Staring at the Poké Ball in his hand, Dongfang Yang snorted coldly and turned away without saying a word.

Although this Dieshi Coffin only has the strength of a champion, it is precisely because of it that Dongfang Yang has to come down to clear the field just in case.

If Dieshi Coffin knew what Dongfang Yang was thinking, it would probably wake up from its coma in anger.

MD, who did I offend? I was just sleeping at home, and you suddenly showed up and beat me up, and you still blame me for sleeping at home?

You have a big fist, so you are right, it's really weird.

Eh, it seems that I am a different kind of ghost.


Dongfang Yang walked out of the building where Dieshi Coffin was sleeping, and asked around.

"This seems to be an ancient military camp."

Touching the weapon racks in the courtyard and the old and broken stone spears on them, Dongfang Yang muttered to himself.

"If this is the case, the danger level of this relic can be slightly reduced."

After all, the strongest people in a country should be located in the country's administrative center, military bases and some large families. In ancient times, military bases were places where soldiers were deployed, and they definitely needed people of the first or second level to be stationed.

In this case, this relic can still be dealt with.

I'm just afraid that this lost coffin is in a civilian's home, so there's no need to play with this relic, just run away.

Looking at the building similar to the palace in the distance, Dongfang Yang walked straight over there.

If he encounters a master-level elf on the way, he will deal with it. If not, he will deal with the strongest one first.

Along the way, in Dongfang Yang's wave perception, no master-level elves were found, but there were a few champion-level elves.

Therefore, Dongfang Yang ignored them and went straight to the gate of the palace.

Feeling the dark atmosphere emanating from the palace, Dongfang Yang frowned, and then contacted Lucario to inquire about their situation.

Lucario conveyed the information from Dongfang Yang to Ying Yudie.

After weighing the Poké Ball that had just subdued the master-level cursed doll, Ying Yudie touched his chin and whispered

"It turns out that the location beside the city wall is a military camp. It is understandable that there is a champion-level Dieshi Coffin, but this house seems to be not simple either, with a master-level cursed doll. Tsk tsk, let's go to meet up first and see the situation in the palace."

Then, Ying Yudie climbed onto Charizard's back, and Lucario also came to the other's back under the fierce gaze of Liebite Garchomp.

Liebite Garchomp and Charizard took off into the air and flew towards Dongfang Yang's location.

After a while, the two sides met.

After feeding the Pokémon some energy cubes to replenish their physical strength, Dongfang Yang looked at Ying Yudie and asked

"How is your side?"

Ying Yudie said with a smile, throwing the Poké Ball containing the cursed doll to Dongfang Yang.

"I found myself getting carried away, I actually captured a master-level Pokémon."

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes and said with a smile while holding the Poké Ball.

"Otherwise, you can keep this elf for use?"

"Forget it, I still have self-knowledge."

Waving her hand, Ying Yudie refused.

Although the cursed doll is a master-level Pokémon, she has no ability to control it, and she might even be attacked back. Ghost-type Pokémon are synonymous with weirdness.

Dongfang Yang was just teasing. Even if Ying Yudie wanted it, he would not give it to her now. He would have to wait until she was stronger. He put away the Poké Ball, and put Garchomp and the others back into the Poké Ball to recuperate, leaving only Lucario with him.

It must be said that when exploring unknown territories, the waveguide is really useful.

Dongfang Yang and Lucario pushed open the ancient and heavy door of the palace together.

Holding Ying Yudie's hand, Dongfang Yang took the lead in walking into the long-sealed palace.

Because of the freezing, there is not much air inside the ruins. Although the entire palace is old and dilapidated, the prosperous scene of the past can still be vaguely seen.

The two walked deeper step by step.

"Wait a minute."

Ying Yudie suddenly stopped, as if she had discovered something incredible.

"What's wrong?"

Dongfang Yang and Lucario stopped and looked at Ying Yudie and asked.

Pointing at a stone tablet, Ying Yudie frowned and whispered

"The stone tablet just lit up."



Ying Yudie nodded vigorously and said with certainty.

Just now, Dongfang Yang and Lucario had been using the waveguide to sense whether there were any living creatures and terrain around. They really didn't notice whether the stone tablet was lit or not.

Let Ying Yudie stand there and wait. Dongfang Yang was skilled and bold. He walked directly to the front of the stone tablet and reached out to search for the patterns on the stone tablet.

Lucario, who was left with Ying Yudie, was on full alert and ready to rescue his trainer at any time.

There were only incomprehensible patterns on the left and right sides and the top of the stone tablet, and there was no written record of the two largest years before and after.

Just as Dongfang Yang was trying to interpret the information in the pattern, the stone tablet suddenly lit up.

Dongfang Yang reacted quickly and moved directly in front of Ying Yudie, alert.

However, the stone tablet only lit up for a moment, and nothing happened.

"Are you okay?"

Ying Yudie asked while checking Dongfang Yang's body. Dongfang

Yang gently rubbed Ying Yudie's hair and said softly.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Lucario also used the waveguide to sense Dongfang Yang's body. After confirming that the trainer was okay, he also assured Ying Yudie.

With a sigh of relief, Ying Yudie asked Dongfang Yang what he found.

Facing his girlfriend's question, Dongfang Yang frowned and said in a deep voice

"No findings"

"In the past, whether it was words or patterns, they were all carriers of culture. There were extremely special waveguides on them. As long as the power of the waveguide was strong enough, the information contained in it could be roughly interpreted by the waveguide. That’s why I was able to interpret the meaning of the inscription in front of the temple."

After hearing this, Ying Yudie realized why Dongfang Yang knew the meaning of the inscription. She thought he had learned the words here.

"Your wave power is really useful."

Hearing his girlfriend's sour words, Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes.

"���As long as any special ability is strong enough, it is the same. This is called"different paths lead to the same destination."’"

"But I don't have any special abilities."

Feeling his girlfriend's gaze that wanted to stab someone, Dongfang Yang touched his nose and quickly changed the subject.

"But there was no text or pattern on the stone tablet, and the patterns around it seemed to have no meaning. I didn't get any information, as if…"

"The existence of this stone tablet is meaningless.

Ying Yudie continued her boyfriend's words and said

"Could it be that this stone tablet itself has some meaning?"

Hearing his girlfriend's guess, Dongfang Yang nodded. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered something and slapped his forehead.

"No, why do we care about this?"


At this moment, Ying Yudie was stunned.

"We just need to deal with the elves. As for whether the stone tablet is meaningful or not, it is none of our business. This is the work of the expedition team."

Dongfang Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Ying Yudie, who had reacted, also patted her forehead and smiled bitterly.

She had unknowingly been involved in the work of the expedition team.

Is this the inertia of work?

She was obviously here for a vacation.

Patting her cheeks, Dongfang Yang tried to hypnotize himself, I am only responsible for dealing with the elves, that's all.…

"Okay, let's go deeper and leave these questions to the professionals."


Ying Yudie nodded, followed Dongfang Yang, and continued to walk deeper into the palace.

The two explored the ruins without knowing the passage of time. Outside, the sun had begun to set in the west.

On the snowy mountains of Longguo Plateau Province, the four girls of Dongfang Ling presented netizens with a wonderful figure skating performance.

"This show is really wonderful."

"Is this something I can see without paying?"

"Class representative: The guy above, please stop making dirty jokes. If you feel bad, just give me some free gifts."



It was like a switch was turned on.

All kinds of gifts appeared out of nowhere.

Rockets and super fire seemed to be free.

They came in piles and piles, directly filling up the live broadcast room.

The other anchors hiding in the live broadcast room were envious and their eyes were red.

But they couldn't do anything.

The other people earned it by their own ability.

Even they themselves gave a few away with shaking hands.

The four girls, who were a little tired, returned to their phones and looked at the full screen of gifts.

They were also slightly shocked.

"Thank you, thank you for your love, that's enough, please stop giving gifts, and don't give gifts to children. If you have given gifts, please contact the backstage, we will return the full amount."

Dongfang Ling thanked everyone, but did not ask everyone not to give gifts to her. After all, it is her job, there is nothing wrong with it, and it would be hypocritical.

Having money does not mean not wanting money, as long as it is not illegal, there is nothing wrong with it.

"How about this, to give back to everyone, let's have a lottery. Let me think about what would be better."

��Bai Mengyao and the other two girls also came over,

"I'll make one. Last night I saw that everyone liked the gifts I prepared. They are Harbin's specialty red sausage and Lao Dingfeng pastry gift boxes, a total of ten sets."

"I'll come too."

Bai Mengyao pushed Tong Xue, who was squeezed in the front, away, and regardless of her unhappy expression, she came to the camera and said

"That day I bought a lot of antique jade from the stalls in the antique market. I didn’t identify them, so I’ll give them all to you. How about it? Although they may not be antiques, they are definitely jade, hehe."

I didn’t expect that the live broadcast room would be filled with rejections, all of which were"I want to live longer"

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean? Yesterday was just an accident, okay?"

Seeing that the netizens were so disrespectful, Bai Mengyao stamped her feet in anger.

Tong Xue, who was secretly happy, pulled Bai Mengyao away, muttering

"Okay, okay, you should keep those jades for yourself, no one dares to take them."

"Is it my turn?"

Ximen Yan poked her head out from the side and came into the live broadcast room with a smile.

"Mine is simpler, I'll just use the Ximen Airlines coupons, let me think, a 500-yuan coupon, how about 100 copies?"

The live broadcast room immediately started playing with the"boss is generous" barrage.

Bai Mengyao was so envious that she gritted her teeth

"Okay, it’s my turn…"

When Dongfang Ling returned to the live broadcast room, there was a sudden"tapping" sound around.

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