwell on this anymore.

"I asked Ying Ziyi, he has a hobby of collecting, but I don't know if he is interested in the pink butterflies."

As he said that, Ying Yudie took out his mobile phone and dialed Ying Ziyi's number.

Dongfang Yang patted the back of the ice monster, and the other party lay down on the spot and rested.

"Hey, sister, why are you calling me when you’re not spending some time alone with your brother-in-law?"

"Nothing, are you interested, Pink Butterfly?"

Hearing Ying Ziyi's ruffian tone coming from the phone, Ying Yudie didn't want to say anything more, and went straight to the point, and other matters would be settled later when she returned.

"Of course I am interested. I have been collecting them recently. Let me tell you...wait, did you encounter any special patterns? I remember you and your brother-in-law went to the North Pole. Did you encounter a snowy country, a snowy plain, or ice and snow?"

On the other end of the phone, Ying Ziyi's voice gradually became excited.

"Snowfields and ice"

"Great, sister, help..."

Before Ying Ziyi finished speaking, Ying Yudie hung up the phone, looked at Dongfang Yang, and nodded.


Dongfang Yang made an OK gesture and asked Beedrill to deal with the matter.

Most wild insect Pokémons are not strong, especially those in butterfly form, which have many natural enemies. There is nothing they can do.

When Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie rode the Ice Rock Monster to the front of the Pink Butterflies, two Pink Butterflies with special patterns had already fallen under the double guns of Beedrill and lost their combat ability.

Seeing this, Ying Yudie did not hesitate and threw out the Poké Ball to collect the two Pink Butterflies.

"That's great. I can also bring a gift to my little brother Ying Ziyi. That's great, that's great."

Ying Yudie said with a smile, throwing the Poké Ball with the Pink Butterfly in it.

However, Ying Yudie waited for a long time without receiving a response from her boyfriend, and looked at Dongfang Yang curiously.

Dongfang Yang was far away, looking down at the ice, with an indescribably complicated expression on his face.

Ying Yudie hurried over.

"What's wrong?"

Pointing down and asking the other party to look down, Dongfang Yang said with mixed feelings.

"Our luck seems to be surprisingly good."


Looking down with a puzzled look on her face, Ying Yudie's expression soon became strange.

Deep in the ice layer, ancient buildings stood there, stretching all the way to the bottom of the iceberg in the distance, and still had no end.

It can be seen how magnificent the city was at that time.

"Could this be?"

"It is very likely that the vaguely visible wall over there is a city wall. According to this extent, the size of the entire city is likely to extend to the vicinity of the secret realm."

After a pause, Dongfang Yang swallowed his saliva and said with a strange look on his face

"This is most likely the civilization recorded on the stone tablet."

"Uh, no, aren't we here to have fun? How come we have done all the work of the alliance group?"

Ying Yudie, who was a little angry, punched the ice and said viciously.

Although Dongfang Yang was also very speechless, he could only shrug his shoulders.

"What can we do about this? Let's call Long Ze and ask them to arrange someone to come."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie let out a sigh of relief, and reluctantly took out her cell phone and called Long Ze.

Sitting at the alliance headquarters, Long Ze first answered Ying Yudie's call in surprise, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

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