In Dongfang Yang's exclusive training ground, Fang Zhifan and others who came in for the first time were full of envy.

This training ground is even bigger than the one of the school team, and there is only one chief instructor. Wow, he is worthy of being the honorary principal and the champion trainer. He is so powerful.

Now in front of everyone, Dongfang Yang crossed his arms, looked around at everyone, and said seriously.

"Although I have all your information, I still need to look at each of your specific situations. Now, starting with Long Yun, show me each of your elves and introduce yourself to everyone."


Long Yun responded and walked out of the queue.

The others also stepped aside to leave space for Long Yun.

Dongfang Ling looked at her brother with a strange look on her face.

She dared to guarantee that her brother had never seen the information of others, absolutely not.

Come to think of it, after she entered the quarterfinals, her brother took his wife to the North Pole to play, and only came back early this morning.

He probably didn't know the people in the quarterfinals, let alone the elves he mastered.

If he knew what his sister was thinking, Dongfang Yang would probably give a thumbs up and say with a smile,"You are worthy of being my sister. You really understand me."

"My name is Long Yun, I am a trainer specializing in dragons. My Pokémons are Lizardlord, Carapace Dragon, Alpha Dragon and Axefang Dragon."

Long Yun then began to show his Pokémons.

When they saw the gym-level Lizardlord, He Tian and others who were not familiar with him were stunned on the spot.

Damn, we are still in the advanced stage, and you already have the strength of the gym level, what are you still playing with.

Then, Leng Yun, Lie Yun, Cao Lin showed their Pokémons one by one, and He Tian and others were completely unable to hold back.

So you didn't use your full strength before, right? Are you kidding us?


Dongfang Yang found that Long Yun and his team had changed a lot during this period of time.

Not only did the elves evolve, but the team was also strengthened.

Long Yun's Axefang Dragon, Lie Yun's Blazing Roaring Tiger, Leng Yue's Mosquito-repellent Swimmer, Liu Yan's Strange Jaw Dragon, Ximen Yan's Qixi Bluebird, Fiery Arrow Eagle and Messenger Bird, Tong Xue's Ivory Pig.

They are all good elves, okay.

Looking at their elves, Dongfang Yang nodded.

Sure enough, it is faster to understand directly by looking at the elves' bodies. What's the use of the information provided by the coaching staff.

I guess this is Dongfang Yang's last stubbornness.

Soon it will be He Tian's turn.

After looking at He Tian and his three elves, Dongfang Yang touched his chin and said in a deep voice

"You have some problems, let's talk about it later, next"

"I am Wang Yao from Class 9, and they are my partners."

Wang Yao took over He Tian's position and briefly introduced himself.

Then, Dragonite, Steelix and Infernape appeared in front of everyone with great vigor and pride, but they soon became deflated because there were a group of big guys around, especially the Lizard King, whose sharp eyes scared people to death, not just the elves.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Then came Fang Zhifan and his Ryūn, Snorlax, and Forritos.

"Fang Zhifan from Class 6, they are my elves"

"Okay, next one."

Through the exploration panel of the remaining system, Dongfang Yang observed everyone's elves very quickly.

Wang Yang from Class 1 and his Giant Claw Crab, Giant Swampert, and Sun Coral; Ye Tian from Class 3 and his Blocking Bear, Rogue Crocodile, and Cool Leopard; Han Yue and her Beautiful Flower, Dancing Bird, and Hunting Swallowtail; Hong Wu and his Fast Boxer, Wrestling Eagle, and Strange Strength; Zhang Yi and his Kairos, Scyther, and Burning Blaze Centipede.

After looking at the team members' elves, Dongfang Yang stroked his chin and pondered for a while, and began to assign tasks one by one.

"Xiao Ling'er, the most important thing for you now is the level of your Pokémon.

Compared with others who have been trained since childhood, you are a little behind.

Although you have been strengthened several times by chance, there is still a gap.

Recently, you should focus on training Blaziken and Venusaur, two already formed combat forces.

The training of Dragon Messiah will be suspended for the time being, and Slowpoke can also prepare for its evolution.

The training of Absol and Lapras will be suspended for the time being.

Your main forces in this competition will be Blaziken and Venusaur, plus the evolved form of Slowpoke.

The other three can be rotated, and it should be fine.


"Mengyao, with your ability, you are fully capable of participating in the singles competition. However, since you want to participate in the grand competition, I have only one request: you must win, okay?"


Bai Mengyao nodded vigorously. This was her goal.

"Your focus now should be on Ninetails and Sea Lion. Although the Burning Bug is stronger, the Grand Tournament is not a direct battle after all. You have to train the appropriate tactics for a while, so you should wait until it evolves into the Vulcan Moth to arrange corresponding training."

"Long Yun, for now, my personal suggestion is to focus on Altandragon, Axetooth Dragon and Kabutops.

I won't say much about Altandragon's immediate combat power.

Axetooth Dragon has not evolved into Double Axe Dragon, so its combat power has not been greatly improved, and Kabutops is even worse.

Axetooth Dragon is better.

First tilt resources to Axetooth Dragon, and after it evolves, focus on Kabutops Dragon.

When it evolves into Tyrannosaurus, your team can be said to have reached a new level.


"Leng Yue..."

Dongfang Yang talked about them one by one, and gave everyone suggestions on the direction of training. As for how to train, just kidding, they are all people with family background, so they will not know these. If they have questions, Dongfang Yang does not mind answering.

Don't underestimate these top families. It can be said that before the championship level, Dongfang Yang is not much different from them, and his strength is limited.

The reason why these families sent Long Yun and others to contact him was for the secrets above the championship level.

But Ling'er and the others are different, and they need more detailed explanations.

Dongfang Ling needs no more explanation, his own sister must be spoiled.

Bai Mengyao and Ximen Yan are both business families. Although they have certain elf training programs, they are still far behind the top families. As for why Bai Mengyao is still not inferior to Long Yun and others.

Because Bai Mengyao's family has only one sister of the same age except her, and all the resources of the family are on the two of them.

But I heard that a younger brother was born in the past few years, but he is still young, There is no demand in this regard, and it may not be the case in a few years.

However, by then, I should have grown up, and I can be responsible for the resources I need like my sister, without asking for them from my family.

There should not be too many disciples of the same age as Long Yun and other top families, and it is impossible to distribute them evenly. They are all competing for the position.

It is because Long Yun and others have good talents, otherwise, they may not be able to compare with Bai Mengyao.

Although Tong Xue is from the Harbin Dojo, her family's strength is not as good as the Dongfang family, and the foundation is still a little worse.

Not to mention He Tian and others, either they are from a family of scholars like He Tian, or they are from a business background but the industry is not as big as Bai Mengyao's family, such as Wang Yao, or they are from a small or medium-sized family, such as Hongwu who came from ancient martial arts.

People like Han Yue and Zhang Yi are even more needless to say.

Some things cannot be explained clearly in a short time, so Dongfang Yang decided to talk to them alone in the evening.

Dongfang Yang took out the training plan prepared before and distributed it to the corresponding people.

"This month, your tasks are very simple. In the morning, you will do basic training and practice the basics. In the afternoon, you will be beaten. I will let my elves take turns to serve as your sparring partners. I hope you are well prepared. In the evening, I will arrange a civil war among you."

"The training content in the morning is not complicated. After finishing the physical training, it is the skill training. There is only one requirement for physical training, which is to complete the task within the specified time. The faster you complete it, the earlier you can rest. There is also only one requirement for skill training, which is that at lunch time, while completing the task, the energy in the elf's body must be used up."

"In the afternoon, you will be beaten by me. If you want to learn how to fight, you must first learn how to be beaten, not just playing house as you did before. My elves will not show mercy, so be prepared."

"At night, it's your turn to fight against each other. Take out all your resentment, frustration, anger, and dissatisfaction from the afternoon on the opponent I've arranged for you."

"By the way, I will add various restrictions to your matches. At the same time, the loser will have to do half of his physical training the next day. If he keeps losing, I will keep increasing it. If anyone loses for a week in a row, I will apply to the school to replace the player. You guys should be careful. If anyone cheats, don't blame me for being rude."

"During this time, I will train with you two teams and three teams. At the end of a month of training, the assessment will be to play against me. Be prepared."

"Now the training begins. Everyone in the coaching staff, thank you for your help."

Dongfang Yang was so annoyed after talking so much.��


But these are necessary, there is no way to avoid them.

MD, what the hell was wrong with me to agree to this? Wouldn't it be good for me to go out and hang out alone?

Why did I give in to this honorary principal?

It would have been fine if I had agreed, since being an honorary principal wouldn't be a big deal, but why did I think too hard and take on the responsibility of training the school team?

I am the one who got hurt?

(/_\)Big grudge

C, NND, he must have lost his mind at that time


Should I go to a hospital to see a doctor? Will he be considered a psychopath?

Dongfang Yang was thinking wildly while he came to an open space nearby and released the Pokémon he was going to train.

Beedrill, Pikachu, Meowth, Murkrow, Taneka and Dratini.

It must be said that although Dongfang Yang has not focused on Pokémon training recently, the Pokémon's strength has still increased to a certain extent. After all, except for the few days in the Arctic, he has not stopped daily basic training.

Pokémon: Taneka

Attribute: Fire

Level: 25

Experience Points:…/…

Qualification: Red

Characteristics: Fire

Intimacy: 150

Carrying Items: None

Skills: Omitted

Elf: Mini Dragon

Attribute: Dragon

Level: 25

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Red

Features: Magical Scales

Intimacy: 150

Carrying Items: None

Skills: Omitted

Pokémon: Pikachu

Attributes: Electric

Level: 45

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Red

Features: Lightning Rod

Intimacy: 225

Carrying Items: Lightning Beads

Skills: Omitted

Poison: Beedrill

Attributes: Poisonous Insect

Level: 50

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Purple

Features: Sniper (Adaptability)

Intimacy: 220

Carrying Items: Beedrill Mega Evolution Stone

Skills: Omitted

Elf: Murkrow

Attributes: Evil Flight

Level: 35

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Purple

Characteristics: Mischievous Heart

Intimacy: 100

Carrying Items: None

Skills: Omitted

Spirit: Meow Meow

Attributes: General

Level: 41

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Technical Expert

Intimacy: 175

Carried Items: Unchanging Stone

Skills: N/A

Looking at the status of several elves, Dongfang Yang touched his chin, pondered for a while, and then made a plan.

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