Listening to Dongfang Ling and the others' discussion, the netizens in the live broadcast room were sweating profusely.

"Are we overdoing it?"

"Σ( ° △ °|||)︴"

"It seems that many forces are involved, including Bai's Group, Ximen Airlines, Harbin City Gym, and Magic City Gym."

"If Xiao Ling'er really brings in Big Brother…"

"It's like the country is rectifying the entertainment industry."

"Don't tell me, it really looks like"

"It is estimated that by then, the winners, the Long family, and these top families will all be eliminated."

"Oh my god, there's going to be an earthquake."

"Isn't this a good thing?"


"╭☞(  ̄ ▽ ̄)╭☞"

"you're right"

"Hahaha, let's do it"

"Get it done"

"Get it done"

Looking at the three girls who were still discussing fiercely, Tong Xue covered her head and sighed.

"You guys should stop watching the fun for now, there are fun things ahead."

Hearing this, the three girls from Dongfang Ling also stopped discussing and looked in the direction Tong Xue said.

The surface of the lake was covered with a thick layer of ice. From a distance, it looked like an irregular mirror, reflecting the weak sunlight from the sky, with a colorful glow.


"The ice pot is sparkling with dewdrops. The sky outside the building is like a mirror. The crystal pillows are against the cloud-like hair."

Ximen Yan sang softly.

"The cold light in the sky creates snow, and the dawn in three directions moves the flags."

Bai Mengyao recites aloud

"At the end of the year, the yin and yang are urging the short scenery, and the frost and snow at the end of the world have cleared up the cold sky."

Dongfang Ling is not to be outdone.

"The birds have flown away from the mountains, and the people have disappeared from the paths.

Tong Xue followed immediately.

The four girls looked at each other and burst into laughter.


"I just want to ask, are the requirements for watching live broadcasts so high now?"

"I haven't read the book, so I can't understand the live broadcast."

"Damn, the back of my head suddenly started to itch, what's going on?"

"Congratulations, you are starting to grow your brain"

"Students at Shanghai University are different. They speak freely."

"Don't think about us, just now a group of people can only say wow, NB, WC"

"You have no culture."

"Upstairs, didn't you say that?"

"། – _ – །"


"I have a screenshot, you are you, 'I am uneducated', what you posted is 'WC, NB, wow, it's really NM good looking’"

"Phew, you are poisonous, why do you cut the woolen drawing for no reason?"

"Leave me alone"






At this moment, a few butterflies slowly flew over the ice. As their wings fluttered, the scales they dropped sparkled in the sun.

The four girls from Dongfang Ling also stopped to admire the dancing butterflies.

But someone in the live studio couldn't sit still.

"K, the pink butterfly with snow country pattern, or six of them"

"Host, host, help me catch it, I will give you gifts"

"Host, host, give me one too."

"And me, and me, I'll give you rockets too"

In an instant, a burst of rockets rose into the air in the live broadcast room.

Dongfang Ling noticed the movement in the live broadcast room and saw that everyone wanted him to help catch the colorful butterflies.

Frowning, Dongfang Ling said in a deep voice

"I will not help you catch elves, I will return these gifts to you intact."

As soon as the voice fell, a rich account in the live broadcast room cursed

"Brother Long: I need your gift money, little anchor, I tell you, you have to catch it whether you want to or not, otherwise I will make you unable to survive."

Suddenly, the barrage in the live broadcast room was empty.

Brother Long thought that he was suppressed by his own cuckold spirit, and was about to make a mockery, but saw a barrage floating by

"Winner Ying Ziyi: NNND, Brother Long, right? Hu Sanpao from the Jianghu Security Company in Shancheng, nicknamed 'Hunshan Dragon', right?"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Wait for death"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Ling'er, um, I'll call you that. I'm your sister-in-law, Ying Yudie's younger brother. I'm a little older than you. Don't worry, this person can't survive anymore. I said"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Just focus on live streaming, I will deal with this kind of blind man."

Brother Long, also known as Hu Sanpao, broke out in a cold sweat after reading Ying Ziyi's comments.

In just a few minutes, he had checked his background clearly. He had hit a wall.

Just when he wanted to post a comment begging for mercy, Hu Sanpao found that his account had been blocked.

"Douyu: Streamer, except for Brother Long's gift, we have already returned all the gifts given by others. As for Brother Long's gift, it is your compensation for loss."

"Douyu: Don't worry, as long as you are on Douyu Live, no one can threaten you"

"Winner Ying Ziyi: Be sensible."

Hu Sanpao fell directly on the bed. He was just talking nonsense. How could this happen?

Frightened, Hu Sanpao quickly packed up and prepared to run away.

However, as soon as he went out, Hu Sanpao was surrounded by a group of men in black.

"You, what are you doing? Killing is against the law."

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over and said softly

"We know, but we found that the industry under your name has tax evasion, illegal loan sharking, intentional assault and so on. We would like to ask you to go to the police station to have a chat."


Hu Sanpao knelt down.

His family knows his own business.

His business has been exposed, and he is finished.

On the other side, after confirming Ying Ziyi's identity, Dongfang Ling expressed his gratitude to him.

Although he could solve this matter himself, he was willing to help, so he should thank him.

"Winner Ying Ziyi: It’s okay, let’s not be so distant. Given the relationship between my sister and your brother, if you knew that I didn’t help you, you would probably come to visit my grave tomorrow."

"Haha, that's not the case."

Dongfang Ling responded with a smile.

"Winner Ying Ziyi: You don’t understand, you are the younger sister, it’s different, ah"

"Ying Ziyi, the winner, let's add each other's contact information. If you have any questions, you can find me. Although my ability is not very strong, I can still handle ordinary trivial matters."

After thinking about it, Dongfang Ling felt that there was some truth. Sooner or later, the two of them would know each other. After all, the relationship between her brother and his sister was here, and there was no way to avoid it.

So, the two exchanged mobile phone numbers and other contact information.

At this time, Dongfang Ling received a message from Ying Ziyi.

"Help me to subdue a pink butterfly. I am going to build a place similar to a botanical garden for my collection and raise some elves of my own. My brother-in-law and his friends found some with snowfield patterns and ice and snow patterns for me in the Arctic. Now I only need yours. I have basically collected all the elves. Please, please."

After reading the message, Dongfang Ling's expression did not change and she did not say anything. She was thinking about helping to subdue a pink butterfly.

It's not that Dongfang Ling is hypocritical, it's just like that.

Those who clamored for Dongfang Ling's help are all outsiders. They paid Dongfang Ling to subdue elves, what do they think of her.

As for Ying Ziyi, he is the younger brother of his sister-in-law, so they are family members. What's wrong with helping to subdue an elf? He doesn't need to spend money. He asked him privately, and his brother has already helped him, so it won't be a big deal if he helps.

Besides, he helped him first, so it's reasonable for him to help in return.

Seeing Dongfang Ling's actions, Ximen Yan reminded him.

"Be careful"

"It's okay, I just want to capture one myself, hehe, this is something you can only encounter by chance, I guess I won't be able to encounter it next time."

Knowing what Ximen Yan meant, Dongfang Ling took out the Poké Ball and explained with a smile.

Ximen Yan and the others thought it made sense, should they capture one themselves?

The three girls thought about it, except Ximen Yan who followed, Bai Mengyao and Tong Xue gave up.

When they arrived in front of the group of pink butterflies, Dongfang Ling and Ximen Yan called out Blaziken and Steelix respectively.

"Pink butterfly, I want to conquer you"*2Then , the short battle to capture the butterflies ended. The strength of the wild butterflies was not good enough. After letting the captured butterflies say goodbye to their tribe, Dongfang Ling and Ximen Yan put them into the Poké Balls and pinned them to their waists. Tong Xue and Bai Mengyao then ran over.

"Let's go ice skating."

Looking at the skates in their hands, Dongfang Ling and Ximen Yan nodded and said with a smile.


Then, four fairies who had fallen into the mortal world danced on the ice of the lake.

Netizens in the live broadcast room exclaimed that it was so exciting.

Just when Dongfang Ling and the others were having fun, the poor Dongfang Yang took Ying Yudie down the tunnel dug by Charizard and others and came to the ruins.

Looking at the streets with neat houses, one can imagine how prosperous and developed the country was at that time.

It is also hard to imagine that such a magnificent city and a prosperous country still fell in the cold disaster.

After sighing, Dongfang Yang released the five main Pokémon he carried, Garchomp, Charizard, Greninja, Gardevoir and Lucario.

"Time is running out. Garchomp, Charizard, and Lucario, follow Yudie and try to knock down and subdue the master-level Pokémon. Is that okay?

Garchomp nodded and silently came behind Ying Yudie.

"This city may be bigger than we thought. We will act separately, but Lucario and I have connected our waveguides. Don't go beyond the waveguide's sensing range. If there is anything, please contact each other."

Holding Ying Yudie's hand, Dongfang Yang said seriously.


Ying Yudie was also in the current situation, and she did not show off, but nodded seriously.

Then, the two of them took their own actions with the elves to knock down the master-level elves.

Dongfang Yang was the first to come to the location of the Dieshi Coffin that he sensed.

Pushing open the cold and old stone door, a cold breath came to his face, and a golden coffin exuding an ancient breath lay there quietly.

Elf: Dieshi Coffin

Attribute: Ghost

Level: 98

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Mummy

Carrying Objects: None

Dongfang Yang looked at the Dieshi Coffin lying there quietly, without any movement.

Seeing that the visitor did not move, Dieshi Coffin stopped pretending, stretched out four gray hands like shadows, and let out a creepy and weird laugh.

"Laughing, beat him up for me."

Looking at the Dieshiguan laughing gloomily, Dongfang Yang's temper completely exploded.

My vacation!

Greninja and Gardevoir attacked each other from the right and left, just to end the battle as soon as possible.

After all, it should be very busy today.

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