Under the care of a professional team, the recovered Pokémon gathered at the training ground with their respective trainers.

As soon as they entered the door, they found Beedrill floating quietly in the air, obviously waiting for a long time.

Seeing this, Lizard King quickly understood what the other party meant, and after getting Long Yun's permission, he jumped in front of Beedrill.

The two Pokémon stared at each other for a while and started at the same time.

Lizard King's two"leaf blades" chopped down in turn, and Beedrill held up two needles to resist.

The two Pokémon fought back and forth for dozens of rounds, and the fight was fist-to-flesh, which made everyone excited.

"Okay, let them solve it themselves. They are your opponents."

Dongfang Yang came over with his Pokémon.

Gardevoir, Lucario, Fossil Wyvern, Crystal Lamp Spirit, Clay Golem, Flower Rock Monster, Cursed Doll, and Lost Coffin.

A row of Pokémon with strong auras stood there without any movement, still bringing heavy pressure to Long Yun and the others.

Their Pokémons were sweating and trembling all over.

"Arrange the tasks now."

Dongfang Yang didn't care whether they were scared or not, or whether their bodies were shaking or not, and directly ordered

"Tong Xue, Ximen Yan, you team up to fight against the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit. Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit, you should also be serious. If you cheat, I will deduct your rations."

When the Crystal Lamp Fire Spirit heard this, he hurriedly shook his head, saying that he would not be lazy. He looked at Tong Xue and Ximen Yan with an extremely serious look.

He must not be vague about his own rations.

"Zhang Yi, Wang Yang, Hong Wu, Ye Tian, both of your groups have fewer elves and are not very strong. You will take turns to fight against the clay giants."

"Long Yun, Leng Yue, you join forces to fight against Gardevoir"

"Cao Lin, Lie Yun, your opponent is Lucario"

"Liu Yan, He Tian, I'll leave these two to you, fossil pterosaurs"

"Wang Yao, Fang Zhifan, go find the Flower Rock Monster"

"Ling'er, your opponents are the Cursed Doll and the Lost Coffin. Try to hold on as long as possible."

"As for the two of you participating in the gorgeous competition, I will be responsible for training you before the school finds a suitable gorgeous competition coach. Your first practice is dodging. You are required to be able to dodge all the attacks of the Crow Leader in a gorgeous and beautiful way. You are not allowed to fight back."

"Chief Crow, your mission is to attack recklessly and be familiar with your own changes. The goal is to make the elves of these two people unable to dodge your attacks."

"Now everyone should be clear about their own situation, and prepare for training."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang handed the matters here to the members of the coaching team, and went to the training ground of the school team.

As for Pikachu and Meowth, the two Pokémons had already started to practice against each other before Long Yun and others arrived.

The two little brothers, Tan Xiaoshi and Mini Dragon, did not need Dongfang Yang to say anything, they came together very consciously, and then"bang bang bang" fought each other.

In fact, Dongfang Yang did not go to the school team to say anything, but just inspected the training situation normally.

When he saw that everyone was training step by step, Dongfang Yang nodded, turned around and left.

Come lightly, go lightly, wave your sleeves, and leave without a cloud.

Ahem, sorry, I came over.

No one knew that Dongfang Yang came to watch when everyone was training, including the coaching team.

Back to the reserve team, looking at the unsightly performance of several people, Dongfang Yang directly turned into a brainless spray... er, no, he directly turned into an angry lion and roared.

""Long Yun, you're out of your mind, aren't you? You used the Dragon Claw to deal with Gardevoir, and you didn't think twice when giving the order, right? You'd better donate some, otherwise it's quite serious. How about I help you contact the hospital?"

Hearing this, Long Yun smiled bitterly.

He was also mad just now. He couldn't catch Gardevoir, and Altanon was treated as a ball by it, and he slapped it with his super power. He forgot that the opponent was a fairy-type Pokémon immune to dragon-type skills. When he subconsciously said it, he reacted, but it was too late.

"Leng Yue, what are you laughing at? He said he didn't say anything about you, right? He asked you to fight against Gardevoir together, but you just stood there and watched? Or do you think you can deal with Gardevoir alone? Why don't you practice alone?"

Leng Yue's smile froze.

Practice alone with Gardevoir, what a joke. Now there is Dragon Cloud's Pokémon as a meat shield to resist damage. If you go alone, you will be confused.

No, absolutely not.

Leng Yue quickly ordered Emperor Nabo to attack Gardevoir, trying to rescue Aluminum Steel Dragon

"Cao Lin, Lie Yun, are you two useless? I chose Lucario specifically for you because you are fire-type and I want you to show the explosive side of fire. What are you doing? Are you two Pokémon huddling together for warmth? I think it’s not summer now, and this is not the north. It’s not that cold. Attack. The fierce attack of the fire type is king."

Hearing this, Cao Lin and Lie Yun looked at each other and understood it instantly.

It turned out that they were wrong. The longer they held on, the better. If they did, the flame would lose its power. The longer the flame burns, the lower its power will be due to the lack of raw materials.

Instead of letting the fire wither in the end, it is better to burn it to its heart’s content.

Cao Lin and Lie Yun, who woke up, joined forces to show Lucario the most explosive side of fire-type Pokémon.

If I fall, I will also fall on the way to attack.

"Bai Mengyao, Han Yue, what are you two doing? I told you to practice dodging, and you dodged like this? Who can't do this? You are participating in the Gorgeous Competition.

Do you understand the word"gorgeous"? Is it difficult to spin in a circle when jumping back? Don't you know how to dance? Incorporate dance moves into it.

Let me tell you, the Gorgeous Competition is different from the normal elf battle.

In the normal elf battle, as long as you can dodge the skills, don't say"dog eating shit", no matter how ugly the moves are, they are good moves.

In the Gorgeous Competition, you would rather take an attack than do this kind of move, which will be a serious deduction.

Do you understand? Let me tell you, the Gorgeous Competition is about being elegant, gorgeous, cute, and gorgeous.

Use these things to show the charm of the elves.

Dog eating shit? It's good that you are not eliminated.


Listening to Dongfang Yang's roar, Bai Mengyao and Han Yue smiled bitterly. They were superficial and thought that they had completed the task as long as they avoided the attacks. They didn't expect there were so many things. They had no choice but to follow Dongfang Yang's request and continue to avoid the attacks of the crow leader.

After that, everyone who was training on the field was patronized by Dongfang Yang's roar, and Dongfang Ling was no exception.

But in Dongfang Yang's words, his sister did not have any problems. After all, she was familiar with him. She could understand what he said immediately.

However, since everyone else was yelled at, you can't be an exception.

In this way, Dongfang Ling was also taken care of by Dongfang Yang.

"Dongfang Ling, um, good, keep it up, it's okay, I just called you twice, for fun."

Dongfang Ling had long been accustomed to her brother's sudden nervousness.

After giving him a good-looking roll of the eyes, Dongfang Ling continued to complete her training task.

It must be said that the actual combat training effect is the best. In just one afternoon, there have been obvious changes.

The elves are more resistant to beatings, so that even if they are beaten, they can stand for a while longer.

It can be said that these elves were full of anger in the afternoon.

Nonsense, being beaten for an afternoon would make anyone angry, let alone elves, who have fighting engraved in their genes.

In the evening, under the arrangement of Dongfang Yang, the members of the team started to fight each other frantically, all wanting to beat out the opponent's rice field.

The school team was similar The situation is at most a little better than that of the reserve team.

Although they were also beaten in the afternoon, they could still fight back.

Their elves didn’t feel so aggrieved.

But at night, when the members started fighting each other, they were even more ruthless than the reserve team.

Especially Ying Yudie and Xue Xingxuan launched a six-on-six full-scale battle.

It almost broke the hearts of several people watching the battle.

Xue Xingxuan directly used three king-level elves, which was fine, after all, everyone knew that he had become a king-level trainer.

But they never expected that Ying Yudie would not be outdone, with two king-level elves, a Dragonite with a Mega Evolution Stone, and a phantom elf, Zeraora.

Li Yuan, who was watching, was stunned.

MD, I have only this much strength after many years of graduation, and you have it now?

Hit!!_| ̄|○

K, I really came to this world just to make up the numbers

(╬ ̄

Never mind. I am old now. I will leave it as it is.

ε=(´ο`*)))Although the instructors were a little discouraged about their own talents, they soon laughed when they saw the strength of Ying Yudie and Xue Xingxuan.

No matter how the freshman competition went, the college league was definitely a sure thing. Why would we compete with other schools? Are we so stubborn?

This is a solid bonus. In that case, we will be one step closer to buying a house (buying a car, getting married, etc.).

Come on, Oli Gei

(ง •̀_•́)งCome on!

Our happy life is in your hands.

Since everyone was holding their breath in the fight, the elves were all seriously injured.

Fortunately, Magic City University had anticipated this situation and invited the most comprehensive medical team from the Elf Center to be responsible for this matter.

Although the logistical conditions this time are far better than before, Magic City University did not spend much. Many people were provided by the school team members and reserve families.

After all, they also attach great importance to the league rewards this time.

When everyone dragged their tired bodies back to the dormitory, He Tian and others received a text message from Dongfang Yang, asking them to come to the office.

At the door of Dongfang Yang's office, the people who were called met.

They were surprised to find that none of Long Yun and others came. They were all from small families or civilians like them.

Several people knocked on the door of Dongfang Yang's office with trepidation.

"Come in."

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