"Tan-san, you may have to wait a little longer, because the Armor of Curse is not in your hands yet."

Tan-san nodded while holding his wooden sword. He was not in a hurry to evolve, and he knew that his trainer wanted to give him the best, so he could wait.

Dongfang Yang looked at Tan-san with a little apology, then took out the perfect quality Dark Stone that Wu Yucai gave him, and looked at Murkrow.

"Are you ready?"

Flapping its wings, Murkrow nodded.


He stretched out his hand and let the Dark Crow touch the Dark Stone.

Instantly, the light of evolution illuminated the entire training ground.

Everyone present stopped what they were doing and stared at Dongfang Yang.

Dongfang Yang also kept praying in his heart.

10% chance, it must succeed, this is the only chance.

The light dissipated, and a giant bird with white feathers on the face and chest, red feathers on the inside of the wings, a large group of red fluff on the tail, and a big gentleman's hat on his head appeared in front of everyone.

Elf: Crow Head

Attribute: Evil Flying

Level: 36

Experience Points:…/…

Qualification: Red

Characteristics: Mischief

Intimacy: 100

Carrying items: None

Skills: Slightly

Taking a deep breath, Dongfang Yang smiled, touched the feathers of the crow leader, and said with a smile

""Yes, it seems we succeeded."

The crow raised its head and cried, flapping its wings and flying high.

Dongfang Yang smiled and let it fly over the training ground. When he noticed that everyone's attention was on the crow, he snorted coldly.

"What are you doing? Nothing to do? How about we double your training volume?"

Thinking of the terrifying training volume that Dongfang Yang had arranged for him, if it doubled again, he probably wouldn't survive.

Everyone shuddered and complained.

"No, I may not be able to finish this."

"Yes, don't add it anymore, never add it"

"Yes, yes, yes, please don't add any more"

Only Dongfang Ling, who was familiar with his brother, did not speak. Under the supervision and help of the instructor, he continued his training.

"Why don't you start quickly? What are you dithering for? Instructors, please write down the names of the people who just shouted. The training volume will be increased by one third. You will be responsible for supervision. If there are any problems, I will find you."

Dongfang Yang will not tolerate them and roared directly.

Hearing this, everyone's face turned bitter and they wanted to slap themselves. What are you looking at? Haven't you seen the evolution of elves? Really, so cheap.

Their responsible instructor was also feeling aggrieved.

Why are you guys adding to our workload? Really.

Only the instructor in charge of Dongfang Ling looked at Dongfang Ling, who was training seriously, with deep meaning and felt very fortunate.

As expected, she is the chief instructor's sister. She is familiar with the chief instructor's habits and can predict the chief instructor's actions. Fortunately, I grabbed this position in advance. It's comfortable, comfortable, hahaha.

After Dongfang Ling's training is finished later, when we rest, do you want to eat melon seeds and watch other people's miserable training? It's comfortable just thinking about it, hahaha


, what the instructor didn't know was that Dongfang Ling's situation was noticed by several instructors around him. They were also smart people and soon figured out everything.

That night, several instructors fought over who would be responsible for Dongfang Ling's training.

In the end, the person in charge today won the qualification for reimbursement of the coaching team's midnight snacks during this period.

Sure enough, things that can be solved with money are not a problem.

The instructor said with tears in his eyes.

After teaching the"lazy" people a lesson, Dongfang Yang turned his attention to the giant bee.

Touching his chin, Dongfang Yang pondered for a while and said softly

"Beedrill, you are just a little bit away from gym level. All you need is some accumulation and some stimulation. In the afternoon, you will be responsible for fighting against Long Yun's Lizard King. It will be good for both of you."

Hearing this, Beedrill turned his head to look at the Lizard King who was doing basic training.

Feeling the gaze, the Lizard King looked up at Beedrill.

Sensing the strength of the other party, the two looked at each other with fierce sparks, and the surging fighting spirit gradually rose.

Everyone felt something was wrong, but with the previous lessons, everyone concentrated on their own training. They could only secretly glance at the Lizard King and Beedrill, curious about what happened.

"Pikachu, Meowth, you don't have anything to say, just continue according to the previous plan. In the afternoon, you two will fight to consolidate your strength."

Meowth nodded. It knew that the trainer's last sentence was for itself. Pikachu has been at the elite level for a while and has long been familiar with this power. It has just come up and needs some time to adapt.

""Mini Dragon, don't be in a hurry to improve your strength. Just train your body during this period. As a dragon-type quasi-god, your strong body is your proud asset. We should lay a solid foundation at this stage, and we can increase our strength level slowly."

Mini Dragon climbed up Dongfang Yang's arm and touched Dongfang Yang's cheek affectionately. Mini Dragon said that he understood.

After explaining everything, Dongfang Yang started training with his elves.

To be honest, training is a boring and painful process, but Dongfang Yang especially enjoys this process.

Maybe it's because he is full of pride when he sees the elves getting stronger little by little under his training.

At noon, the morning training finally ended, and the reserve team and their elves were full of fatigue.

Long Yun and the others were okay. They had their own strength, and their previous training volume was not small. After this time, they were weak, but it was acceptable.

Han Yue and the others who were weaker could not hold on. Although Dongfang Yang gave them a lot of training Not as good as Long Yun and the others, but the Pokémons of several people still couldn't hold on, and one by one, they all fell to the ground exhausted.

Despite this, they still didn't complain.

Because Dongfang Yang trained with them, and the amount of training was even greater than that of Long Yun and the others, but Pikachu and the others still looked in good spirits.

Long Yun and the others could see that although the energy in the Pokémon's bodies was exhausted, they had long been accustomed to this state and there was nothing too strange about it.

Unlike their own Pokémons, when the energy in their bodies was exhausted, they looked constipated and uncomfortable.

After being relaxed by the massage team specially arranged by the school, the Pokémons began to wolf down the energy cubes made by the special breeding team.

Then, catch They took a quick rest, knowing that something even more terrifying would happen in the afternoon.

Although they were afraid, they still couldn't stop the elves from wanting to become stronger.

It is worth mentioning that the training team originally wanted to use the energy blocks they had prepared for Dongfang Ling, but Dongfang Ling refused. In her opinion, these energy blocks were not as good as the ones her brother prepared for her.

However, Dongfang Ling's refusal made the training team very dissatisfied, but they knew that Dongfang Ling was Dongfang Yang's sister, and Dongfang Yang was a well-known sister complex, so they couldn't get angry.

So, they wanted to see what was so good about the energy blocks that Dongfang Ling had prepared for the elves, and they didn't even want the ones they had carefully prepared.

When they saw the energy blocks made by Dongfang Yang, the whole team was shocked. Everyone was stunned.

Both the color and fragrance of the energy cube far surpassed the energy cubes prepared by himself and others. As for the energy and nutrients contained in it, it can only be known after detailed testing. I think it must be not low.

Seeing such a high-quality energy cube appear in front of him, the breeder could not sit still and hurriedly asked Dongfang Ling where the energy cube came from.

Dongfang Ling rolled her eyes in annoyance. Everyone who knew her knew that her energy cubes were made by her brother, and she still asked this.

Although she was a little displeased, Dongfang Ling still answered the other party's question.

After knowing the answer, the breeder was stunned. He looked at Dongfang Yang complicatedly, and then went to the side to call his teacher.

"Hello, what's up?"

"Teacher, I saw a perfect energy cube today."

"What? You have the goods? Send me some quickly. Those shameless people only give such a little research, and they can only produce idiots."


(-ι_- )

I feel like something is wrong. It seems that the teacher already knows about this energy block.

"No, the old man can't get this kind of energy cubes either. How did you get them? No, I remember you told me before that you were going to work at Shanghai University for a while. They asked you to help with the school team. Oh, yes, these energy cubes were made by that person. Is there a way to get them? Then get me some more, learn a little, and come back to tell me. I'll tell you, now…"

"Um, Master, if that person were to make the energy cubes, would Magic City University still hire a group of breeders like us?"


The trainer had no choice but to interrupt his teacher.

"…That is to say, you don't have any goods."

"Um, no, I saw it in the hands of a student. They brought it themselves."

"No, why did you send me a phone call? Have you been too busy with work recently? I just checked the Internet."


Looking at the hung up call, Pei Yujia was dumbfounded. He had been working hard for a month, but why did he feel out of touch with the world?

Moreover, if I remember correctly, I learned from my teacher that I don't like surfing the Internet. The teacher said that we shouldn't waste time. Only by constantly moving forward can we reach a new field.

Just when Pei Yujia was wondering, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Pei Yujia saw that it was his teacher calling.

Sure enough, the teacher still liked his well-dressed disciple.

"Hello, teacher"

"Just now you said that you saw it in the student’s hand. Is her name Dongfang Ling, Dongfang Yang’s sister?"

"Uh, yes"

"That's good. I'll give you a task. You must get some of these energy blocks. You don't know that a group of people are going crazy for these energy blocks.…"

"Um, teacher, it's not good for me to ask for students' things, I'll get beaten to death."

"MD, are you an idiot? Trade, trade with others, as long as the other party needs it and we have it, we can trade. Do you know that this is the energy block that is closest to the perfect level? If we can crack the secret inside, we will make a lot of money. There is nothing that cannot be traded, understand?"

"Got it."

The trainer was shocked. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious and the task to be so arduous.

He could foresee that if he didn't handle this matter, the teacher might not even recognize him as a student.

""Okay, I'll leave it to you. I'm relieved."

After saying that, the phone was hung up again.

Looking at the black screen of the phone for a long time, the educator who realized it late wanted to cry but had no tears.

Teacher, you can rest assured, but I am not.

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