When Gardevoir's gorgeous performance was posted online, it caused an uproar

"WC, wife, who is it, who secretly took the video of my wife, please send me the address"

"The guy above is shameless. She's obviously my wife. Why are you yelling?"

"What did you say? Do you want a one-on-one fight?"

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

"(งʘ͡ ʖ͜ ʘ͡ )ง Who is afraid of whom"

"ゝ(•ωゝ(•ωゝ(•ω•)〆ω•)〆ω•)〆Five people come forward!"



"Isn't it a one-on-one fight?"

"Yeah, you're fighting five of us alone, is there anything wrong with that?"

"(●°u°●) My heart is broken at this moment"

"(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Um, when you two are arguing, can you please check who the uploader is first?"

"Who cares about me?"

"That's it."

"The person who posted the video is Xiao Ling'er. As old fans, we all know that Xiao Ling'er doesn't have a Gardevoir, but her brother does. This one should be her brother's."

"╮(╯_╰)╭ so ?"

"Her brother is not a celebrity, he is just a champion trainer."




・_・)┘I just run fast."

"(*゜Д゜)σConvex ← self-destruct button"

"The person is dead, burn paper if you have something to worry about"


"Okay, forget about these two clowns. Anyway, if this gorgeous performance happened in China, it would be a massacre, right?"

"Not only in China, but also in foreign countries, there are few who can compare with them. They kill people indiscriminately. How many people in China are not gathering to show off their love?"

"That is, they don't want to participate. In this performance, the first round was simple, but in the second round, haha, it's not a technical KO, I'm standing upside down and eating shit."

"The above ones have no sincerity at all, champion trainer, I am kidding you, there are still many champion trainers among those gorgeous masters abroad, but the most powerful coordination trainer in China is only a king-level trainer, it's really hell, they have brought shame to Dragon Country"

"The one above, don't say that, there are still a few good ones"

"Oh, tell me who it is"


"You are a water army, right? You can't wash it off. Don't wash it off. You can't wash it clean."

"It's okay, I know, but it's only 50 cents a piece, some people make money"

"Oh, how about we all make money together?"

"OK, welcome"

"No, please don't go off topic. Besides, things have changed now. The most powerful coordination trainer in our Dragon Country is now Xiao Ling'er's brother."

"<( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ smokes"




"Brother, you found the highlight."

Suddenly, many people climbed over the firewall and ran to the Internet to copy the video. The title was exactly"The Gorgeous Performance Video of the Strongest Coordinator Trainer of Dragon Country".

For a while, it became a big hit abroad, especially because this coordination trainer was the champion trainer of Dragon Country.

MD, perfect performance, and strength too. Is our Dragon Country finally going to stand up in the gorgeous competition?

So excited, I put my hands on my hips and go show off to the foreigners.

After confirming the authenticity of the video, those gorgeous masters abroad posted on the Internet, hoping to exchange and learn with Dongfang Yang.

After hearing these applications, Long Ze, who returned to the imperial capital, refused on the grounds that"the champion trainer has important things to do."

I'm protecting you. A little champion-level trainer is exchanging and learning with Dongfang Yang, a master-level trainer. I'm afraid you will be beaten into autism.

Long Ze didn't know that according to the existing level classification, Dongfang Yang should be regarded as a legendary trainer, or a god-level trainer. To be specific I don’t know. Currently, only Dongfang Yang has reached this level.

The video is not only popular abroad, but also caused a stir in China.

First, there was a lot of ridicule under those well-known coordination trainers, especially the coordination trainer who was previously known as the strongest in the country and was attacked the most. He said he worked hard every year, but in the end, he is still a king-level trainer, and there are only four elves who have reached the king level. NND, what have you worked hard for all these years? Did you have children?

These people are also quite bitter. Didn’t the country originally not pay attention to this gorgeous competition? Why did it suddenly pay attention to it? With this, how can they lie down and sell dog meat under the guise of sheep meat?

The Dragon Country Alliance said that there is no way, they are bullied every day. Output, you will also be annoyed, you will also want to slap back.

Those birdmen, when they can't beat them head-on, just do some nonsense, which is extremely shameless.

In addition to these coordination trainers, many traffic stars with poor acting skills were pulled out to be whipped.

Words like"An elf can act better than you, and you still have the nerve to call yourself an actor" are everywhere.

Please, let us go, we have picked up the books and retrained, give us some time.

That's right, they were pulled back and retrained.

When they heard that Dongfang Ling and others might enter the entertainment industry, the capitalists couldn't sit still.

There are only two ways, either keep up with the other party's footsteps, or ban them.


Haha, None of those girls are easy to mess with. Two of them are capitalists, and two of them can be said to be direct descendants of the official. They don’t even need to take exams to join the alliance.

These four people have power and money, and there is a tough guy who has infiltrated the alliance headquarters alone standing behind them.

After thinking about it, the capitalists decided to follow their footsteps first. These people will not stay in the entertainment industry forever. After they leave, they will have the final say.

As for these ups and downs, Dongfang Yang knew nothing about it. He was leading a group of people who had completed the first stage of training to start the next stage of training in the secret realm.

When Dongfang Yang led the team to the entrance of the secret realm, there were already quite a few people waiting.

���Looking around, there were many people he knew.

Ma Yunfei, Ma Yilan, Zhuge Hongwen and Huang Yuqin who came to him for help were all there.

Fan Yong, Zhao Lei and their girlfriends, who had a good relationship with him, were also there. It was probably that their families had used other connections to get the places.

The only thing Dongfang Yang didn't find was that the two little girls, Ye Xing and Zhou Mengyu, were also there, and waved and greeted him. Dongfang

Yang nodded in response. It was probably because their families had given them means to save their lives, so he didn't care too much.

In addition, Ouyang Xue and Chen Kai were also there.

The families behind the two of them were not small in the Magic City, so it was reasonable for them to show up. It was unexpected at most.

There were also some others that Dongfang Yang was familiar with, but he didn't know their specific names.

Now the secret realm has not been opened yet, and Dongfang Yang is giving a speech to the members of the school team and the reserve team.

"Next, you are going to enter the SS-level secret realm 'Garden of Material Beauty', which is a comprehensive secret realm with various resources.

You should be very familiar with it.

After you enter, you are not allowed to form a team and fight on your own, unless you encounter a beast tide or something like that.

There will be a special instructor watching you.

If the instructor takes action, your journey to the secret realm will end.

The instructor will take you out.

Do you understand? Liu Zifeng, if you have any questions, ask Lv Ziqing now.

After entering, you will also act alone.


Qin Xun and others nodded without saying anything more.

Liu Zifeng also began to ask Lv Ziqing some precautions.

"Listen to me, you are lucky. After discussing with Instructor Li Yuan, we decided that you don't have to be as free as in previous years. As a result, you can't stay in the secret realm for half a month."When

Dongfang Yang said this, the faces of several people in the school team suddenly became strange. That's right, when they were in the reserve, they didn't stay in the secret realm for a full month. Even now, Wang Yan and others dare not guarantee that they can stay in the secret realm for a full month.

"You will run around the map together. Yes, you heard it right. Run around the map."

The reservists were all stunned. What does that mean? Run around the map like in the game?

"After research by Instructor Li Yuan and I, we have arranged a route based on the map and the resources and treasures that you may need based on your attributes.

There are four points, and we will stay at each point for five days.

There are resources that some of you may need around these points, but whether you can get them or not depends on fate.

During these five days, the first three mornings will be training, and the afternoons will be free, and the last two days will be free to arrange the whole day.

After that, we will spend two days traveling to reach the next point.

The four points we have selected almost contain all the resources that all of you can use.

If you can't get them, there is nothing we can do.


""Chief Instructor, can I ask how long the entire route is?"

Wang Yao raised her hand and asked.

"Um, didn't you ask it already?"

After complaining, Dongfang Yang answered the other party's question.

"It’s not long. If you calculate the distance, it’s just across half of the secret realm."

Hearing this, the faces of several girls changed drastically.

The boys’ faces���Not very good either.

Han Yue raised his hand and asked tremblingly

"Chief Instructor, if I remember correctly, the SS-level secret realm is about half the size of Dragon Country."

"Don't worry, ours is not that big."

Dongfang Yang waved his hand and said.

When the reserve team heard this, their expressions eased a little.

The school team members who knew the details looked at them strangely.

What are you relaxing about?

"It's about 80% of the size, definitely less than 90%"


The reservist was stunned.

"Is there any difference?"

"Yes, one is a goal that you can still achieve if you try hard, and the other is a result that you can never achieve even if you run until you die. Just to put it simply, you have to run with your elves, or your elves will lead you, provided that your elves are willing."

Hearing this, the reserve soldiers were horrified.

"What's the meaning?"

""Okay, stop guessing. Based on my understanding of my brother, our elves will definitely carry weights when running, and the maximum weight is calculated based on the situation of each elf. I hope that the elves will have the strength to carry us. In addition, my brother will probably let our elves run together to prevent us from rotating elves and playing tricks."

Dongfang Ling whispered, squinting at his brother.

Seeing Dongfang Yang touch his nose unconsciously, Dongfang Ling knew that he had guessed right.

"Just now I was only 70% to 80% sure, but now I am 100% sure that my brother will definitely do this."


Dongfang Yang was stunned. Is my idea so easy to guess?

Others were also confused, especially the coaching staff, who knew the content of the training.

Now they seriously suspected that Dongfang Yang had leaked the questions.

Feeling the questioning eyes of the coaching staff, Dongfang Yang could only spread his hands helplessly.


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